But this will be a week that IS a week, I'm sure!
This Friday Dr. LeMaster emailed me saying that CSULB doesn't offer ANTH551 so my transcript can't be changed from ANTH451 to ANTH551. I am confused, and have emailed Dr. Lipo about it. I'm sure it's just some sort of catalogue error or something silly that a few emails and a pound of paperwork can put right.
I spent the weekend eating (yes, I do know that I'm supposed to be on a diet), reading (O'Brien's Cat Monsters is SO interesting!), and working on Rebecca. I need a literary agent! But most of the ones around here seem to be screenplay-Hollywood style agents and that sort wouldn't be interested in a Young Adult Fiction manuscript!
It really was a remarkably uneventful weekend other than the fact I couldn't sleep at all last night and tossed and turned til at least 4:30 am. Mom suggests I try antihistamines and I think I'm going to have to...I just have to get into a routine of early to bed and early to rise, especially if I get that museum job. They're waiting on my background check and then they'll let me know their decision, so I'm thinking that's pretty hopeful. The worst thing on my record is a really awful speeding ticket, and I don't think that's a big deal in a museum employee, is it?
Last week was full of ups and downs; I won't really bother going into it other than saying Remote Sensing is HARD. Luckily, my classmates are really nice and help me a lot (which is encouraged by our prof, thank goodness) - and Mom's strict homework regimen of How To Do Your Math Homework helps a lot too...I caught a MAJOR error in half the class's work because of my math/science background. So that was super awesome.
Tonight I have some remote sensing homework, my thesis proposal, and some reading to do. Right now I'm roasting a chicken and when I go to turn it I'll put the rice on too; I have fresh vegetables from the farmers' market yesterday so I'll have a lovely dinner tonight.
This week is a bit of a mess; I need to organize an AGSA meeting, and I have to attend a CLASC meeting tomorrow and not one single person in the AGSA has told me how they feel about a referendum CLASC is going to vote on tomorrow, so I guess that leaves it up to my conscience.
Oh well, I have work to be doing. That's all for now, folks!
My adventures as an archaeology student - currently attending Texas A&M University!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
It's Friday Night!
Not really, it's Friday afternoon, but hey, it's night over on the east coast!
So I found out yesterday that if I want to graduate this spring (and believe me, I want to graduate this spring) I need to have my thesis finished by February. My response to this was, ".........hoo boy."
I finally went to the library today and picked up four books Dr. Lipo thinks are essential for my reading:
Cat Monsters and Head Pots: The Archaeology of Missouri's Pemiscot Bayou by Michael J. O'Brien
Pottery Analysis: A Sourcebook by Prudence M. Rice
The Emergence of Pottery: Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies edited by William K. Barnett and John W. Hoopes
Science, Style and the Study of Community Structure: An Example from the Central Mississippi River Valley by Carl Lipo
And don't accuse him of having an agenda by having me read his book, the collection I'm doing my thesis on is the one he is writing about there, so it really is pretty vital that I read his version!!!
I have determined that I will spend all weekend reading with the exceptions of: eating, sleeping, watching the Gator game, watching the Vikings game (alas, I don't think I'll have time to watch the others), and working on Rebecca a little bit...oh and job hunting. I really need to get this job thing squared away, I'm starting to feel queasy when I think about money.
It was lovely being back in a library again though...I'd forgotten how much I love the smell of books, and the quiet only being interrupted by the scratching of pens on paper, and the clatter of keyboards. I could just sit down on the second floor in some obscure stack and just start reading. Talk about heaven!!
I was also on my way downstairs when I noticed a book called "A History of English and Irish Glass" and it took all my willpower to not take it out too, because I really don't have time to read for fun right now. But I have the call number and the title...one day, I will have time!!
Maybe I will go study in the library after all...there are no beds there that will call to me around the twelfth chapter and seduce me into falling asleep for four hours, waking up at 2 am and realizing my homework isn't done.
Oh, that just reminded me I haven't finished all of my remote sensing homework...I'd better get on that if I want to have a relaxing night!!
