Thursday, February 6, 2014


I'm so tired.  And hungry.  Been a long day - well, 6 hours isn't long anymore, but it FEELS long - and I have a huge essay to start writing.

Woke up this morning to a dusting of snow all over the place, biked to campus in 28F, biked home in 30F.  I'm really tired of the cold.

Quite excited for the weekend because it means I get to stay INSIDE (so glorious) even though I have a lot of writing to do.  Also, I've ordered a Roku 2 as a Valentine's Day present to myself, and it should arrive in a day or two which is equally exciting.  Can't wait to watch Midsomer Murders on my tv!  Plus, I can watch all the movies on my Netflix queue that happen to be on Instant Watch, which will vastly reduce the number of movies I need to watch for the first time.

Anyway.  Going to lie down for a bit before getting on that writing.  Oh grad school.

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