Saturday, February 26, 2011

Time flies

Where has the week gone??

Sophia's wedding was BEAUTIFUL. It was a perfect day, and she looked beautiful and Josh looked happy and the reception was lovely and you may color me 100% impressed. I took lots of pictures, some may find their way on here eventually.

I landed last Sunday at 1 pm, and was on the road by 2. I went straight to Sam's Club from the airport, then Ralph's, and only then did I go home, put away my groceries, and take a wonderful, long, hot shower!

Monday was a hellhole of class, meetings, and frenzied work. Tuesday was a mess where I didn't get half the things done that I needed to. Wednesday I forcibly sat myself at my desk and grimly trudged through my annotated bibliography. Thursday I went to Fullerton and photocopied forms for my job for hours on end before rushing home and frantically finishing the bibliography.

Thursday night I came home, made myself some microwave mac-n-cheese (don't judge me) and then sat zombie-style in front of the tv with facebook open on my laptop.

Yesterday I got up late, went to the bank for laundry quarters, then went to campus to work on lab 3 for my 451 class. I got there before noon and I left after five. Then I went to CVS and found out between my health insurance and Murphy's Law I was going to have to pay $75 for my meds instead of my usual $25 so I hopped up and down in fury, and called Mom who (thank goodness!) agreed to split it with me. BCBS had better get my stuff here soon, I'm officially mad at them.

Today I got up on time, had breakfast, tidied up my apartment (even though I started doing it last night - I stopped to watch The Expendables, which Netflix mailed to me nearly two weeks ago) and left for a lunch date.

I thought the date went well, but he just said goodbye after we walked out of the restaurant and walked off, so I thought that was confusing. Most guys walk you to your car...or maybe that's just what boys on the east coast do. I honestly still feel like a foreigner here...things are SO different.

I spent the afternoon shopping: I got a mug with the top ten reasons to be a CSULB 49'er on it (#1 is that our football team is undefeated since 1991, although that's only because we haven't fielded a football team since 1991), and then I went to IKEA. I got more of those great little tealight holders I love ($2 for 10), a blue hand towel (to replace the disgusting formerly-white one I've had since I was a freshman), a pack four glass picture frames for $0.99 (now hung with two pictures from my rockstar photography days, and a picture of each of my cats), a reusable IKEA bag and a 36 pack of their lovely apple tealites. It all came to less than $10 - I LOVE IKEA!! I might go back tomorrow and get more. Maybe.

Then I came home and unpacked and now I'm watching Sex and the City and thinking about vacuuming and scrubbing. You know I'm feeling broody when I think about scrubbing - I've never ever hated anything like I hate scrubbing floors. And yet, sometimes I do it, just because I want that perfect house and that perfect life that is perfectly clean and ordered and exactly what I always dreamt about as a little girl.

This apartment and this degree and this life here in California are as close to what I always wanted as you're ever allowed to get in real life. And yet, now that I have it, all I can think about is the next step...and the step after that...and the step after is what happens when you're busy making other plans, right?

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