So I found out yesterday that if I want to graduate this spring (and believe me, I want to graduate this spring) I need to have my thesis finished by February. My response to this was, ".........hoo boy."
I finally went to the library today and picked up four books Dr. Lipo thinks are essential for my reading:
Cat Monsters and Head Pots: The Archaeology of Missouri's Pemiscot Bayou by Michael J. O'Brien
Pottery Analysis: A Sourcebook by Prudence M. Rice
The Emergence of Pottery: Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies edited by William K. Barnett and John W. Hoopes
Science, Style and the Study of Community Structure: An Example from the Central Mississippi River Valley by Carl Lipo
And don't accuse him of having an agenda by having me read his book, the collection I'm doing my thesis on is the one he is writing about there, so it really is pretty vital that I read his version!!!
I have determined that I will spend all weekend reading with the exceptions of: eating, sleeping, watching the Gator game, watching the Vikings game (alas, I don't think I'll have time to watch the others), and working on Rebecca a little bit...oh and job hunting. I really need to get this job thing squared away, I'm starting to feel queasy when I think about money.
It was lovely being back in a library again though...I'd forgotten how much I love the smell of books, and the quiet only being interrupted by the scratching of pens on paper, and the clatter of keyboards. I could just sit down on the second floor in some obscure stack and just start reading. Talk about heaven!!
I was also on my way downstairs when I noticed a book called "A History of English and Irish Glass" and it took all my willpower to not take it out too, because I really don't have time to read for fun right now. But I have the call number and the title...one day, I will have time!!
Maybe I will go study in the library after all...there are no beds there that will call to me around the twelfth chapter and seduce me into falling asleep for four hours, waking up at 2 am and realizing my homework isn't done.
Oh, that just reminded me I haven't finished all of my remote sensing homework...I'd better get on that if I want to have a relaxing night!!
The Real Pliocene Hominin
My sister was shown this in her class, and passed it on to me...just had to share!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
My Adventures in Cooking!
I've decided I should post more about food, mostly because food is fun, yummy, and doesn't ignore my text messages or calls - or only talk to me when it wants something. So, this is episode one of my cooking adventures!
This Sunday when I was grocery shopping they had Foster Farms chickens on sale as well as beef ribs. I got the chicken for $4 and the rack of beef ribs for $3.50 so I'm quite proud of that, and they were both on sale so I cooked them both at once - just in case they weren't at the "peak of freshness".

My honey-barbecue beef ribs - I just invented the recipe. I think it was so successful because I used raw honey...it's SO delicious that way!

My roast chicken, cooked the way my mommy taught me...and super-duper delicious.

I found these beers for relatively cheap at Trader Joe's and bought them for the hell of it (I can afford $4 for a few months yet...good God I need a job) and when I cracked the first one open my immediate thought was, "How LONG has it been since I've had beer out of a can?" I know I had one in South Africa - a Castle - but BEFORE then...gosh I might've still been in undergrad!!
These aren't bad. No Stella Artois, of course, but still, very drinkable football/afternoon beer.
I also bought beetroot at the farmers' market that day, and made my Harvard beetroot recipe. It's still not like the Aunt Nellie's stuff that I buy in Florida (I can't BELIEVE they don't sell it out here!) but it's pretty good, and I'll just leave the recipe as is until I find another one that's been vouched for.

Me cooking! This stuff TOTALLY spatters so the apron was DEFINITELY necessary.
I was also on a Mexican kick a couple of weeks ago and made this:

Vegetarian nachos!
It's insanely simple and insanely yummy:
1. Spread tortilla chips on plate
2. Stir some water into canned refried beans until smooth, dollop over tortilla chips
3. Sprinkle with grated cheese
4. Microwave for two minutes
5. Sprinkle with more grated cheese, chopped onion and dollop lots of delicious sour cream over all.
It's surprisingly yummy and 100% vegetarian, and super quick and easy. I kind of want to make it again, but having tortilla chips and sour cream and cheese in the house is just generally a terrible thing for my diet.
