Sunday, May 8, 2011


This week has been horrendous. Work, work and more work.

Friday I worked all day and then cooked all evening when I should have been working.

Today I worked through the morning and went to a barbecue at my friend Jake's place at one and stayed there til six when I came home because I wasn't feeling good. When I got home I felt dizzy and decided to lie down for a few minutes...woke up an hour later very, very ill. Luckily I didn't throw up, but I couldn't stand up for more than a few minutes without feeling chest is full of phlegm and I'm coughing and my head hurts and all of me hurts and when I stand up I get all dizzy and things go round and round.

Needless to say I haven't been working which is really bad since I have SO MUCH work to do. But being in bed for the past three hours seems to have helped so hopefully a good night's sleep will restore me to health so I can get as much work done as possible.

Okay it's time to go to not feeling good.

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