Monday, February 24, 2014

No excuses

Today has been my "no excuses" day.

I dragged myself out of bed the minute my alarm went off; I left my apartment before 8 am, got to campus and printed off my worksheets before class.

Had 3 hours of class, presented (forgot all the funny bits, of course).

Had lunch (a cup of chickpea salad and a banana).

Worked from 1-5 pm.

Gym from 5-7 pm.



Cook dinner.

I am now sitting on my couch with my feet propped up on my coffee table and about to start my homework.  If only I could be this good and productive every single day!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Headache render

Spent this afternoon trying to render an octant (and a sextant) in Rhino.  All I got was this lousy headache :(

Thursday, February 13, 2014

One of the worst days of my life

I'm not even joking.  I had more good moments on the day I found out an ex-boyfriend cheated on me.  I had more good moments on the day I was rushed off to hospital with an abcess in my throat.  I've had more good moments on the day I had two finals and a paper due!!

So I woke up at 6 am feeling like shit (this is actually happening really regularly, blah), and stayed in bed until 9 am in an attempt to fight it off.

Then I had to scramble, and had a discouraging assortment of things go wrong, not the least of which was pouring the water into my cup noodles before it was actually boiling so the noodles didn't get fully cooked and tasted pretty bad.

Biking to campus was worse than usual, I got to my crosswalk the SECOND my green light went yellow so I had to wait for another cycle.  At least no one tried to kill me at the four-way stop today.  I swear, TWICE when I've been going through that stop someone (usually on their phone) has started driving forward while I was RIGHT IN FRONT of their car.  And people keep trying to go illegally without stopping or waiting, or turn while I'm going straight and try to kill me that way.  And the wind was blowing directly in my face which makes it really hard to go at any decent speed.

Then I dumped my stuff in my office and went to the student clinic for my yearly checkup.  That was fine - the doc didn't find anything wrong with me (hooray!) although she wants me to start taking Allegra again and start a probiotic and see if that a) helps me get over this cruddy cold that won't leave my lungs and b) reduces the cramping and stomach pains I've had pretty much my entire life.  Which I'll do, for sure,  but bang goes more money down the drain!  My friends have recommended I try "yakult" which is some kind of probiotic yoghurt drink, and is apparently a very filling snack for midmorning/midafternoon, so I'll give that a shot.  The doc was pleased when I told her I've cut out all rice and bread, most potatoes, and have increased my veggie and milk intake, said it sounded very sustainable and sensible.  This yakult stuff may make it easier to get my dairy (soooo scared of osteoporosis) and stay under my calorie limit.

Got back to campus and started working - Thursday is 6 hours of working for my boss - and was chained to my computer til nearly 1 pm when I took a short lunch break.  Once lunch was over, I went to the library and scanned a bunch of archival documents for the Chinese junk models (a junk is a type of boat) I'm working on right now, which was tough since the machine kept splitting documents into two images and I had to keep deleting, rearranging, and rescanning.

I finally got back to the lab and went back to work on the junks - I have to unpack them, measure them, and record all their breaks and cracks and things, and store them on these shelves my boss put up in one of the sections of the lab.  I got nearly a dozen done over about three hours because I had to keep stopping what I was doing to look things up in the "catalog" it came with, and searching for damage is actually really, really time-consuming.  Then I had to rearrange a bunch of ships on the shelves because we're not allowed to put things on the top shelf because keeping things 18 inches below the ceiling is a fire hazard?  I never knew that.

I'm only scheduled to work til 5 on Thursdays but I stayed til 6 because I missed 2 1/2 hours last week and wanted to make it up today and tomorrow, and then my boss wanted me to show him some of my work for the scanned microfilms I was doing when I first worked for him so that it was nearly 6:30 by the time I got to leave.  Also, one of the horrible things about today is that as soon as the junks are done I have to get back to the microfilm scanning.  I love my boss - he's awesome - but I HATE scanning microfilm!!

I got home a little before 7 and made dinner - barbecue pork loin with veggies - and then kicked back with a beer.  My first drink since my sister's 21st birthday on the 1st!  It felt SO good to have a drink.  Dieting sucks. 

I got a LOT done today.  Like I said earlier, I should be high-fiving sharks because I got SO much done.  But I have so much left to do and have had such a horrible day, I feel awful and just want to curl up and do nothing forever.