I also made tacos recently but unfortunately I don't have pictures of that. They were really yummy though, I put a ton of sour cream on them and lots of cheese and onion and lots of beef...yum!!!
And now I'm hungry again. Damn, I'm already over my limit today. I want nachos so much! But I'm broke and overweight so I'll have to resist temptation.
Anyway, yay food!
This Sunday when I was grocery shopping they had Foster Farms chickens on sale as well as beef ribs. I got the chicken for $4 and the rack of beef ribs for $3.50 so I'm quite proud of that, and they were both on sale so I cooked them both at once - just in case they weren't at the "peak of freshness".
My honey-barbecue beef ribs - I just invented the recipe. I think it was so successful because I used raw honey...it's SO delicious that way!
My roast chicken, cooked the way my mommy taught me...and super-duper delicious.
I found these beers for relatively cheap at Trader Joe's and bought them for the hell of it (I can afford $4 for a few months yet...good God I need a job) and when I cracked the first one open my immediate thought was, "How LONG has it been since I've had beer out of a can?" I know I had one in South Africa - a Castle - but BEFORE then...gosh I might've still been in undergrad!!
These aren't bad. No Stella Artois, of course, but still, very drinkable football/afternoon beer.
I also bought beetroot at the farmers' market that day, and made my Harvard beetroot recipe. It's still not like the Aunt Nellie's stuff that I buy in Florida (I can't BELIEVE they don't sell it out here!) but it's pretty good, and I'll just leave the recipe as is until I find another one that's been vouched for.
Me cooking! This stuff TOTALLY spatters so the apron was DEFINITELY necessary.
I was also on a Mexican kick a couple of weeks ago and made this:
Vegetarian nachos!
It's insanely simple and insanely yummy:
1. Spread tortilla chips on plate
2. Stir some water into canned refried beans until smooth, dollop over tortilla chips
3. Sprinkle with grated cheese
4. Microwave for two minutes
5. Sprinkle with more grated cheese, chopped onion and dollop lots of delicious sour cream over all.
It's surprisingly yummy and 100% vegetarian, and super quick and easy. I kind of want to make it again, but having tortilla chips and sour cream and cheese in the house is just generally a terrible thing for my diet.
I also made tacos recently but unfortunately I don't have pictures of that. They were really yummy though, I put a ton of sour cream on them and lots of cheese and onion and lots of beef...yum!!!
And now I'm hungry again. Damn, I'm already over my limit today. I want nachos so much! But I'm broke and overweight so I'll have to resist temptation.
Anyway, yay food!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Tortoise and the Hare
Some days I don't know which I am!
Today I got up late on purpose, I was so tired and so sneezy I stayed in bed til ten o clock. In my defense, I did only fall asleep around four a.m., I was too keyed up to sleep even though I went to bed at 1 a.m.
Class was pretty awesome, we actually sat down and did a lot of work on our labs today, and I was working in a pair with this guy Dave (we're allowed to work in pairs, it was totally kosher) and he's taken a lot of GIS before so he was really really helpful. Plus we made some really funny discoveries (including our extreme tunnel vision) so we got to laugh about it which is definitely a bonus in ANY class. Now I just have to finish up part one at home, and the last bit of part 3 in lab on Thursday and I should be golden. Maybe if I have a lot of energy tomorrow I can go do it in the geography lab.
I really like Dr. Lee though. He's not like Dr. Rodrigue, but he's a good lecturer, and he's always willing to explain something we don't understand.
My class schedule still isn't sorted out, what a freaking pain. I have a backup plan and a backup plan for my backup plan...but I want it sorted, I honestly think I'm getting real life heartburn over this. And heartburn is no bueno!
After class I went to the SLD offices and got some of the paperwork for the AGSA, but it turns out there's a whole new online system so I have to set up a meeting with Zion soon and get the rest of it sorted out.
