I realized I hadn't updated this blog for three weeks! As I'm sure you can all imagine, I've been extremely busy, what with a new job, a thesis, a whirlwind of holiday parties, Christmas, a nasty bout of flu, and getting the occasional hour or so of sleep!
I really will post a proper update later, just wanted to change the name of the blog (you are so intelligent you'll have noticed the changes already), and add a Google+ button, since apparently you can do that now.
My parents' Christmas party was oodles of fun, Christmas day was lovely (as were my presents), and now I'm just trying to shake off the flu, get past New Years' and my birthday, and then I can settle down to my thesis and kick its butt so I can go off to TAMU this fall with a light heart!
My adventures as an archaeology student - currently attending Texas A&M University!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
It's December???
How on earth did December get here so fast?!
Here's the short version of the past month:
Got permission to leave California and do my thesis long-distance.
Ran myself ragged selling furniture, calling utilities companies, cleaning apartment, and eating everything edible.
Rushed around SoCal seeing everything I hadn't seen already.
Lidia (my little sister) arrives by plane, packs up my car with my possessions.
We drive cross-country.
Arrive in Florida, exhausted and sick of each other.
Sleep for three days, although on the second day there is Thanksgiving, so I stay awake for that. (Mostly...)
Apply for seven jobs in one evening.
Get a job three days later. (Just like that, after six months of utter frustration in Long Beach!)
Get a gym membership. (Finally!)
Resume working on thesis.
I haven't even edited the roadtrip pictures yet, but they will be posted, along with a synopsis. I meant to blog from the road, but all the driving, the internet fiascoes, and a particularly difficult Sims Social quest drove it out of reach.
More later!
Here's the short version of the past month:
Got permission to leave California and do my thesis long-distance.
Ran myself ragged selling furniture, calling utilities companies, cleaning apartment, and eating everything edible.
Rushed around SoCal seeing everything I hadn't seen already.
Lidia (my little sister) arrives by plane, packs up my car with my possessions.
We drive cross-country.
Arrive in Florida, exhausted and sick of each other.
Sleep for three days, although on the second day there is Thanksgiving, so I stay awake for that. (Mostly...)
Apply for seven jobs in one evening.
Get a job three days later. (Just like that, after six months of utter frustration in Long Beach!)
Get a gym membership. (Finally!)
Resume working on thesis.
I haven't even edited the roadtrip pictures yet, but they will be posted, along with a synopsis. I meant to blog from the road, but all the driving, the internet fiascoes, and a particularly difficult Sims Social quest drove it out of reach.
More later!
Friday, November 2, 2012
How is it Friday already?? Heck, how is it November already??
It's been a busy week - went to War of the Worlds produced by the Long Beach Shakespeare Company on Tuesday night. I've gone to their production every single Halloween I've been here (all three), and I'm so glad I got a ticket for this one. It was a lovely production this year, with even more special effects done live on-stage rather than from recordings, and it was, as always, deliciously creepy. They're having a hard time financially, so if you have the ability to donate please do - your donation is tax-deductible and they really do incredible work with a shoestring budget!
Wednesday being Halloween I bought candy and red wine and spent the night in my armchair, watching Midsomer Murders and consuming both. It might not have been wild or crazy like partying in Hollywood undoubtedly was, but it was infinitely more comfortable and probably exponentially cheaper.
Yesterday I decided to do some sightseeing and went to the Grove for lunch (apparently celebs are seen there all the time). It's a shopping complex with attached farmers' market, and I honestly liked the farmers' market better of the two. I didn't spot any celebrities, but I did notice more than one of the Ladies who Lunch staring at me beadily until they realized no one as fat as I am could possibly be even a supporting actress in Hollywood. I can understand why celebs are supposed to turn up there all the time though as CBS Studios is literally next door and there were a lot of lovely restaurants.
There was a meat stall in the farmers' market that I could see Dad spending literally a thousand dollars at. If I had some extra $$ I would've bought something and sent evil, tantalizing pics home, but I don't so I didn't.
I ended up choosing a Chinese stall for lunch since it was crowded - I remember Pin (my grandfather) always saying to choose the busiest place to eat at - but sadly it wasn't really that good. I suppose it was busy because it was "normal", which is a real pity, I thought people in LA might be more adventurous!
When I drove home I took a detour and drove up Rodeo Dr (and then for the heck of it I did a U-turn and drove back down it), and once again saw no celebs although there was such a mass of paparazzi I was shocked at the idea any celeb would ever go there, despite the lovely stores. I did spot a glorious black and yellow Bugatti outside one boutique. It was pretty funny because traffic was so slow (they literally don't bother posting speed limit signs because everyone goes so slowly hoping for a glimpse of someone famous), I just caught a glimpse of the "EB" on the back and thought, "I know what car that is...what car is it??" It was only a minute later when I pulled far enough forward to see the shape of the car that I realized it was a Bugatti! I guess I remember the chassis better than the rear! Anyway it was gorgeous and I was better pleased at seeing it than some B-lister desperate for attention. I am sad I didn't see Audrina Partridge because I wanted a picture with her for my friend Brian, but we can't expect perfect things in an imperfect world after all.
I'm going to the LA Zoo sometime next week, and I think I'll stop by Rodeo Dr again after that, but this time I'll park and stroll around and maybe drool an ocean in the Bvlgari boutique...I LOVE Bvlgari! They really have a ton of lovely stores there. If only I could win the lotto and take Jade or Lidia on a shopping spree there! Of course, first I'd have to remember to buy a ticket, something I have not managed to do since my sophomore year of college...
Today I'm going to stay in and do some more reading - might run over to campus and use the library for a bit, although I have a rotten headache so I don't know that I will, maybe on Monday. I can't go tomorrow because a friend from UF is in town and wants to see me, and I can't on Sunday because I'm going to Bowers to say goodbye to everyone and see the Faberge exhibit one last time.
My friends have convinced me to give myself a going-away party, but I'm going to make it easy on myself (and everyone, come to that) and just making a facebook event for us all to meet up at some bar and have a good time. I'm not sure what day or which bar yet, but every time I think about it I want to laugh - I have never thrown myself a party in my life before, unless you count my 21st, and two of my friends had birthdays the same week so we threw a gigantic joint party at their apartment. It honestly never occurred to me to throw a going-away party for myself, even though I've gone to lots of them while at uni and out here too. I wonder what that says about me?
I really have been a bit of a mess today. For instance, I went into the kitchen four times to make a toaster strudel for breakfast, and it was only the fourth time I remembered why I went in there, and when I opened the freezer I saw a Banquet Breakfast Sausage and White Gravy Pie, and made that instead. You can see why I'm staying in and doing my reading instead of going out sightseeing. If I tried for the Getty I'd probably end up in Manhattan Beach!
