Okay. If people drop GEOG585 I'll be able to get in. If that happens, I can take six credits of thesis writing (will have to do six credits anyway, it's a requirement) and another GEOG 500-level next semester and will be able to graduate in good standing if my grades and thesis are up to par. Which they damn well ought be.
If people don't drop GEOG585 (Why is it only one section? Why only 24 seats?) then Judy will try to get me into a GEOG 500-level...and if THAT doesn't happen...well I guess it's Intro to Ethnographic Filmmaking for me.
But I'm going to work it out. This is my future we're talking about here.
My adventures as an archaeology student - currently attending Texas A&M University!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Last Saturday Night
So it is the last Saturday night before the semester starts and now I'm sitting here thinking "Oh. Em. Gee."
Yesterday was the first-year orientation with a potluck afterwards. I got there at 5:30, exactly when the orientation was supposed to end and the potluck to begin so I could talk about the AGSA.
Dr. Loewe was still talking when I got there, so I sat quietly in a chair to the side and listened. He was talking about the courses acceptable for your degree and it got me to thinking about how many 500-600 levels I'm going to need to take. I looked up my unofficial transcript today and it looked like this:
ANTH 487 (3 credits) - A
ANTH 501 (3 credits) - A
GEOL 443 (4 credits) - B
ANTH 451 (4 credits) - B
ANTH 510 (3 credits) - A
ANTH 561 (3 credits) - A
GEOG 400 (4 credits) - A
Shock #1: ANTH451. When I took it, I was under the impression it was a 451/551 which means you get the appropriate course number depending on your student status and how much work you do. I did all of the graduate level assignments (the undergrads had fewer assignments) so naturally it was unpleasant to see that it was being counted as an undergraduate course.
You need 21 credits of 500+ level work, so if 451 doesn't get changed to 551, my grad credits go from 13 to 9, which is NOT cool. I've emailed three professors about it, so hopefully this all gets sorted out.
Shock #2: the realization that I might only be granted 9 grad credits. When I registered for classes this summer I didn't even think about the requisite levels (stupid, I know) so I had a 300 level (because Dr. Lipo wants me to take it) and two 400 levels (because I thought they were the best for me).
The 400's I registered for are GEOG classes. So what I think I have to do is drop them and take two 500 GEOG classes...but I really wanted to take the one 400 classes. I think I'm going to email Dr. Rodrigue and ask her if she thinks I could handle the two 500 classes and that 400 class too. The last thing in the world that I want is to take 4 classes again, especially with my job and my promotion to Presidency of the AGSA, but this is my degree and my career and my future here...if I have to do this, I'll figure it out.
I have spent today eating (I'm already 1,000 calories over my limit today...but I also don't care. The semester starts soon and I'll have a lot less time sitting at home thinking about my kitchen.) and watching tv. I watched the original Die Hard movie (which I love), the Vikings game (which was alternately thrilling and dreadful) and a little of the Lions game (which was kinda funny), and now I'm watching Food Network. Three Chopped episodes in a row, and now it's Iron Chef - Battle Figs. I'm just looking at the heaping silver salvers of figs of all kinds and drooling openly.
I have also been reading (for my thesis proposal), working on Rebecca (admittedly not that much), and struggling with a damnably hard puzzle. All the pieces take one of two forms (which makes it harder, almost) and it's a picture of jellybeans. Just a field of jellybeans - all different colors, but nothing else. No edges, no coins, no Where's Waldo, just jellybeans. I got the edge done last night, and I'm slowly filling in the middle. VERY slowly.
Oh well, I should probably email Dr. Rodrigue before I forget yet again, and then I'll get back to Rebecca...or my puzzle...
Yesterday was the first-year orientation with a potluck afterwards. I got there at 5:30, exactly when the orientation was supposed to end and the potluck to begin so I could talk about the AGSA.
Dr. Loewe was still talking when I got there, so I sat quietly in a chair to the side and listened. He was talking about the courses acceptable for your degree and it got me to thinking about how many 500-600 levels I'm going to need to take. I looked up my unofficial transcript today and it looked like this:
ANTH 487 (3 credits) - A
ANTH 501 (3 credits) - A
GEOL 443 (4 credits) - B
ANTH 451 (4 credits) - B
ANTH 510 (3 credits) - A
ANTH 561 (3 credits) - A
GEOG 400 (4 credits) - A
Shock #1: ANTH451. When I took it, I was under the impression it was a 451/551 which means you get the appropriate course number depending on your student status and how much work you do. I did all of the graduate level assignments (the undergrads had fewer assignments) so naturally it was unpleasant to see that it was being counted as an undergraduate course.
You need 21 credits of 500+ level work, so if 451 doesn't get changed to 551, my grad credits go from 13 to 9, which is NOT cool. I've emailed three professors about it, so hopefully this all gets sorted out.
Shock #2: the realization that I might only be granted 9 grad credits. When I registered for classes this summer I didn't even think about the requisite levels (stupid, I know) so I had a 300 level (because Dr. Lipo wants me to take it) and two 400 levels (because I thought they were the best for me).