Then I headed on over to the CLASC meeting, which was fairly rowdy - as the first meeting of the semester usually is in any club - and we went through a lot of stuff. The president of the poli sci graduate association is organizing this fundraising week-long carnival for this spring. I talked to him about it, and I think we may be able to integrate the planned spring edition of What To Do With A Degree In Anthropology into his festival. He's a cool guy, he was the one behind that big going-green initiative on campus last year.
Plus, everything he does is successful, so if I can get a ton of people to the What To Do event I will be VERY happy. Because the Margaret Mead Film Festival is in April (at CSULB) and it will be a wonderful advertisement for the festival...I'm DYING to get some real audiences there. I want to expose as many people as I can to what anthropology really is.
Whew, definitely time for bed. I have to get up early tomorrow and do laundry or I won't have anything to wear for Thursday.
Today I got up late on purpose, I was so tired and so sneezy I stayed in bed til ten o clock. In my defense, I did only fall asleep around four a.m., I was too keyed up to sleep even though I went to bed at 1 a.m.
Class was pretty awesome, we actually sat down and did a lot of work on our labs today, and I was working in a pair with this guy Dave (we're allowed to work in pairs, it was totally kosher) and he's taken a lot of GIS before so he was really really helpful. Plus we made some really funny discoveries (including our extreme tunnel vision) so we got to laugh about it which is definitely a bonus in ANY class. Now I just have to finish up part one at home, and the last bit of part 3 in lab on Thursday and I should be golden. Maybe if I have a lot of energy tomorrow I can go do it in the geography lab.
I really like Dr. Lee though. He's not like Dr. Rodrigue, but he's a good lecturer, and he's always willing to explain something we don't understand.
My class schedule still isn't sorted out, what a freaking pain. I have a backup plan and a backup plan for my backup plan...but I want it sorted, I honestly think I'm getting real life heartburn over this. And heartburn is no bueno!
After class I went to the SLD offices and got some of the paperwork for the AGSA, but it turns out there's a whole new online system so I have to set up a meeting with Zion soon and get the rest of it sorted out.
Then I headed on over to the CLASC meeting, which was fairly rowdy - as the first meeting of the semester usually is in any club - and we went through a lot of stuff. The president of the poli sci graduate association is organizing this fundraising week-long carnival for this spring. I talked to him about it, and I think we may be able to integrate the planned spring edition of What To Do With A Degree In Anthropology into his festival. He's a cool guy, he was the one behind that big going-green initiative on campus last year.
Plus, everything he does is successful, so if I can get a ton of people to the What To Do event I will be VERY happy. Because the Margaret Mead Film Festival is in April (at CSULB) and it will be a wonderful advertisement for the festival...I'm DYING to get some real audiences there. I want to expose as many people as I can to what anthropology really is.
Whew, definitely time for bed. I have to get up early tomorrow and do laundry or I won't have anything to wear for Thursday.
Woke up today...studied. And showered. And studied.
Emailed professors about my classes.
Class at 3:30.
Meeting with Dr. Lipo at 4:45.
Went to GEOG585 half an hour late (5:30). Stayed until we were dismissed at 9 pm.
I've sent off my emails...praying that I'll get into GEOG585. If not, and if Dr. Rousso-Schindler can't expand his class to let me in, then I take ANTH560, which will be so difficult because I'm two weeks behind.
You'd think a second-year graduate student would get some precedence in these matters.
I'm tired. I need a job. I need two jobs.
Emailed professors about my classes.
Class at 3:30.
Meeting with Dr. Lipo at 4:45.
Went to GEOG585 half an hour late (5:30). Stayed until we were dismissed at 9 pm.
I've sent off my emails...praying that I'll get into GEOG585. If not, and if Dr. Rousso-Schindler can't expand his class to let me in, then I take ANTH560, which will be so difficult because I'm two weeks behind.
You'd think a second-year graduate student would get some precedence in these matters.
I'm tired. I need a job. I need two jobs.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Thursday Night Football
Watching the Packers-Saints game tonight was weird. I hate the Packers more, but the 'Aints were such jerks to us after that awful loss...yuck. And I seem to have a fair number of Packers and Saints on my fantasy football rosters (all four of them) so I had to hope "my" players would do well so I can win.
