Tuesday, November 29, 2011

little tidbit

I walked outside this morning to run down and get the mail, and also to double-check the make of my car (I'm scheduling a slightly overdue service appointment).  When I opened the door I was hit with a waft of fresh air that smelled surprisingly like my grandfather's home: sweet foliage, the rich dark smell of freshly-turned earth, and the oaky, woodsy smell of freshly chopped logs stacked by a brick bake oven.

I don't know how all those scents happened to mix together, but they say that scent is the strongest memory trigger out of all the senses.  I have opened all the doors and windows in my apartment, because when I returned to it, it smelled rather sickly sweet (candles...) and I decided it would be healthy to get some air circulating.

Oh well, back to work.

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