Sunday, November 3, 2013


I've been so busy!  I don't know which way is up anymore.  At least I have my car back now, it's making life INEXPRESSIBLY better.

I got up early today (yay Daylight Savings being over!  HA!) and went out to buy a microwave.
I now officially have ZERO counter space.  First world problems, I know, but when you're making bread or trying to cook a decent meal, no counter space and a minifridge are seriously limiting factors!

Today I also bought myself a cookie sheet ($4.50), a 3 qt saucepan ($14.00) and a candy/oil thermometer ($4.70).  I want to make my grandfather's fudge recipe for my classmates (and my but I realized I don't have it so I'll have to call my mom.  I heroically resisted buying the cookie cutters ($3.00) and cooling rack ($8.00) that I also desperately wanted.  I'm trying to save a LITTLE bit of money after all.  But I really need a second income.  How I'm going to get it I just don't know (pretty sure Youngest isn't going to be accepted by this third agent so it's time to start looking for agent #4), but I'm going to keep trying.

It's not even all the little things I "want" - candles and jewelry and books and pints of ice cream and flowers - or the big things I want - a Smith & Wesson .22 classic revolver (yes, I am imbibing Texas!), a new Nikon point-n-shoot (mine is broken AGAIN, I'm very cross), a Nikon DSLR - or even the ability to buy nice wine and Chinese takeout and the occasional t-bone steak when I feel the fancy to.  It's having the freedom to let things happen ("Murphy's Law" variety incidents) and being able to afford them without everything crashing down around my ears.

Anyway.  I have to get back to studying for my midterm.  And working on the presentation for Wednesday.  And to the grant that's due Friday.

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