Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Late night, going anywhere

I am exhausted. 

Slept reasonably well last night, got up in good time, made breakfast from scratch, went to work, got a Fiverr job, finished it, finished my shift at work, went to the geography department to get some paperwork done, came home and passed out.  I hate being sick.

Woke up in time to send an email apologizing for having to miss the meeting this evening due to being sick as hell, ate some food, and started in on my homework.  I managed to finish and turn in one by 9:30 pm, and the other one just won't work so I'm going to meet my TA tomorrow to see if he can make it work.  Made dinner, ate it, put on the tv and started sewing.

I've finished the drawstring bag for my Halloween costume, but I'm going to make a drop bag as well because I don't think I can handle the drawstring one with my costume gloves. 

I also sent off my novel again.  Now I'm going to shower and then spend half an hour writing.  I prefer going to bed by midnight, but I did have that nap this afternoon.  I'll just have to survive tomorrow somehow. 

Tomorrow is going to be even busier than today.  No naps allowed because I won't be home much before six.  I can't wait for 5 pm Friday when I can collapse on the couch and turn off my brain!!

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