Two weeks from now I'll be on my way home! Yippee!
It's been a busy week - went to War of the Worlds produced by the Long Beach Shakespeare Company on Tuesday night. I've gone to their production every single Halloween I've been here (all three), and I'm so glad I got a ticket for this one. It was a lovely production this year, with even more special effects done live on-stage rather than from recordings, and it was, as always, deliciously creepy. They're having a hard time financially, so if you have the ability to donate please do - your donation is tax-deductible and they really do incredible work with a shoestring budget!
Wednesday being Halloween I bought candy and red wine and spent the night in my armchair, watching Midsomer Murders and consuming both. It might not have been wild or crazy like partying in Hollywood undoubtedly was, but it was infinitely more comfortable and probably exponentially cheaper.
Yesterday I decided to do some sightseeing and went to the Grove for lunch (apparently celebs are seen there all the time). It's a shopping complex with attached farmers' market, and I honestly liked the farmers' market better of the two. I didn't spot any celebrities, but I did notice more than one of the Ladies who Lunch staring at me beadily until they realized no one as fat as I am could possibly be even a supporting actress in Hollywood. I can understand why celebs are supposed to turn up there all the time though as CBS Studios is literally next door and there were a lot of lovely restaurants.
There was a meat stall in the farmers' market that I could see Dad spending literally a thousand dollars at. If I had some extra $$ I would've bought something and sent evil, tantalizing pics home, but I don't so I didn't.
I ended up choosing a Chinese stall for lunch since it was crowded - I remember Pin (my grandfather) always saying to choose the busiest place to eat at - but sadly it wasn't really that good. I suppose it was busy because it was "normal", which is a real pity, I thought people in LA might be more adventurous!
When I drove home I took a detour and drove up Rodeo Dr (and then for the heck of it I did a U-turn and drove back down it), and once again saw no celebs although there was such a mass of paparazzi I was shocked at the idea any celeb would ever go there, despite the lovely stores. I did spot a glorious black and yellow Bugatti outside one boutique. It was pretty funny because traffic was so slow (they literally don't bother posting speed limit signs because everyone goes so slowly hoping for a glimpse of someone famous), I just caught a glimpse of the "EB" on the back and thought, "I know what car that is...what car is it??" It was only a minute later when I pulled far enough forward to see the shape of the car that I realized it was a Bugatti! I guess I remember the chassis better than the rear! Anyway it was gorgeous and I was better pleased at seeing it than some B-lister desperate for attention. I am sad I didn't see Audrina Partridge because I wanted a picture with her for my friend Brian, but we can't expect perfect things in an imperfect world after all.
I'm going to the LA Zoo sometime next week, and I think I'll stop by Rodeo Dr again after that, but this time I'll park and stroll around and maybe drool an ocean in the Bvlgari boutique...I LOVE Bvlgari! They really have a ton of lovely stores there. If only I could win the lotto and take Jade or Lidia on a shopping spree there! Of course, first I'd have to remember to buy a ticket, something I have not managed to do since my sophomore year of college...
Today I'm going to stay in and do some more reading - might run over to campus and use the library for a bit, although I have a rotten headache so I don't know that I will, maybe on Monday. I can't go tomorrow because a friend from UF is in town and wants to see me, and I can't on Sunday because I'm going to Bowers to say goodbye to everyone and see the Faberge exhibit one last time.
My friends have convinced me to give myself a going-away party, but I'm going to make it easy on myself (and everyone, come to that) and just making a facebook event for us all to meet up at some bar and have a good time. I'm not sure what day or which bar yet, but every time I think about it I want to laugh - I have never thrown myself a party in my life before, unless you count my 21st, and two of my friends had birthdays the same week so we threw a gigantic joint party at their apartment. It honestly never occurred to me to throw a going-away party for myself, even though I've gone to lots of them while at uni and out here too. I wonder what that says about me?
I really have been a bit of a mess today. For instance, I went into the kitchen four times to make a toaster strudel for breakfast, and it was only the fourth time I remembered why I went in there, and when I opened the freezer I saw a Banquet Breakfast Sausage and White Gravy Pie, and made that instead. You can see why I'm staying in and doing my reading instead of going out sightseeing. If I tried for the Getty I'd probably end up in Manhattan Beach!
Two weeks from now I'll be on my way home! Yippee!
Monday, October 29, 2012
My day at the Long Beach Aquarium
I haven't edited the pictures yet, but I DID upload the videos to Youtube, so I'm going to embed them here and do a proper update later. Got a lot to do this morning, which I've been putting off because I'm sitting here mesmerized by the tv/Twitter coverage of Hurricane Sandy. Hope everyone stays safe and doesn't get too wet and well...sandy...
More later, hope you like them!
More later, hope you like them!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Clearance! Everything Must Go!
Hey all - here's a list of all the stuff I'm selling before I leave California.
Desk - $30
Lamp (X2) - $10 (each)
Side Table (X4) - $5 (each)
Table and 2 Chairs with cushions - $50
Fan - $15
Bookshelf - $15
Crock pot - $15
Microwave - $20
Scale - $10
Mini heater - $10
I also have a lot of small things that need to go - some old (well-loved) kitchen supplies I can part with for a couple of bucks each (couple of frying pans, a pot with its lid, tupperware, etc); unused school supplies, decorative items, a couple puzzles, water bottles, hammer, screwdrivers, some murder mysteries, bunch of random stuff I'll let for for a dollar or two.
I just really need some $$ to actually make it cross country since my savings are obliterated and the gasoline alone will probably hit the limit of my credit card. Affording the hotels and food...well it's going to be tight!
Please facebook me and let me know if you're willing to buy any of it!
Also, I only have a car, so I can't deliver any of the big stuff, fyi.
Desk - $30
Lamp (X2) - $10 (each)
Side Table (X4) - $5 (each)
Table and 2 Chairs with cushions - $50
Fan - $15
Bookshelf - $15
Crock pot - $15
Microwave - $20
Scale - $10
Mini heater - $10
I also have a lot of small things that need to go - some old (well-loved) kitchen supplies I can part with for a couple of bucks each (couple of frying pans, a pot with its lid, tupperware, etc); unused school supplies, decorative items, a couple puzzles, water bottles, hammer, screwdrivers, some murder mysteries, bunch of random stuff I'll let for for a dollar or two.
I just really need some $$ to actually make it cross country since my savings are obliterated and the gasoline alone will probably hit the limit of my credit card. Affording the hotels and food...well it's going to be tight!
Please facebook me and let me know if you're willing to buy any of it!