The 400's I registered for are GEOG classes. So what I think I have to do is drop them and take two 500 GEOG classes...but I really wanted to take the one 400 classes. I think I'm going to email Dr. Rodrigue and ask her if she thinks I could handle the two 500 classes and that 400 class too. The last thing in the world that I want is to take 4 classes again, especially with my job and my promotion to Presidency of the AGSA, but this is my degree and my career and my future here...if I have to do this, I'll figure it out.
I have spent today eating (I'm already 1,000 calories over my limit today...but I also don't care. The semester starts soon and I'll have a lot less time sitting at home thinking about my kitchen.) and watching tv. I watched the original Die Hard movie (which I love), the Vikings game (which was alternately thrilling and dreadful) and a little of the Lions game (which was kinda funny), and now I'm watching Food Network. Three Chopped episodes in a row, and now it's Iron Chef - Battle Figs. I'm just looking at the heaping silver salvers of figs of all kinds and drooling openly.
I have also been reading (for my thesis proposal), working on Rebecca (admittedly not that much), and struggling with a damnably hard puzzle. All the pieces take one of two forms (which makes it harder, almost) and it's a picture of jellybeans. Just a field of jellybeans - all different colors, but nothing else. No edges, no coins, no Where's Waldo, just jellybeans. I got the edge done last night, and I'm slowly filling in the middle. VERY slowly.
Oh well, I should probably email Dr. Rodrigue before I forget yet again, and then I'll get back to Rebecca...or my puzzle...
Monday, August 22, 2011
August, I barely knew ye
Seriously, where on earth has August gone?!
Right at this moment I should be writing a to-do list, taking out the trash, doing my accounts and cleaning my kitchen, but I noticed I hadn't updated here in weeks and decided that my blog was more important...haha
Yesterday was grocery shopping, and I was extremely pleased that I kept both my Sam's Club and Ralph's totals under $20! Ralph's was especially fun for almost every single item I purchased was on sale, not the least of which was a whole fryer chicken for $2.06! You can usually only get prices like that at Costco.
I was too tired to cook last night (I had a mango and some egg rolls for dinner instead) so I will roast the chicken today. I was tempted to buy tortillas, cheese, sour cream, and lettuce so I could make burritos out of the leftover chicken, but then I thought about how many calories over my limit I've consumed in the past couple weeks and sensibly decided not to. Why is a single tortilla 200 calories?! WHY??
Even if I haven't progressed much on my thesis proposal (grr) in the last couple weeks, I have been reading a great deal and just finished re-reading Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I forgot how much I hate the soppish, unsatisfying ending. I keep meaning to read Around the World in 80 Days, but every time I read 20,000 Leagues I hate the ending so much I can't bring myself to start reading Around the World.
I've come to something of a standstill on Rebecca; the first book is almost complete except for two or three chapters are a little short and one is only half-written. I did write some very important scenes for the third book, and I'm very happy with how they look right now. I'm leaving the third book severely alone for awhile, and am currently focusing on the second book, although I really should just finish the first one and find an agent. Actually, I really just need to find an agent.
On the bad news front my leg has been hurting a lot lately and I've taken to wearing my knee brace for sitting around and doing nothing. I haven't put it on yet today, but I think I might for when I actually start taking the garbage out. I also want to walk to campus and look up some more papers (Dr. Lipo wants a complete reading list ASAP, and while I'm sure I can add to my list for my actual thesis, I would like to present a well-researched thesis proposal) on the campus internet since remotely logging on to the campus library doesn't grant me access to all the publications I can get on the campus wifi.
I also need to find the gym and figure out how to register because their old office is gone and I don't know if the registration I did last year still counts for this year. Not that I'm sure my knee can hold up, but it's something to have on the back burner for when my leg feels better.
A few weeks ago Ralphs once again had t-bones on sale and I got two for ten dollars (part of me thinks I should've shelled out another $10 and gotten four) and tweaked my pan-fried recipe a little bit. This was the result:

Doesn't it look delicious?! Oh well, it's nearly 1:30 and I really don't want to spend all evening on campus when all those crazy things are happening in Libya and will be reported live by DW-TV and BBC World News so I really have to get going.
Right at this moment I should be writing a to-do list, taking out the trash, doing my accounts and cleaning my kitchen, but I noticed I hadn't updated here in weeks and decided that my blog was more important...haha
Yesterday was grocery shopping, and I was extremely pleased that I kept both my Sam's Club and Ralph's totals under $20! Ralph's was especially fun for almost every single item I purchased was on sale, not the least of which was a whole fryer chicken for $2.06! You can usually only get prices like that at Costco.
I was too tired to cook last night (I had a mango and some egg rolls for dinner instead) so I will roast the chicken today. I was tempted to buy tortillas, cheese, sour cream, and lettuce so I could make burritos out of the leftover chicken, but then I thought about how many calories over my limit I've consumed in the past couple weeks and sensibly decided not to. Why is a single tortilla 200 calories?! WHY??
Even if I haven't progressed much on my thesis proposal (grr) in the last couple weeks, I have been reading a great deal and just finished re-reading Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I forgot how much I hate the soppish, unsatisfying ending. I keep meaning to read Around the World in 80 Days, but every time I read 20,000 Leagues I hate the ending so much I can't bring myself to start reading Around the World.
