For a starter, I overslept. Not that it mattered in a missing-class or missing-appointment way, because I had none today, but it's the principle of the thing. I wanted to get up early and get a lot done.
When I did finally get up and organize myself I made out my to-do list (I love those) and started on the most important, my groundstone lab that is due tomorrow. But, I got distracted and decided to install my brand-new (thank you loan money) Microsoft Office 2010. Of course, installing anything MS is never easy and it took me HOURS until I finally, in a state of grim, brooding determination, went into my control panel and deleted every single thing that had "microsoft" in the description, when suddenly, the install worked. Imagine that.
During that frustrating period there were lots of times when I was sitting, watching the install, and I decided to put that time to some use by emailing all the people I met at the SAA's week before last, which I did on my little netbook. I hadn't logged into my school account for a few days so I was slightly chagrined to see someone I had given my card to emailed me on Saturday asking for my presentation, but it's only Tuesday...I'm still going to check it more often. It's just such a pain to log out from my personal hotmail and then log into my school one.
And don't suggest doing that merging/mail forwarding thing. I would manage to mess it up and send business emails from my personal address and personal emails from my business address, and I just think that is a bad, bad idea!
Dr. Neiman from Monticello emailed me back almost immediately asking for some details about my work - someone in his department wants to try my techniques - so I also wrote him back. I hope my comments were helpful, his criticism at the SAA's was really useful to me.
Anyway, once the installation was set up I was exhausted so I decided to have a quick 20 minute nap...and woke up two hours later. I just don't get it. Some days I hear my alarm just fine and some days I might as well not have set it. Hearing loss doesn't come and go, does it?
My immediate reaction was to turn on the news (I love my news...don't laugh) and start dinner (all that sleeping made me hungry). I had a really good dinner: roast chicken, baked potato, peas, corn and homemade Harvard beetroot, plus that last glass of wine from the bottle I opened Friday and was too tired to drink Monday. Not bad for a Tuesday!
You're totally jealous now, aren't you?
In other food-related news, my mouth HURTS like no other and is all red and "burned" at the sides because I spent most of the day consuming fresh pineapple (yes, I know that was stupid, and no I couldn't help was too delicious).
I mean really, who can resist pineapple like THAT??
So after dinner I continued to work on that groundstone lab and as of now (midnight) I have something to turn in...I'm not super proud of it, which stinks, I hate turning in work I'm not proud of but this lab just got away from me. I am so so SO glad Dr. Lipo lets us rewrite things after he's graded them and turn them in again. Otherwise there would be some serious tears of frustration in this apartment tonight. I'm still going to go over it in the morning and see if fresh eyes make it better.
I am very tired and I need to go to bed now if I'm going to get up in time to edit this lab, so stories of the rest of SAA's will have to wait unfortunately. Goodnight!
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