Where has the summer gone? How are we now in the dog days?! I'm sick yet AGAIN (seriously, if I were in a Victorian novel I'd be lying on a couch, feebly listening to a chatterbox nurse and attempting to ply a needle in some delicate embroidery), but the doctor says if I take the antibiotics she gave me and some mucinex and cough drops, then my ear infection will clear up, and the upper respiratory infection should go away instead of developing into bronchitis. Let's face it, I bronchitis three times in 2 1/2 years in California, and I've been in and out of doctors' offices and hospitals my whole life...infections aren't something I can monkey around with. Blah. Healthy people are so lucky!
I think I'm also going to start taking Allegra again daily, just to see if allergies why I've been so exhausted all the time. Last night I fell asleep at 9 pm (while reading), woke up at 10, got into my pjs and went to bed properly, and then I couldn't sleep until 4 am. Woke up at a quarter to 8, slept again until 10 am, and then felt so rotten I just stayed in bed with a book until noon when I dragged myself into the dining room for some food.
I've been planning out the move to Texas, and happily the drive will only take two days (it's 15 1/2 hours, so I could even do it in one day if something happened that I needed to rush about it), so my sister will drive out with me and fly back after I'm settled in. I guess we should book her flight, three weeks isn't any too long to make plans, hopefully we can get a good deal.
Tomorrow (illness and weather permitting) I'm going to Wal Mart to get a day planner (sorry mistreated workers, but I'm broke and their stuff is cheapest), and then I'll call the College Station cable/internet and electricity people to arrange for my apartment to get set up. Thank goodness I have a smartphone now so being without internet won't be so awful and LIMITING the way it was when I moved to Cali! Once that's done, it's back to the thesis. I keep praying one day I'll wake up and suddenly understand EXACTLY what I need to do, so that I can do it. That'd be so great.
I should also sort out the stuff I want to take with me - never want to endure another road trip where my car is cram-jammed so high you can barely see out the windows!! I'm leaving my easel, my paints, and my jewelry-making supplies behind which should make a huge difference. My place is pretty much going to be monastic - Mom and Dad are getting me a bed, and I've decided to get a bunch of those IKEA end tables to use as a desk and table (yay sitting on the floor), but that's going to be it, other than a bookshelf or two, until I can afford to get stuff on my own. I'm also going to leave behind all my nice wineglasses and martini glasses I got as presents, and I'll just buy a 6 pack of those IKEA glasses when I get there. That should do me just fine. Problem is, I'll have to bring quite a few textbooks with me...but Lidia is great at packing and without the paints, easels, canvasses, my guitar, boxes of jewelry supplies, etc, etc there should be a lot more room.
I'm going to miss painting :(
Enough for now, I need to get some reading done. Oh the joys of graduate school!