So today was weird too...just a very strange day.
Last night I couldn't sleep until at least 3 am, so I slept through my alarm again (really not liking this, being secure in the knowledge that I can wake up on time is important to me) and I missed a phone call from an Orlando hospital.
I freaked out a little bit, and texted Mom, Dad and Lidia but they all texted me back and said they were fine. So I think it must be there are a lot of Carlas with my last name in Orlando, and they called the wrong one.
Then I pottered around the apartment trying to get my papers in order, reading and stuff like that.
Class at 2, some of the software we needed to use was taken offline by the university techs for the weekend (it's THURSDAY!) so we were allowed to leave 20 minutes early. I came home and swam for 20 minutes or so, then showered and put dinner on.
I spent the evening watching football and doing my reading. When Project Runway came on I started cleaning, and by the elimination I had scrubbed my sink, my counter, my stove (just the outside...I don't have the right cleaner for the inside), wiped the walls around the stovetop and some of the woodwork, and had taken out the trash.
Tomorrow I have my job interview and I have to do laundry as well as a lot of reading for homework (this includes reading for my thesis), and I need to start on my GEOG473 lab and study for my anthro quiz.
I STILL haven't heard about GEOG585. If I haven't heard by tomorrow morning, I'll email the professor again. If I haven't heard by Sunday afternoon I'll have to take another class before the drop-add period ends. This waiting game sucks...and not getting the classes I want isn't any cakewalk either.
The Livestrong website is down - that is, it won't let me record what I've eaten or what exercise I've gotten today. I REALLY don't like that...it's gotten to be such a useful resource for me.
I was going to watch Friends in bed, but CSI:NY is on, and I'm going to watch that in bed instead. What can I say, Eddie Cahill is gorgeous!
So today was weird too...just a very strange day.
Last night I couldn't sleep until at least 3 am, so I slept through my alarm again (really not liking this, being secure in the knowledge that I can wake up on time is important to me) and I missed a phone call from an Orlando hospital.
I freaked out a little bit, and texted Mom, Dad and Lidia but they all texted me back and said they were fine. So I think it must be there are a lot of Carlas with my last name in Orlando, and they called the wrong one.
Then I pottered around the apartment trying to get my papers in order, reading and stuff like that.
Class at 2, some of the software we needed to use was taken offline by the university techs for the weekend (it's THURSDAY!) so we were allowed to leave 20 minutes early. I came home and swam for 20 minutes or so, then showered and put dinner on.
I spent the evening watching football and doing my reading. When Project Runway came on I started cleaning, and by the elimination I had scrubbed my sink, my counter, my stove (just the outside...I don't have the right cleaner for the inside), wiped the walls around the stovetop and some of the woodwork, and had taken out the trash.
Tomorrow I have my job interview and I have to do laundry as well as a lot of reading for homework (this includes reading for my thesis), and I need to start on my GEOG473 lab and study for my anthro quiz.
I STILL haven't heard about GEOG585. If I haven't heard by tomorrow morning, I'll email the professor again. If I haven't heard by Sunday afternoon I'll have to take another class before the drop-add period ends. This waiting game sucks...and not getting the classes I want isn't any cakewalk either.
The Livestrong website is down - that is, it won't let me record what I've eaten or what exercise I've gotten today. I REALLY don't like that...it's gotten to be such a useful resource for me.
I was going to watch Friends in bed, but CSI:NY is on, and I'm going to watch that in bed instead. What can I say, Eddie Cahill is gorgeous!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Beat the Heat
Today it was 93F OUTSIDE - when I got home after remote sensing I don't even know what the temperature was in here (my thermometer only goes to 90) so I just threw my stuff on my bed, changed into a bikini and went downstairs and jumped in the pool.
I had a nice 20 minute swim (no creepers today, hooray!) and came upstairs and showered before I started dinner.