Also, I only have a car, so I can't deliver any of the big stuff, fyi.
Every Morning
It's getting COLDER! I've had to put an extra blanket in my bed, change out my tank and shorts for the pajamas I got last Christmas, and wear socks just to be able to sleep. Why do I hate the cold so much? Why can't I be one of those weirdos who ENJOY being cold?
Taking a shower this morning was NOT fun. I can't decide if it's me being a chicken, or if something has happened to the water heater, but normally I flinch when the water is on it's hottest and can't stand it, and today I was turning it all the way and it wasn't warm enough.
Made a ton of arrangements yesterday about the move, and Lidia has her plane ticket. She offered to take a bus to Long Beach in case LAX was "too far" (kinda funny since we're driving cross-country which is a lot farther) and I replied, "Are you crazy?! We might see a celebrity!" She needs to get her priorities in order.
There are still a lot of things I want to do before I leave, but I feel so tired today I'm going to stay in and get some reading/thesis work done. Maybe tomorrow I can go to Rodeo Drive or the Getty or whatever.
Judy's annual Halloween bash is this weekend. I think I have a good costume figured out, but I want it to be a surprise so I'll just post pictures after the fact.
I need to figure out how to sell all of my stuff so I can have some $$ for the trip. The bed and armchair are earmarked already, just need to get rid of the bookcase, the desk, the side tables, two lamps, table and chairs, the crock pot, the microwave and a ton of little stuff. I guess I should do another post on facebook, maybe about 3 pm my time because everyone seems to be online around about then.
Oh well, that reading won't do itself!
Taking a shower this morning was NOT fun. I can't decide if it's me being a chicken, or if something has happened to the water heater, but normally I flinch when the water is on it's hottest and can't stand it, and today I was turning it all the way and it wasn't warm enough.
Made a ton of arrangements yesterday about the move, and Lidia has her plane ticket. She offered to take a bus to Long Beach in case LAX was "too far" (kinda funny since we're driving cross-country which is a lot farther) and I replied, "Are you crazy?! We might see a celebrity!" She needs to get her priorities in order.
There are still a lot of things I want to do before I leave, but I feel so tired today I'm going to stay in and get some reading/thesis work done. Maybe tomorrow I can go to Rodeo Drive or the Getty or whatever.
Judy's annual Halloween bash is this weekend. I think I have a good costume figured out, but I want it to be a surprise so I'll just post pictures after the fact.
I need to figure out how to sell all of my stuff so I can have some $$ for the trip. The bed and armchair are earmarked already, just need to get rid of the bookcase, the desk, the side tables, two lamps, table and chairs, the crock pot, the microwave and a ton of little stuff. I guess I should do another post on facebook, maybe about 3 pm my time because everyone seems to be online around about then.
Oh well, that reading won't do itself!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Two Months to Go
My lovely cousin Jade Sheldon asked me tonight what I'd do if the Mayans were right and the world was actually going to end two months from now. She posted her own thoughts here
and I thought I'd make my own post about what I'd do.
I'm already moving home in a few weeks (hallelujah!), so I'd dedicate what time I have out here to doing things I can't do back home. For instance, I'd strut down Rodeo Drive like I owned it in my absolute favorite high heels. I'd go back to LACMA and sit and stare at the Picassos for an hour. And then I'd go sit in the Rodin room for an hour.
I'd go to the LA Zoo, and to the Getty (I plan on doing these things anyway...need to get on that!), and hike up to the Hollywood sign so I could see all of LA spread before me. I'd go to the Long Beach Aquarium, and have dinner at the fancy South African restaurant across the street from it.
I'd go to the African Hut, buy proper British bangers (and meat pies!) and make myself a dinner of bangers and mash, with peas and a dessert of Mars bars.
The next day I'd eat nothing but biltong and South African candy - until dinnertime when I'd eat the rest of the bangers and mash, of course.
Then I'd drive across America and take so many pictures I'd have to buy another 4 gig card since my original one will be full.
Once I got home, I'd NOT go to the dentist (sorry doc, but with two months to go, I'd rather avoid the drills!), or my doctor, or my ophthalmologist.
I would cook all my favorite things for Mom so she wouldn't have to cook, and then make her cook them so I could taste them the way she does them.
I'd spend an entire day at the beach, in my teeniest bikini, and I'd punch anyone who gave me a dirty look for being fat.
I'd paint my nails every time I felt like it, and get a full body wax so I wouldn't have to shave ever again (oh what a blessed thought!). I'd watch all of my favorite movies and have a cocktail every evening.
I would cuddle my kitties and pamper them hand and foot, so they'd know how much I love them and that I'm so sorry for staying away for so long. (Actually, that's probably going to happen anyway.)
I'd call certain of my exes and tell them where they got off and that they were going to rot in hell for how they treated me and how they left me.
I'd call certain of my exes and thank them for treating me with respect, and trying to make it work, even when things got rough.
I'd cook something lovely whenever I wanted, and eat my favorite cheese buns, and talk to my best friends, and make caramel brownies and eat them with Edy's Double Fudge Brownie ice cream. I'd wear my fanciest clothes to go clubbing, and my Make Up Forever #206 lipstick every day.
I'd paint my garden, and photograph a band one last time. I'd wear as much jewelry as I could so all of it could see the light of day again at least once.
But most of all, I'd make every moment memorable - and with my family, my friends. Family and friends are what's important, when everything comes down.
and I thought I'd make my own post about what I'd do.
I'm already moving home in a few weeks (hallelujah!), so I'd dedicate what time I have out here to doing things I can't do back home. For instance, I'd strut down Rodeo Drive like I owned it in my absolute favorite high heels. I'd go back to LACMA and sit and stare at the Picassos for an hour. And then I'd go sit in the Rodin room for an hour.
I'd go to the LA Zoo, and to the Getty (I plan on doing these things anyway...need to get on that!), and hike up to the Hollywood sign so I could see all of LA spread before me. I'd go to the Long Beach Aquarium, and have dinner at the fancy South African restaurant across the street from it.
I'd go to the African Hut, buy proper British bangers (and meat pies!) and make myself a dinner of bangers and mash, with peas and a dessert of Mars bars.
The next day I'd eat nothing but biltong and South African candy - until dinnertime when I'd eat the rest of the bangers and mash, of course.
Then I'd drive across America and take so many pictures I'd have to buy another 4 gig card since my original one will be full.
Once I got home, I'd NOT go to the dentist (sorry doc, but with two months to go, I'd rather avoid the drills!), or my doctor, or my ophthalmologist.
I would cook all my favorite things for Mom so she wouldn't have to cook, and then make her cook them so I could taste them the way she does them.
