Monday, March 17, 2014

Awesome news!

So my apartment complex has released me from my lease and I'm moving out later this week!!  I can't wait to get to my new place and get settled in!  Moving is a serious pain in the rear, but once it's done it'll be such a relief.

One thing really peeving me is the fact that Suddenlink charges $50 for a moving fee!  Really??  I'm going to be so broke after this move :(  I tried to call the utilities company but they're closed so I'll call this morning.  I hope to goodness they don't have a huge fee too!

However, this is fabulous news because now I don't have to rush back to the States after working overseas this summer in time to move at the end of July.  I'll leave my car at my parents' place of course, and I miiiiight bring my acoustic guitar back with me.

Spent last week - spring break - eating, sleeping, and writing.  Only got 4,000 words written and not nearly as much I wanted done of my paper that's due next Monday.  Going to have to bust my rear to get it in order on top of this move!  That's what you get for working on two papers and two presentations at once though.  Not to mention I have a CPR class this Saturday!  Still, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I need to get back to work.  Sigh.  Can't wait til this move is over and I've gotten that paper and presentation done!!

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