I've come to something of a standstill on Rebecca; the first book is almost complete except for two or three chapters are a little short and one is only half-written. I did write some very important scenes for the third book, and I'm very happy with how they look right now. I'm leaving the third book severely alone for awhile, and am currently focusing on the second book, although I really should just finish the first one and find an agent. Actually, I really just need to find an agent.
On the bad news front my leg has been hurting a lot lately and I've taken to wearing my knee brace for sitting around and doing nothing. I haven't put it on yet today, but I think I might for when I actually start taking the garbage out. I also want to walk to campus and look up some more papers (Dr. Lipo wants a complete reading list ASAP, and while I'm sure I can add to my list for my actual thesis, I would like to present a well-researched thesis proposal) on the campus internet since remotely logging on to the campus library doesn't grant me access to all the publications I can get on the campus wifi.
I also need to find the gym and figure out how to register because their old office is gone and I don't know if the registration I did last year still counts for this year. Not that I'm sure my knee can hold up, but it's something to have on the back burner for when my leg feels better.
A few weeks ago Ralphs once again had t-bones on sale and I got two for ten dollars (part of me thinks I should've shelled out another $10 and gotten four) and tweaked my pan-fried recipe a little bit. This was the result:
Doesn't it look delicious?! Oh well, it's nearly 1:30 and I really don't want to spend all evening on campus when all those crazy things are happening in Libya and will be reported live by DW-TV and BBC World News so I really have to get going.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Nightmares again
More nightmares last night. This one involved forged gold coins, a seaside dramatic society that was a front for a mobster money-laundering operation, and an artist who seemed to be all up in everyone's business.
Luke is right. I should totally turn my nightmares into movie scripts.
Luke is right. I should totally turn my nightmares into movie scripts.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Went to Big Lots today looking for cheap school supplies - I didn't find anything worthwhile in that department but I did find large noise-cancelling headphones for $10. I figured they'd be a worthwhile buy.
When I got home I realized not only are they headphones for mp3 players but they are ALSO wireless headphones that pick up radio and can plug into my computer while I walk around the apartment.
So I tried them out and I can go anywhere in my apartment and STILL hear what my computer is saying! I could be in bed and watching tv across the room! So that was a very fun $10 purchase.
Oh well, back to the to-do list!
When I got home I realized not only are they headphones for mp3 players but they are ALSO wireless headphones that pick up radio and can plug into my computer while I walk around the apartment.
So I tried them out and I can go anywhere in my apartment and STILL hear what my computer is saying! I could be in bed and watching tv across the room! So that was a very fun $10 purchase.
Oh well, back to the to-do list!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Californians Can't Drive
I went out to Staples today to get some school supplies (their planners cost $16 each!! I'm going to look for one at Target) and when I got home I found some crazy Infiniti parked so badly I was afraid I wouldn't even be able to get into my spot.

Mine is the blue car, which I, by the grace of god and my father's intensive driving lessons, managed to park. Although I had two inches on the driver side of my car so I had to get out of my passenger side.
I left a note on their car saying if they parked like that again I'd call the cops, and warned them I'd written down their license plate number and taken photographs as evidence. Hopefully that'll prevent any retaliation if they're the road rage type.
At least I don't live in New Jersey!
Mine is the blue car, which I, by the grace of god and my father's intensive driving lessons, managed to park. Although I had two inches on the driver side of my car so I had to get out of my passenger side.
I left a note on their car saying if they parked like that again I'd call the cops, and warned them I'd written down their license plate number and taken photographs as evidence. Hopefully that'll prevent any retaliation if they're the road rage type.
At least I don't live in New Jersey!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
What day is it again?
I have been pretty out of it lately. I've been writing and deleting (mostly deleting) and am realizing at some point I have to write something down and leave it instead of deleting it but I'm not willing to be downgraded from "crapola" to something even worse. I'm not even trying to work today. That will happen tomorrow after I've done my shopping and errands and things. Maybe Mike Holmes will inspire me to Make It Right...haha
I even forgot that Benfica was playing Arsenal until I saw it on Twitter so I only managed to catch the last twenty minutes of the game. Still, we won! And I love that Benfica was trending on twitter when it happened - as you can tell from my last post. Just look under trends on the right hand side of the screenshot and you'll see it.
I finally caved and got speakers for my laptop, but they had good reviews and they certainly seem good so far. I love watching netflix on my netbook and actually getting to hear it because the speakers on my netbook are underneath the computer and really hard to hear.
My head hurts a little again...time to relax for a bit!
I even forgot that Benfica was playing Arsenal until I saw it on Twitter so I only managed to catch the last twenty minutes of the game. Still, we won! And I love that Benfica was trending on twitter when it happened - as you can tell from my last post. Just look under trends on the right hand side of the screenshot and you'll see it.
I finally caved and got speakers for my laptop, but they had good reviews and they certainly seem good so far. I love watching netflix on my netbook and actually getting to hear it because the speakers on my netbook are underneath the computer and really hard to hear.
My head hurts a little again...time to relax for a bit!
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