I'd spend an entire day at the beach, in my teeniest bikini, and I'd punch anyone who gave me a dirty look for being fat.
I'd paint my nails every time I felt like it, and get a full body wax so I wouldn't have to shave ever again (oh what a blessed thought!). I'd watch all of my favorite movies and have a cocktail every evening.
I would cuddle my kitties and pamper them hand and foot, so they'd know how much I love them and that I'm so sorry for staying away for so long. (Actually, that's probably going to happen anyway.)
I'd call certain of my exes and tell them where they got off and that they were going to rot in hell for how they treated me and how they left me.
I'd call certain of my exes and thank them for treating me with respect, and trying to make it work, even when things got rough.
I'd cook something lovely whenever I wanted, and eat my favorite cheese buns, and talk to my best friends, and make caramel brownies and eat them with Edy's Double Fudge Brownie ice cream. I'd wear my fanciest clothes to go clubbing, and my Make Up Forever #206 lipstick every day.
I'd paint my garden, and photograph a band one last time. I'd wear as much jewelry as I could so all of it could see the light of day again at least once.
But most of all, I'd make every moment memorable - and with my family, my friends. Family and friends are what's important, when everything comes down.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I don't know what I need to do to get my life in order. My information was leaked in a security breach as a scholarship recipient at the University of Florida from 2006-2007, so I contacted Equifax so they could put an alert on my social security number, and I've asked my friends if I should sign up with a bureau so I can check my report for inaccuracies.
Today I found out that as a GS700 "student" I am NOT an official student and may have to start paying back my federal loans in the next six months (which I can't afford to do) - and what will happen when I finally start at TAMU? I need more loans to get me through my first year there. I'm going to call them in the morning and see if there is ANYTHING I can do.
Tomorrow is my interview at Tiffany's, I'm really hoping for good news from there. Of course, if it's a good opportunity and I get offered the job and take it, I won't be home for Christmas, which is just about the worst thing that has ever happened to me, including the time I nearly died of a throat abscess and was stuck in hospital for a week with needles poking out of me everywhere.
The idea of sitting at home alone on Christmas night without my family, without my friends, without my kitties, without even a copy of 101 Dalmatians, and the Harvest of Holidays, both of which I have read (well the Christmas section of HoH, not the whole book) every single Christmas Eve for the past ten years...I literally well up with tears at the mere idea.
I was supposed to call the pharmacy today and forgot. I had an appointment on campus and when I got home and contacted the FLDOE about the security breach I was just so tired it never even occurred to me. I called Dad to ask about how to report to credit bureaus, and meant to follow up this afternoon but I fell asleep. I guess it'll be another long night for me tonight...stupid insomnia.
My diet is not going well. If only I could go running or jogging, it would make such a difference.
I guess I should go to bed. Maybe "joy will come in the morning" after all.
Today I found out that as a GS700 "student" I am NOT an official student and may have to start paying back my federal loans in the next six months (which I can't afford to do) - and what will happen when I finally start at TAMU? I need more loans to get me through my first year there. I'm going to call them in the morning and see if there is ANYTHING I can do.
Tomorrow is my interview at Tiffany's, I'm really hoping for good news from there. Of course, if it's a good opportunity and I get offered the job and take it, I won't be home for Christmas, which is just about the worst thing that has ever happened to me, including the time I nearly died of a throat abscess and was stuck in hospital for a week with needles poking out of me everywhere.
The idea of sitting at home alone on Christmas night without my family, without my friends, without my kitties, without even a copy of 101 Dalmatians, and the Harvest of Holidays, both of which I have read (well the Christmas section of HoH, not the whole book) every single Christmas Eve for the past ten years...I literally well up with tears at the mere idea.
I was supposed to call the pharmacy today and forgot. I had an appointment on campus and when I got home and contacted the FLDOE about the security breach I was just so tired it never even occurred to me. I called Dad to ask about how to report to credit bureaus, and meant to follow up this afternoon but I fell asleep. I guess it'll be another long night for me tonight...stupid insomnia.
My diet is not going well. If only I could go running or jogging, it would make such a difference.
I guess I should go to bed. Maybe "joy will come in the morning" after all.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Getting it done!
I've really knocked out a lot of stuff this morning - contacted Prime Mail (turns out my doc blocked my prescription because I'm 4 months late for my checkup, so I called my doc and she agreed to give me the prescription as long as I come in when I come home for Christmas - whew!), paid some bills, sent some important emails, marked my calendar for my week's appointments, made a folio of emails for one of my professors, and edited all my La Brea pictures. Which is slightly ironic, because I haven't done the San Juan Capistrano Mission pictures yet...oh well.
I also finished a quest in the Sims Social, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as work...haha
Anyway, here is my Picasa account so you can see all the photos I've made public - shows I've photographed, places I've been, etc, etc:
And here's the direct link to the La Brea album:
The last five "images" are actually all videos. I tried to upload them to here, but it's not working, so you'll have to go there.
Oh well, I've got to find an outfit for my interview later this week, and eat some lunch, and try and fit in a nice walk this evening to burn some calories.
I also finished a quest in the Sims Social, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as work...haha
Anyway, here is my Picasa account so you can see all the photos I've made public - shows I've photographed, places I've been, etc, etc:
And here's the direct link to the La Brea album:
The last five "images" are actually all videos. I tried to upload them to here, but it's not working, so you'll have to go there.
Oh well, I've got to find an outfit for my interview later this week, and eat some lunch, and try and fit in a nice walk this evening to burn some calories.
I got a care package from my mom, and it's an AWESOME care package. It's like she knew I was craving cookies! There are a couple gift cards in there too that I think are from Fiona, I have to double-check so I can send a thank-you email. There's also a John Bellairs I've been dying to read...
So, I have to buckle down and get some things done and then I can curl up with my book! I'll post pictures of visiting La Brea later.
So, I have to buckle down and get some things done and then I can curl up with my book! I'll post pictures of visiting La Brea later.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Chilly and bright
Four days ago it was so hot I was lying still with all my windows open, praying for a breath of air. Today it's so chilly that I'm here in my dressing gown, with socks, with the windows closed (but blinds open). The sky outside is fading to pastels you never see in summer, as if the brightness belongs to the summer, and autumn brings softness with change.
My ears are killing me, my back hurts, my head hurts, and my throat and lungs feel funny. I hope I get better soon, I can't afford to get bronchitis a fourth time while I'm out here!
My ears are killing me, my back hurts, my head hurts, and my throat and lungs feel funny. I hope I get better soon, I can't afford to get bronchitis a fourth time while I'm out here!