This afternoon I have registered for the SLD workshops necessary for me to be president of the AGSA, cursed over the fact my job interview is during the mandatory CLASC retreat and have emailed my other officers asking them if they can go. If not I hope an email explaining how desperately I need a job will get them to let us continue in good standing.
I also need to figure out how to get that ORC card and fill it out and turn it in. SAA abstracts are due in like a week (eek!) and I really have to sort out my accounts tomorrow...just don't have the energy to do them tonight, plus I still have reading left, and some studying.
I haven't heard about GEOG585 yet...I am getting SO nervous. It's been over a week, why isn't that long enough?!
Okay, time to get back to studying!!!
I had a nice 20 minute swim (no creepers today, hooray!) and came upstairs and showered before I started dinner.
This afternoon I have registered for the SLD workshops necessary for me to be president of the AGSA, cursed over the fact my job interview is during the mandatory CLASC retreat and have emailed my other officers asking them if they can go. If not I hope an email explaining how desperately I need a job will get them to let us continue in good standing.
I also need to figure out how to get that ORC card and fill it out and turn it in. SAA abstracts are due in like a week (eek!) and I really have to sort out my accounts tomorrow...just don't have the energy to do them tonight, plus I still have reading left, and some studying.
I haven't heard about GEOG585 yet...I am getting SO nervous. It's been over a week, why isn't that long enough?!
Okay, time to get back to studying!!!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Behind a Cloud
This past week has not been good. I still don't know if I can get into GEOG585 - although I am hoping for news tomorrow - I lost part of one of my favorite navel rings, and I also found out that Dr. Lipo hired someone else for my (former) position.
I was shocked to discover this, all the more so because at the end of last semester he told me to "keep your keys for the fall" which made me assume that I would have my job back. I wish he had said so explicitly earlier, because I had a chance at a decent job earlier this summer that is now closed, which I didn't even interview for because I thought I didn't need it.
Luckily I already have an interview scheduled for this Friday for - get this - a security position at a museum. When I told Dad he asked me how my kung-fu was! It would only be 12-15 hours a week (and on weekends, which sucks) so I'd still need a second job. Tomorrow before class I'm going to skip swimming and go job-hunting.
Speaking of swimming, today I was trying to relax in the pool, doing leisurely laps of breast stroke when I realized an old man was peering through the holes in the fence at me. I said loudly and clearly, "I can see you, please stop staring at me!"
He moved away but a minute later I saw him peering through another hole so I said again, "I can still see you, please go away!" This performance repeated a few times and I was starting to wonder if he spoke no English (which is totally possible in this area) or if he were senile, when he seemed to disappear.
I relaxed a little and continued doing my laps, but then a minute later I saw a flash of his white shirt through a different hole that was partially blocked by a large palm tree. That did it. If he knew enough to try and hide, then he knew he was making me uncomfortable AND that he had no right to ogle me like that.
I got out of the pool, wrapped myself tightly in my large beach towel, gathered my belongings and came up to my apartment. I'm now showered and dinner is in the oven but I'm still upset. I was having such a lovely swim, my knee wasn't hurting, the sun was out casting gorgeous afternoon light everywhere and making little rainbow rills in the pool. And then that horrid old man had to go spoil it. I don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable in the pool again, but what can I do? I doubt the police department has the time or manpower to watch the pool for creepers (especially with all these budget cuts) and I don't think my landlord could exactly do anything either.
I wish there were laws against Peeping Toms. What the punishment would be, I'm not quite sure, but there should be some. Why should I have to hide in my apartment away from dirty old men? Haven't I just as much right as anyone to be in a pool my rent pays for? Shouldn't I be able to walk down the street without wishing I were wearing a burqa to stop them LOOKING at me?
I'm feeling exceptionally down. Mom encourages me and tells me to just find an agent for Rebecca, and try and sell both it and Night Toll (which I intend to do), and also says not to worry and she'll manage to cover my rent if I can't. But I have to - not just cover my rent, but my bills. And earn some extra money for things like Swiffer wet cloths, and new candles when mine burn out, and maybe even some sushi now and again.
