Friday, December 28, 2012

On the third day of Christmas...

I realized I hadn't updated this blog for three weeks!  As I'm sure you can all imagine, I've been extremely busy, what with a new job, a thesis, a whirlwind of holiday parties, Christmas, a nasty bout of flu, and getting the occasional hour or so of sleep!

I really will post a proper update later, just wanted to change the name of the blog (you are so intelligent you'll have noticed the changes already), and add a Google+ button, since apparently you can do that now. 

My parents' Christmas party was oodles of fun, Christmas day was lovely (as were my presents), and now I'm just trying to shake off the flu, get past New Years' and my birthday, and then I can settle down to my thesis and kick its butt so I can go off to TAMU this fall with a light heart!

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