Autumn = Change
I awoke at 5:56 am this morning, with a curious feeling that something was fundamentally different about that moment. It was quiet; cars hadn't yet begun rushing down the street towards the highway, my apartment was dark, and the complex lights were still shining through the gap between my ceiling and the top of my blinds.
Then, a sound made me leap out of bed, run to my door, and wrench it open to find that was RAINING! Despite my shoeless and thinly-clad state I stepped out onto the balcony into the chilly downpour, reaching out to catch raindrops in my hands.
Unromantically, I began to sneeze and went inside. But I think I slept a little better having seen some rain for the first time in probably ten months.
This morning I was good, got up when my alarm went off, took out the trash, checked the mail, etc etc. I have an appointment for later today and then it's back to the grind.
When my alarm went off, I wrapped myself in my dressing gown and ventured to peek outside. The air wasn't icy, but it had a crisp, chilly tang that makes me think it - and last night's rain - came down from the mountains instead of in over the sea. The sky is bright, although there are still a lot of clouds on the horizon, and I could see the outlines of the mountains from my balcony. All the colors seemed crisper and everything looked damp and freshly washed, the breeze so gentle the leaves on the trees barely fluttered.
I miss my family.
Then, a sound made me leap out of bed, run to my door, and wrench it open to find that was RAINING! Despite my shoeless and thinly-clad state I stepped out onto the balcony into the chilly downpour, reaching out to catch raindrops in my hands.
Unromantically, I began to sneeze and went inside. But I think I slept a little better having seen some rain for the first time in probably ten months.
This morning I was good, got up when my alarm went off, took out the trash, checked the mail, etc etc. I have an appointment for later today and then it's back to the grind.
When my alarm went off, I wrapped myself in my dressing gown and ventured to peek outside. The air wasn't icy, but it had a crisp, chilly tang that makes me think it - and last night's rain - came down from the mountains instead of in over the sea. The sky is bright, although there are still a lot of clouds on the horizon, and I could see the outlines of the mountains from my balcony. All the colors seemed crisper and everything looked damp and freshly washed, the breeze so gentle the leaves on the trees barely fluttered.
I miss my family.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Pumpkin time
Progression of a pumpkin:
Original pumpkin.
The inner workings.
Cut up into chunks.
The cooked pieces.
Seeds for Mom.
Pretty yummy.
My dinner last Friday night. It was so worth every calorie.
My life is still a shambles, hence why I haven't been posting. Applied for three new jobs today. Utterly desperate.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Little Tidbits
Been pretty busy trying to get my life in some semblance of order. So this is going to be a slightly random post.
First off: here are some of the delicious dinners I've had lately:

These are my bacon-onion-cheddar "sandwiches". YUM!
And surprisingly, not terrible for you, because I trim a lot of fat off the bacon, and cook a whole rasher with four large onions, so it's mostly onion, but delicious onion. And it's so filling!

Seriously, I trim a LOT of the fat.
Was on a breakfast-for-dinner kick and bought $5 of breakfast steak, resulting in meals such as this:

I got a lot of meals out of that $5 so I'm pretty proud -

I made a LOT of chicken soup the other week:

When I say a lot, I mean a LOT!
I also made some ribs the same day as the chicken soup, because they were on sale -

Last month I made a lot of Mexican food, and invented the "taco pita", which is strangely delicious and really easy to put together quickly:

Two months ago I had a LOVELY steak and I just want to share its awesomeness, in case I haven't already.

Okay, now that the picture part of the post is over. I really haven't been doing anything exciting lately. Still swimming, but not every day because it's hell on my hair. So I bought a bottle of strengthening conditioner ($1.19 at CVS) and I'm combing it into my hair AFTER I get out of the shower. I figure it's worth a shot, especially for just about a dollar. I'll keep you updated on its effectiveness.
Dr. Lipo has been sending me critiques that I can really use now, so I think I'm getting somewhere - especially with Brian's help. Nothing like friends that you can really, really count on! But I basically get up in the morning, eat something, check my email and get myself sorted for the day, and then get to work on what I'm doing with my life. Dr. Lipo just sent me another critique today, so I think I'll look at it again once I'm done with this post, let it stew in my brain while I clean, cook, and then watch Project Runway, and have a go at a rewrite once PR is done. Then I'll look at it again tomorrow morning.
Little interjection here - I hate vacuuming. HATE IT!!
Okay...yeah. I really do hate vacuuming though. I love my Swiffer - keeps my tiny kitchen in good order, although my linoleum always looks dirty, no matter how thoroughly I clean it. Maybe lye would make it squeaky clean, but I'm not that anal-retentive. And I have to clean my stove...ugh, maybe I can put that off. I had to buy Draino (or however you spell it) to clear the clogs in my shower. It's SUCH a relief to shower without having an inch or two of water around my ankles! Now I just have to wait a week or two and buy a couple Mr. Clean Erasers and scrub-a-dub-dub my kitchen and my bathroom into sparkling submission.
I'm glad football is back on, it's taking my mind off things and I feel a little less stressed about life in general even if I'm still broke, jobless, and in a really tough spot. If only I could sell Rebecca...getting a book published would be such a mental lift, even if the $$ isn't luxurious. Then again, I can't even afford beer, so even a $ would feel luxurious right about now!
Weight loss is pretty meh. I'm almost the same weight every time I weigh myself (I mean, I do swing 3 pounds this way and that, but that happens if you weigh yourself daily), and no matter how closely I keep my Livestrong account, and swimming and walking and strolling (and pacing my apartment for hours) doesn't seem to help all that much. I've been dieting more (and less) seriously for a year now and only lost ten-fifteen pounds tops. I don't want to take four years to lose the remaining forty!!
I guess I should go back to smoothies, but they're not great for winter food, and the weather is cooling already so it'll be chilly soon.
Okay it's 4 pm. I have to start cleaning so I can cook at 5 and eat at 6. Trying to get on a "normal" schedule for eating and sleeping, instead of having breakfast at 1 pm and dinner at 3 am.
First off: here are some of the delicious dinners I've had lately:
These are my bacon-onion-cheddar "sandwiches". YUM!
And surprisingly, not terrible for you, because I trim a lot of fat off the bacon, and cook a whole rasher with four large onions, so it's mostly onion, but delicious onion. And it's so filling!
Seriously, I trim a LOT of the fat.
Was on a breakfast-for-dinner kick and bought $5 of breakfast steak, resulting in meals such as this:
I got a lot of meals out of that $5 so I'm pretty proud -
I made a LOT of chicken soup the other week:
When I say a lot, I mean a LOT!
I also made some ribs the same day as the chicken soup, because they were on sale -
Last month I made a lot of Mexican food, and invented the "taco pita", which is strangely delicious and really easy to put together quickly:
Two months ago I had a LOVELY steak and I just want to share its awesomeness, in case I haven't already.