And I MUST graduate this spring. I can't stand this betwixt-and-between state, where I'm a grad student but I have to take two jobs just to survive. Real grad students have stipends that allow them to pay rent and bills and get some cheap beer. Speaking of, I'll have to start the application process soon and that'll cost more money again. Well, I'll just have to use my loan money for that. Loan money is for educational purposes, and what is applying to grad school if not educational?
At least the Gators won this Saturday. Maybe they'll have a good football season and be a small space once a week when I can be happy and forget my cares. I try to escape in books, but I have less and less time to read for pleasure, and come Saturday I don't feel like reading anything anymore unless I absolutely have to.
I think I'll go lie down until dinner. I'm having TWO roast potatoes - one with what's left of my sour cream and cheese, and one with butter.
Diet? What diet?
I was shocked to discover this, all the more so because at the end of last semester he told me to "keep your keys for the fall" which made me assume that I would have my job back. I wish he had said so explicitly earlier, because I had a chance at a decent job earlier this summer that is now closed, which I didn't even interview for because I thought I didn't need it.
Luckily I already have an interview scheduled for this Friday for - get this - a security position at a museum. When I told Dad he asked me how my kung-fu was! It would only be 12-15 hours a week (and on weekends, which sucks) so I'd still need a second job. Tomorrow before class I'm going to skip swimming and go job-hunting.
Speaking of swimming, today I was trying to relax in the pool, doing leisurely laps of breast stroke when I realized an old man was peering through the holes in the fence at me. I said loudly and clearly, "I can see you, please stop staring at me!"
He moved away but a minute later I saw him peering through another hole so I said again, "I can still see you, please go away!" This performance repeated a few times and I was starting to wonder if he spoke no English (which is totally possible in this area) or if he were senile, when he seemed to disappear.
I relaxed a little and continued doing my laps, but then a minute later I saw a flash of his white shirt through a different hole that was partially blocked by a large palm tree. That did it. If he knew enough to try and hide, then he knew he was making me uncomfortable AND that he had no right to ogle me like that.
I got out of the pool, wrapped myself tightly in my large beach towel, gathered my belongings and came up to my apartment. I'm now showered and dinner is in the oven but I'm still upset. I was having such a lovely swim, my knee wasn't hurting, the sun was out casting gorgeous afternoon light everywhere and making little rainbow rills in the pool. And then that horrid old man had to go spoil it. I don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable in the pool again, but what can I do? I doubt the police department has the time or manpower to watch the pool for creepers (especially with all these budget cuts) and I don't think my landlord could exactly do anything either.
I wish there were laws against Peeping Toms. What the punishment would be, I'm not quite sure, but there should be some. Why should I have to hide in my apartment away from dirty old men? Haven't I just as much right as anyone to be in a pool my rent pays for? Shouldn't I be able to walk down the street without wishing I were wearing a burqa to stop them LOOKING at me?
I'm feeling exceptionally down. Mom encourages me and tells me to just find an agent for Rebecca, and try and sell both it and Night Toll (which I intend to do), and also says not to worry and she'll manage to cover my rent if I can't. But I have to - not just cover my rent, but my bills. And earn some extra money for things like Swiffer wet cloths, and new candles when mine burn out, and maybe even some sushi now and again.
And I MUST graduate this spring. I can't stand this betwixt-and-between state, where I'm a grad student but I have to take two jobs just to survive. Real grad students have stipends that allow them to pay rent and bills and get some cheap beer. Speaking of, I'll have to start the application process soon and that'll cost more money again. Well, I'll just have to use my loan money for that. Loan money is for educational purposes, and what is applying to grad school if not educational?
At least the Gators won this Saturday. Maybe they'll have a good football season and be a small space once a week when I can be happy and forget my cares. I try to escape in books, but I have less and less time to read for pleasure, and come Saturday I don't feel like reading anything anymore unless I absolutely have to.
I think I'll go lie down until dinner. I'm having TWO roast potatoes - one with what's left of my sour cream and cheese, and one with butter.
Diet? What diet?
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