In the meantime I hit up the farmers' market today and what should I find but THIS:
Now THAT is an annonna! I'm calling Mom and Dad later to ask them how to care for it because my last one didn't ripen and this one was $6 so I don't want to lose it.
I also bought lots of strawberries, two bunches of beetroot, some asparagus and some fresh garlic, all for under $20. I love farmers' markets.
I am also investing heavily in my new diet and regime (actually getting up on time instead of laying abed for an hour, and going to the gym), eating healthily and losing some weight in time for bikini season.
So while grocery shopping today I got carrots, broccoli, pineapple, white corn on the cob, corn, peas, 100 calorie packs of Special K strawberry snack bars, and the 100 calorie fudgecicles. Let's hope I can keep the careful eating up!
I did spend $40 yesterday at the African Hut, but it was SO worth it. I got Australian Peppermint Crisps (since they were the only ones there) so I hope they're the same. I also got droewors, choc-kits, romany creams, and a half dozen candy bars, and I HEROICALLY resisted the delicious looking bangers and chicken samoosas in the freezer.
Okay, gotta eat lunch and head to lab. I canNOT wait for summer and my holiday!!
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