Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day (Massacre)

It's Wednesday night, my feet are up, and I'm taking a break before putting my poor little nose back against the big fat CSULB grindstone.

Monday was a crazy whirl, I didn't stop working all day, and only got home after ten (which is fairly usual) and then I had to work some more before going to bed. I don't remember going to bed, but I know I did.

Tuesday was a right bloody pain: I tried to work on NAGPRA all morning (waiting for my valentines day present for myself to arrive) and missed my first "group meeting" for a lab that was due today. I went to the second one (at four) and was way far behind the others, and left around six pm.
By the way, the package I was waiting for (Amazon always delivers my packages between 9 and 11 am) arrived at 4pm, 30 minutes after I left for campus.

I went straight to CVS to get chocolate after I left the meeting (I was really really upset), and as I was walking out, I tried to open the bag of hersheys' kisses and it exploded all over the sidewalk. I thought about picking them up, realized that would epitomize the absolute misery and horror of the day, picked one up as a token, and walked home. I assume the homeless guys that sleep next to the CVS had a nice dessert after that.

I walked to Jack in the Box (fast food) for dinner and ate all 1,200 calories of it when I got home. Yes, I was that miserable.

I spent the rest of the night being grumpy and finishing my lab.

This morning I checked my lab, printed it out, stapled it, and left for class, leaving the UPS sticker with my signature saying "Yes, leave my package here".

Artifact analysis was ok, then I had to run to lab and try and find this one box (which I couldn't find) which left me with 30 minutes to run to Panda Express, stand in line for 10 minutes (I'm not exaggerating), and then run back to the lab and eat before class started up again.

Of course, the lecture lasted until 10 minutes before I had to leave for geography so I couldn't do any flintknapping. One thing was really funny: I've flintknapped before, so I was trying to give my classmates advice as they started experimenting. I was watching Jake and every time he hit his raw stone I said, "Wrong angle" (and it WAS, I was trying to be helpful!) and finally he just looked at me and we all burst out laughing. I got him a new hammerstone and that helped. Of course, in his defense, his chunk of raw obsidian was probably about five pounds. Try holding that with one hand and whacking it with your other hand holding a hammerstone!

Geography was tough, we started SPSS today and it was craaaaaaazy. I need to practice that bigtime. I'm so glad we get three weeks to do that one!

I left class a little early, rushed back to lab to turn in my lab (yes, we'd forgotten all that time), then dropped some stuff off at my lab (the NAGPRA one) before walking home.

My kindle was there (hip hip hooray!) but of course, it couldn't be that easy. I ordered the latest generation kindle and a second generation cover, never realizing the latest generation kindle is the THIRD generation kindle. So it didn't fit and I got to call Amazon's helpline and they emailed me a label to print out and put on the box so I could mail it back to them and they'll refund me when they get it.

So. I was going to Target tomorrow anyway, I'll drop the box off at the post office next door and get a Kindle cover at Target.

Now I still have a bunch of work to do, but if I work hard tonight and tomorrow and get it all done, then I can relax this weekend and enjoy Sophia's wedding.

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