Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Steroids suck

Been sick and in bed most of today.  Feeling better now so I'm going to read some morphology papers, but I'm overwhelmingly thankful there's just two more days of this crap.  I don't know how athletes do it, unless the steroids they take are completely different.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hand's on

A few days ago I was in my garden, taking a breather from Phillips, Ford, and Griffin when something bit my right forefinger.  It looked like a normal mosquito bite, but it started spreading all over my finger, and my hand started getting red, so I called my mom, took a zyrtec, and went to lie down.  I woke up an hour later, and my hand looked like that (above) and I finally decided to go to the doctor.  Made an appointment with the CentraCare app (so useful), and got looked at.  The doc was convinced I broke it, but x-rays proved me right and I was loaded up with some prescriptions and told to begin taking them ASAP.

Turns out, steroids really suck.  They taste awful, they make you (me?) tired, and having to take them with antibiotics and zyrtec for 6 days is no joke.  Can't wait til I'm done, just 3 days left.  It also means I can't drink, and although I never really feel tempted during the week, not getting a glass of wine with Friday/Saturday dinner, and not having a beer while Dad is grilling, can be constituted as torture per the Geneva convention.  As if my forced sobriety due to the concussion this January wasn't bad enough for one year!

Anyway, as nasty as the steroids are, they're working and my hand looks almost normal.  My chest feels all pressed in though, so I thought I might be starting bronchitis (again, ugh), but you'd think the antibiotics I'm taking would fight it, wouldn't you?  I'm not sure.  My chest isn't any too happy, and I don't think it's allergies because I'm also taking zyrtec.  I hope whatever it is goes away.  If I get bronchitis or pneumonia yet again then my thesis will be even farther behind and it'll make my life even more miserable.  I told the doc at the clinic my chest was feeling tight and she listened to my breathing, but didn't say anything, so I guess they're clear for now anyway.

Today is Sunday, so I'm spending the day working on my Coursera art class.  Tomorrow I have errands to run, so there won't be much time for art on top of thesis work.  Still, what else are Sundays for?