So my big laptop seems to be dead. There's some fatal error on the hard drive - it just keeps starting over and over and has an error message about booting. I've given up. I should get paid tomorrow, and if I do, I'll go online and order a new laptop. I planned on getting a new one for myself at Christmas, but I really can't do all my work on my mini netbook for the next two months so I'll just have to suck it up and spend the money now.
The bit that really upsets me is that I lost some of my schoolwork and all of my Halloween pictures from this weekend. And I was so proud of my makeup/costume :(
I didn't get a lot done today, which is really annoying, but I do have a detailed list of everything I have to do in the next two weeks, so at least I can feel adequately informed about what I DO have to do. The biggest reason I didn't get a lot done today is that I had to rush home from class and wait for the gas company guy to show up (which he did halfway through the allotted window) and after he got here and fiddled around with my heater for ten minutes he informed me that parts were missing and my maintenance man would have to fix it before it could be used. After he left I tried to turn on my computer to email my landlord and that was when I discovered the error.
I turned on my mini netbook and sent off my emails, but I was pretty upset and then when I tried to finish reading a required article for tomorrow I found that there was some sort of error - I guess something is wrong with adobe on this computer? - so I sent off another email to my professor explaining my computer problems, and tried to settle down to reading a different article, but my concentration was shot.
I've tried to have the tv off, the tv on, music off, music on, chewing gum, nibbling on crackers, sipping water, sitting at my desk, sitting in my armchair with my feet propped up...concentration was just not happening today.
I think I'll just go to bed now, get up early tomorrow and try and get some extra work done then. On Monday I woke up at 8 am and couldn't go back to sleep (I only leave for class around 10:20 am) so I scrubbed my stove almost clean. It still needs some scrubbing and I need to lift the top bit and clean under the gas pipes, but I can do that this weekend when I've knocked most of my work out of the way.
Rest in peace, big laptop.
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