And I'm sneezing. Making hibiscus tea to see if that fixes the sneezing, am highly annoyed I didn't notice in the supermarket that it's caffeine free :(
But I've done a LOT today - got groceries, cooked, cleaned, cleaned out and tidied up my desk, disinfected the last of the stuff from my car and put it back, did my laundry, did my accounts (that took hours
Working on homework now, of course, but between the sneezing, and the tired eyes, and the sleepiness...I might wake up on the floor again. Man, when I think back to all those days in California when I found myself asleep on my desk...or next to it...I think it might be time to take up coffee...too bad I HATE coffee...
Guess I'm glad I got a lot done. But this week is looming over me and I feel an impending sense of utter doom.
Oh well. Back to work. Two weeks from now all I'll have to do is finish my 80 hour work month in a few days and then I'll have a few days to sleep before it's thesis time! Woohoo...
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