Okay, now that the picture part of the post is over. I really haven't been doing anything exciting lately. Still swimming, but not every day because it's hell on my hair. So I bought a bottle of strengthening conditioner ($1.19 at CVS) and I'm combing it into my hair AFTER I get out of the shower. I figure it's worth a shot, especially for just about a dollar. I'll keep you updated on its effectiveness.
Dr. Lipo has been sending me critiques that I can really use now, so I think I'm getting somewhere - especially with Brian's help. Nothing like friends that you can really, really count on! But I basically get up in the morning, eat something, check my email and get myself sorted for the day, and then get to work on what I'm doing with my life. Dr. Lipo just sent me another critique today, so I think I'll look at it again once I'm done with this post, let it stew in my brain while I clean, cook, and then watch Project Runway, and have a go at a rewrite once PR is done. Then I'll look at it again tomorrow morning.
Little interjection here - I hate vacuuming. HATE IT!!
Okay...yeah. I really do hate vacuuming though. I love my Swiffer - keeps my tiny kitchen in good order, although my linoleum always looks dirty, no matter how thoroughly I clean it. Maybe lye would make it squeaky clean, but I'm not that anal-retentive. And I have to clean my stove...ugh, maybe I can put that off. I had to buy Draino (or however you spell it) to clear the clogs in my shower. It's SUCH a relief to shower without having an inch or two of water around my ankles! Now I just have to wait a week or two and buy a couple Mr. Clean Erasers and scrub-a-dub-dub my kitchen and my bathroom into sparkling submission.
I'm glad football is back on, it's taking my mind off things and I feel a little less stressed about life in general even if I'm still broke, jobless, and in a really tough spot. If only I could sell Rebecca...getting a book published would be such a mental lift, even if the $$ isn't luxurious. Then again, I can't even afford beer, so even a $ would feel luxurious right about now!
Weight loss is pretty meh. I'm almost the same weight every time I weigh myself (I mean, I do swing 3 pounds this way and that, but that happens if you weigh yourself daily), and no matter how closely I keep my Livestrong account, and swimming and walking and strolling (and pacing my apartment for hours) doesn't seem to help all that much. I've been dieting more (and less) seriously for a year now and only lost ten-fifteen pounds tops. I don't want to take four years to lose the remaining forty!!
I guess I should go back to smoothies, but they're not great for winter food, and the weather is cooling already so it'll be chilly soon.
Okay it's 4 pm. I have to start cleaning so I can cook at 5 and eat at 6. Trying to get on a "normal" schedule for eating and sleeping, instead of having breakfast at 1 pm and dinner at 3 am.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Workin' hard
Happy Wednesday everybody! Despite everything that's happened, today was actually quite a good day.
Last night I stayed up til 5 am, trying to work on my novels, but didn't get much done. I was tired, miserable, and desperate. Let's face it, I'm broke (got a couple hundred or so in my bank account if I'm lucky), no job, no boyfriend, and my thesis has begun to assume the proportions of King Arthur's Quest for the Holy Grail.
Today I got out of bed at 11 am, tired, grumpy, and convinced that life was drab and gray and useless. I turned on the computer, and FINALLY my professors had gotten back to me! Well, two of them. Dr. LeMaster told me where to register for GS700 (basically, you're a grad student done with classes, but need to be registered as a student for various reasons) and Dr. Lipo with corrections for the stuff I sent him two weeks ago. And thank heaven, they were real critiques that I can understand, and I've already started rewriting it, and feeling much better about the whole thing.
I went down to campus, registered for GS700 (had to put the $351.00 on my credit card, and beg Mom and Dad to pay it when the payment is due in a couple weeks), and walked home in the broiling hot sun - okay it was only 85F, but that's a lot when you're walking a mile to the Foundation Building and a mile back! I went swimming, and only swam for half an hour, but it was worth it. Mostly because I only got a little bit of sunburn on my nose and face even though I forgot to put on sunscreen.
Then I came upstairs, showered, and started writing (re-writing?) my statement for Dr. Lipo, and made sausages for dinner. I did the dishes while they were cooking, so now I only have my dinner plate and the frying pan in the sink.
Now I have Restaurant Impossible on tv, and am taking a mental break by working on Rebecca for an hour or so, and then I'll go stew over my statement again. Rinse, lather, and repeat.
So I'm going to keep jobhunting, because even if I leave soon it'll make me feel better to DO something about my penniless condition, and if I don't get to leave soon...well I'd much rather have a job, you know?? And I have a date Friday, which I'm almost afraid to be excited about in case he cancels.
My new mantra about grad school is: How would I eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
Last night I stayed up til 5 am, trying to work on my novels, but didn't get much done. I was tired, miserable, and desperate. Let's face it, I'm broke (got a couple hundred or so in my bank account if I'm lucky), no job, no boyfriend, and my thesis has begun to assume the proportions of King Arthur's Quest for the Holy Grail.
Today I got out of bed at 11 am, tired, grumpy, and convinced that life was drab and gray and useless. I turned on the computer, and FINALLY my professors had gotten back to me! Well, two of them. Dr. LeMaster told me where to register for GS700 (basically, you're a grad student done with classes, but need to be registered as a student for various reasons) and Dr. Lipo with corrections for the stuff I sent him two weeks ago. And thank heaven, they were real critiques that I can understand, and I've already started rewriting it, and feeling much better about the whole thing.
I went down to campus, registered for GS700 (had to put the $351.00 on my credit card, and beg Mom and Dad to pay it when the payment is due in a couple weeks), and walked home in the broiling hot sun - okay it was only 85F, but that's a lot when you're walking a mile to the Foundation Building and a mile back! I went swimming, and only swam for half an hour, but it was worth it. Mostly because I only got a little bit of sunburn on my nose and face even though I forgot to put on sunscreen.
Then I came upstairs, showered, and started writing (re-writing?) my statement for Dr. Lipo, and made sausages for dinner. I did the dishes while they were cooking, so now I only have my dinner plate and the frying pan in the sink.
Now I have Restaurant Impossible on tv, and am taking a mental break by working on Rebecca for an hour or so, and then I'll go stew over my statement again. Rinse, lather, and repeat.
So I'm going to keep jobhunting, because even if I leave soon it'll make me feel better to DO something about my penniless condition, and if I don't get to leave soon...well I'd much rather have a job, you know?? And I have a date Friday, which I'm almost afraid to be excited about in case he cancels.
My new mantra about grad school is: How would I eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Sorry I haven't been posting much lately...trying to work on my novels and failing miserably. Doing what little I can on my thesis while Dr. Lipo is still on vacation.