But I can't do that.  So back to work for me.  Have a huge paper due Monday so I don't even get much of a break come the weekend. Whoopee.  I would hope it'll get better tomorrow, but considering that tomorrow is the Vicious Day of Causing Pain to Everyone Alive, I seriously doubt that.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Infinite Levels of Suck

I don't want to go in today.  I'm here at my kitchen table, trying to organize myself before going in today, and I really have to - six hours of work for my boss, and goodness knows how much work for the project I'll be diving for this summer.

My neck hurts less than yesterday (thank goodness!) but my left shoulder, left side, and one band of muscle across my right side are all hurting like hell.  I did not sleep well, for obvious reasons, and on top of all that I felt so sick when I woke up at 7 am I decided to not come in today.  By 9 am I felt better so I've been limping around trying to get myself in order but still thinking longingly of spending the day in bed.  And I NEED to get more of that paper's due Monday, ugh.

Also it's 36 degrees outside, with the "possibility" of freezing rain.  My shower last night was freezing cold and I literally cried because it was so awful.  If it doesn't get fixed soon I'm going to talk to a lawyer.  I've suffered enough.  And I'm convinced these cold showers are making me stay sick...I've been sick for a month!!!  A MONTH!!  Of no gym, no exercise other than (miserable) biking to and from campus, and coughing and crap in my lungs...

I need to get my lunch together and get out of here.  I feel awful.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Roku 2 and a terribly sore back

So I got myself a Roku 2 as a "Valentine's Day" present (I hate Valentine's Day.  I think it's cruel, vindictive, and makes everyone, even people in relationships, unhappy.  So I violate it by buying myself non-pink presents, boycotting the trappings of it, and stocking up on discounted candy two days after the fact.)

Anyway, it is AWESOME!  It came late Saturday afternoon and I got it set up within an hour.  It's just too much fun - I have Netflix and Amazon Prime and Pandora and a half-dozen other channels set up.  The first thing I watched was Scooby Doo's "The Ghost of the Bad Humor Man" which happens to be my favorite episode of that show ever. 

The bad outcome of spending a night on the couch watching Scooby Doo, Vicar of Dibley, Lewis, and Midsomer Murders is that I was lying horizontally on the couch and it resulted in straining my neck and back and shoulders so badly that I had trouble getting dressed this morning.  I took a couple pills with breakfast and it's eased a little, but they're still really sore.  I have officially permanently changed my couch position and am now sitting up on the couch with my feet propped up on a chair.  I've been stretching and trying to massage the back of my neck, which also seems to be helping, but it's really tough and, depending on how I stretch, pretty damn sore.

The good news is that when I was searching through all of the Roku channels last night I found literally DOZENS of (free!) fitness channels that seem to have aerobics as well as yoga.  So much more convenient than my laptop!  Hopefully I'll be able to get into shape by working out at home where I can stop the minute I start coughing or feeling sick, unlike the gym.  Not sure about tonight though, I'm in a lot of pain.

Other than the Roku it's been a very quiet weekend.  Got a paper due in a week, and a presentation in two weeks, so I've been struggling with those and my thesis.  I did my laundry today, and wasted $1.25 because the dryer I used didn't work and had to use another one.  Filed a maintenance report about it, and about the fact my water heater is broken - this morning I ran the water for 20 minutes and it was ice-cold and I had to shower in the freezing water.  It was so miserable I didn't even condition my hair.

Anyway, back to work.  Whoopee!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Opera Night

One of the professors holds get togthers he calls "opera nights" at his place twice a month, where he shows operas on DVD, provides refreshments and basically gets to know the students.

Tonight we watched Aida.  I must learn Amneris' part!  It's even mezzo-soprano...if that's even still my range.  But such a part!  I have to learn it, somehow.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I'm so tired.  And hungry.  Been a long day - well, 6 hours isn't long anymore, but it FEELS long - and I have a huge essay to start writing.

Woke up this morning to a dusting of snow all over the place, biked to campus in 28F, biked home in 30F.  I'm really tired of the cold.

Quite excited for the weekend because it means I get to stay INSIDE (so glorious) even though I have a lot of writing to do.  Also, I've ordered a Roku 2 as a Valentine's Day present to myself, and it should arrive in a day or two which is equally exciting.  Can't wait to watch Midsomer Murders on my tv!  Plus, I can watch all the movies on my Netflix queue that happen to be on Instant Watch, which will vastly reduce the number of movies I need to watch for the first time.

Anyway.  Going to lie down for a bit before getting on that writing.  Oh grad school.