Saturday, May 28, 2011

I'm going to have me some fun

I'd say this has been a pretty good weekend.

Friday I sent some vital emails and things, called the bank and tried to get as much of my errand-y stuff out of the way. Then I went to Ross and got two new pairs of capris and a racerback bra to replace the one that broke over a year ago. When I got home I did laundry, and tidied up between load changes.

So I've called the bank, done my laundry, I'm leaving clean sheets on my bed for my return, I have my account details written down and printed out for my carryon...I need to go shopping for a TSA lock for my bag tomorrow, and pack everything up and I think I'm good. I still have no idea what I'm wearing on the plane and if I'm going to wear makeup or not. I think I will wear makeup, mostly because I'm being picked up by a car service. Gotta look like I belong!

Friday night my neighbor was throwing a party (he lives downstairs) so I went there after I ate dinner and showered and ended up eating a second dinner (he was barbecuing) and staying there until the party fizzled out at 5 am.

Mom called me early Saturday morning, which I didn't see until 11:30 am when I roused up a little. I called her back and she asked if I had only just woken up, and I said yes, I'd been at a party til 5 am - and she just said, oh that's nice, did you have fun? You can see how much her education has advanced since I started at UF five years ago :) Of course, it's pretty awesome to go to a party downstairs where all you have to do when you're drunk and tired and want to go home is climb some stairs, wash your face, drink some water and pass out in your own soft cuddly bed.

I stayed in bed until about 2 when I got up and showered and got dressed. I left for my friend Adam's party at 3 (had to stop by Trader Joe's first so I could bring some cookies as a host gift) and stayed there til 7:30. It was a fun party, Adam grilled a ton of meat for tacos (the chicken was really really good) and we all drank beer and talked nonsense all afternoon. I also got directions to a local Chinese restaurant that apparently has some of the best duck in town for an affordable price, so I'm checking that out the second I get back in town.

I left at 7:30 to go to a play - Mandragola by Machiavelli - that's being put on by the Long Beach Shakespeare Company. The playhouse is only a few miles from Adam's place so I got there in plenty of time before the play started at 8.
I'm a purist (aka total snob) about old plays and I really resent any liberties or rewriting, which is probably why I wasn't crazy about this. It certainly had its moments, and was much better than that appalling rendition of Eurydice that I saw in Gainesville...but at the same time the rewritten dialogue was more Modern Family than Machiavelli, and the musical numbers really got up my nose.

I did appreciate the almost Puckish irreverence that characterized the interactions of the male members of the cast... The three female members (one of which was made up as a man, and played a male character, but was clearly classed as a woman during the musical numbers) had less face time and weren't really given much chance to establish themselves as anything the male characters didn't say about them.

I still enjoyed myself, although I'm starting to think I'll never see the ancient plays the way I want to see them.

I got a chickenburger and fries on the way home for dinner (I only have two eggs, yoghurt, carrots, some rice, and shrimp left in my fridge, which are going to be my breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow) and I'm now comfortably ensconced in my chair. I think I'm going to take off my makeup and curl up with my kindle for a little while before I go to bed.

Tomorrow is going to be a really busy day, with last minute-errands and packing and all that...and then I get to go home Monday!! There's no place like home :)

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