But tonight I watched the JPL stream of the Curiosity landing, and man, it just brought me to tears. I remember Dad telling me about Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. I also remember Dad saying the guy after him said, "Well, it may have been a small step for Neil, but it's a giant leap for me!"
Of course, I get to follow Curiosity on Twitter, and we got live updates with only a 14 minute lag (only 14 minutes!!!!)...but still. There is no comparison between the two, other than that they are giant leaps for understanding and science.
When I heard "touchdown confirmed" I just burst into tears...I really am the world's biggest crybaby. But the emotion from JPL! The Ustream I was watching was from inside the JPL lab and the looks on their faces...probably the look on my face if I ever found the lost kingdom of Atlantis!
Someone on one of the forums I'm on posted this, and it made me cry again, but it's also true:
I guess it makes sense that that is what's changed in America since I've been here. Because it really has...my generation is just as much a lost generation as was Hemingway's expats in Paris. Only who is our Hemingway? And what are we going to do about it?
But tonight I watched the JPL stream of the Curiosity landing, and man, it just brought me to tears. I remember Dad telling me about Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. I also remember Dad saying the guy after him said, "Well, it may have been a small step for Neil, but it's a giant leap for me!"
Of course, I get to follow Curiosity on Twitter, and we got live updates with only a 14 minute lag (only 14 minutes!!!!)...but still. There is no comparison between the two, other than that they are giant leaps for understanding and science.
When I heard "touchdown confirmed" I just burst into tears...I really am the world's biggest crybaby. But the emotion from JPL! The Ustream I was watching was from inside the JPL lab and the looks on their faces...probably the look on my face if I ever found the lost kingdom of Atlantis!
Someone on one of the forums I'm on posted this, and it made me cry again, but it's also true:
I guess it makes sense that that is what's changed in America since I've been here. Because it really has...my generation is just as much a lost generation as was Hemingway's expats in Paris. Only who is our Hemingway? And what are we going to do about it?
Sunday, July 22, 2012
My Adventures in Cooking: Trying New Stuff
Dr. Lipo hasn't gotten back to me with his comments yet, so I've been pretty on edge recently. I decided it was time to cheer myself up, so when I went grocery shopping today not only did I only buy healthy stuff (with the exception of my ice cream, but that's my sanity tax!!!), but I bought only stuff that I like.
One thing I got was 1.8 pounds of pork baby back ribs for $5. Once I got home I snooped around the internet and decided to make a honey-garlic teryaki ribs, and they're now marinating overnight. Tomorrow I will bake them at 250F for 8 hours and they will come out utterly and perfectly delicious.
I'm making some more homemade chicken stock, so that I can make couscous for lunch tomorrow. I have a chicken thigh and a potato in the oven and they'll be ready in half an hour.
I'm utterly starving so I made myself some juice to last me until dinner is ready...I couldn't find any chia seeds in the stores, so I'll have to go to Trader Joe's or Bristol Farms or somewhere to find them.
I'll try to post pictures of the ribs tomorrow. Now, I'm just watching some Miss Marple and waiting for dinner to be ready.
One thing I got was 1.8 pounds of pork baby back ribs for $5. Once I got home I snooped around the internet and decided to make a honey-garlic teryaki ribs, and they're now marinating overnight. Tomorrow I will bake them at 250F for 8 hours and they will come out utterly and perfectly delicious.
I'm making some more homemade chicken stock, so that I can make couscous for lunch tomorrow. I have a chicken thigh and a potato in the oven and they'll be ready in half an hour.
I'm utterly starving so I made myself some juice to last me until dinner is ready...I couldn't find any chia seeds in the stores, so I'll have to go to Trader Joe's or Bristol Farms or somewhere to find them.
I'll try to post pictures of the ribs tomorrow. Now, I'm just watching some Miss Marple and waiting for dinner to be ready.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Progress for progess' sake...
Well I turned a new thesis proposal in to Dr. Lipo, so I'm feeling a combination of terrified and relieved. I also have to stop by the library tomorrow and return some books. Hopefully I can take them out again soon - surely since I'm still working on my thesis and will be in that GS700 class I'll still get to use the library, even if I have no access to the campus health clinic.
Now I'm up for at least a couple more hours, so I think it's time to put some work in on my novel. I mean, I can hardly work on my thesis until Dr. Lipo has gotten back to me, now can I?
Now I'm up for at least a couple more hours, so I think it's time to put some work in on my novel. I mean, I can hardly work on my thesis until Dr. Lipo has gotten back to me, now can I?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Linguine Bolognese
I made bolognese for the first time yesterday, and now have a week of meals! Yum!
Linguine Bolognese
- Whole wheat linguine
- Freshly grated cheddar cheese
- 1 lb ground beef
- 23 oz tomato sauce (18 oz can, 5 oz can)
- 5 cloves garlic
- 1 whole onion
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- two handfuls baby carrots
- half bell pepper
- oregano to taste
- thyme to taste
- black pepper to taste
1. Mince garlic and dice onion. Heat oil in pan, and sautee garlic and onion
until onion is translucent.
2. Shred carrots in food processor. Dice the bell pepper, and add them both to
pan, cook for five minutes.
3. Empty pan into bowl, and put ground beef into pan. Cook until meat is browned and in small
crumbly fragments.
4. Put vegetables back in pan, add tomato sauce and oregano,
thyme and pepper.
5. Simmer over medium-low heat for 30 minutes while
covered. Stir occasionally.
6. Boil linguine
7. Drain linguine and put on plate. Spoon Bolognese over the pasta, and top with
the freshly grated cheddar cheese.
Note: If you use 2 oz of linguine, 1 cup of Bolognese, and ¼
cup of cheddar cheese, the meal will be approximately 470 calories. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Missing home
I was feeling nostalgic and started going through the videos I took in South Africa. Found these really cute videos of penguins at the Boulders Beach penguin colony, and thought I'd share.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Sunny California
It's gorgeous and sunny outside, with blue skies and white clouds, and little breezes ruffling the treetops. I did go swimming for an hour, and I'm feeling a little burned despite the layers of sunscreen I sprayed on. I'm glad I'm getting into the habit of doing laps, exercise is good for you, and I like getting away from my goddamn desk every now and then.
Although, a TERRIBLE calamity has happened - I now have LEG FRECKLES!!! Can you imagine a worse fate to befall a girl? (Yes, of course I can think of plenty. But leg freckles are here and now, and grating on my soul!)
Anyway, I've done a little more sightseeing. Went to the Orange County Museum of Art on Sunday, and it was interesting, although only a few of the paintings (all of the stuff was done by Jack Goldstein) really interested me. I'm incredibly fascinated how he got his layers of color so precisely edged - I'd SWEAR he used tape, but the edges are all so organic, unless he cut the tape and then put it down, I don't see how he could do it!
