I have been pretty out of it lately. I've been writing and deleting (mostly deleting) and am realizing at some point I have to write something down and leave it instead of deleting it but I'm not willing to be downgraded from "crapola" to something even worse. I'm not even trying to work today. That will happen tomorrow after I've done my shopping and errands and things. Maybe Mike Holmes will inspire me to Make It Right...haha
I even forgot that Benfica was playing Arsenal until I saw it on Twitter so I only managed to catch the last twenty minutes of the game. Still, we won! And I love that Benfica was trending on twitter when it happened - as you can tell from my last post. Just look under trends on the right hand side of the screenshot and you'll see it.
I finally caved and got speakers for my laptop, but they had good reviews and they certainly seem good so far. I love watching netflix on my netbook and actually getting to hear it because the speakers on my netbook are underneath the computer and really hard to hear.
My head hurts a little again...time to relax for a bit!
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