I've spent more time chained to my desk, trying to sort out my thesis proposal. Today I started going through one of my old textbooks - Evolutionary Archaeology: Theory and Application - which is edited by Michael J. O'Brien, although the collected essays are by several people, including Robert C. Dunnell. I think I've almost got what Dr. Lipo wants now. I hope so. I really want to gather my data, analyze it (see wonderful numbers again!! haha) and go home to my family to write it up in peace and quiet.
Of course, I'll need a job so I can buy some essentials, including my own copy of Dr. Lipo's dissertation, which I simply can't afford right now, but hopefully whatever job I end up getting won't interfere with my thesis or helping my parents fix up the house.
I'm horribly sleepy right now. I was up until 4 am, alternately reading and writing, and although I got 7 hours of sleep, I immediately went swimming when I got up, so I'm kinda tired out. Still, it'll cool down in an hour or so and I can make dinner and hopefully I'll be able to concentrate better once it's cool and I'm full. I wish I'd gone through Evolutionary Archaeology before, I've kind of pushed it aside for the Prudence Rice textbook, but whatever. I'll get this done someway, somehow, even if not in the timeframe I so desperately want. I've come WAY too far to flop on my back and give up.
Although, I have to admit...if Christian Louboutin offered me a full-time job photographing their merchandise and blogging for them, as well as providing a little flat in Milan or London or New York for me to live in...I'd be all kinds of tempted! Ha!
Although, a TERRIBLE calamity has happened - I now have LEG FRECKLES!!! Can you imagine a worse fate to befall a girl? (Yes, of course I can think of plenty. But leg freckles are here and now, and grating on my soul!)
Anyway, I've done a little more sightseeing. Went to the Orange County Museum of Art on Sunday, and it was interesting, although only a few of the paintings (all of the stuff was done by Jack Goldstein) really interested me. I'm incredibly fascinated how he got his layers of color so precisely edged - I'd SWEAR he used tape, but the edges are all so organic, unless he cut the tape and then put it down, I don't see how he could do it!
I've spent more time chained to my desk, trying to sort out my thesis proposal. Today I started going through one of my old textbooks - Evolutionary Archaeology: Theory and Application - which is edited by Michael J. O'Brien, although the collected essays are by several people, including Robert C. Dunnell. I think I've almost got what Dr. Lipo wants now. I hope so. I really want to gather my data, analyze it (see wonderful numbers again!! haha) and go home to my family to write it up in peace and quiet.
Of course, I'll need a job so I can buy some essentials, including my own copy of Dr. Lipo's dissertation, which I simply can't afford right now, but hopefully whatever job I end up getting won't interfere with my thesis or helping my parents fix up the house.
I'm horribly sleepy right now. I was up until 4 am, alternately reading and writing, and although I got 7 hours of sleep, I immediately went swimming when I got up, so I'm kinda tired out. Still, it'll cool down in an hour or so and I can make dinner and hopefully I'll be able to concentrate better once it's cool and I'm full. I wish I'd gone through Evolutionary Archaeology before, I've kind of pushed it aside for the Prudence Rice textbook, but whatever. I'll get this done someway, somehow, even if not in the timeframe I so desperately want. I've come WAY too far to flop on my back and give up.
Although, I have to admit...if Christian Louboutin offered me a full-time job photographing their merchandise and blogging for them, as well as providing a little flat in Milan or London or New York for me to live in...I'd be all kinds of tempted! Ha!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Sightseeing in California
Well, it's gorgeous outside. And when it's gorgeous outside, it's VERY hard for me to concentrate on my thesis. So I have a new plan - sightsee (is that a word?) during the day (and apply for jobs!) and then work on my thesis at night.
So far, it's working out well.
Yesterday was my first attempt at sightseeing, and it was a good day, if not what I'd intended. My plan was to go to the Irvine Museum, stop at Newport Pier for lunch, and then go to San Juan Capistrano to see the mission there.
When I was on Googlemaps planning my route, I noticed it was much easier to do Newport Pier first, and then Irvine, and then SJC, so that's what I set out to do.
Newport Beach is LOVELY, all sunny and pretty and shockingly crowded considering it was a Tuesday. To be fair, this is the first week of summer vacation (if the radio dj is right), so that could be part of it. Most of the parking is metered, so I shelled out $1.50 in quarters, parked (got so lucky that I got to pull into a parking almost as soon as I started looking, in a primo area of the pier!), and wandered around.
I paddled in the sea for a little bit (it smells so good there, Long Beach is so polluted it barely smells like ocean anymore), then washed off and went to get lunch on this cute restaurant perched on the end of the pier. I got a cucumber salad (with crab meat and spicy tuna) and unagi nagiri, and they were absolutely delicious, and very calorie-conscious so I was quite proud of myself, and proceeded to reward myself with a $2 chocolate soft serve cone on the boardwalk. I walked around, looking at the shops and beachfront properties while I was eating it. I saw a bike that was bejeweled with a million rhinestones - every surface that wasn't a wire or tire was covered with them!! I wanted it so much, but how silly would it be to buy a ridiculously expensive bike when I'll be here for only a couple months?
The real estate was GORGEOUS - probably millions and millions of dollars, but lovely to look at. Maybe if I'm rich when I'm old, I can retire to one. They really are very lovely, and such enormous windows towards the beach! Their views must be fabulous!
Once my ice cream was done I got back in the car and went looking for the Irvine Museum - I couldn't find it anywhere, and used my Garmin to direct me to the Irvine Historical Museum - a tiny, two-room historical house perched on the edge of a golf course.
The docent explained that the Irvine Museum is in a business block, and for that reason most people (like me) can't find it, when they're looking for a freestanding non-business variety building. I was going to go find it, but she was very excited about my being an archaeologist and she ended up telling me about the history of Irvine and Orange County. At one point a gentleman came in, and started talking to us (he seemed to be a regular visitor) and told me a little about his life - he was born in Hamburg, Germany, and conscripted into the army during WWII, came to America with "ten dollars in [his] pocket" and made it through college without any debt. Of course, he joined the US Airforce and had his education paid for, but that's still quite an accomplishment.
I stayed talking to them until about 3:30 and then left for the African Hut, deciding it was much too late to head to either the Irvine Museum or SJC Mission since they both close at 5 pm.
The African Hut was delightful as always, and this time they had peppermint crisp bars which was VERY exciting! I managed to only spend $35 (that's really very good) and I resisted all of the clearance-priced Easter Eggs (including one filled with Godiva truffles!), AND the Terry's Chocolate Oranges. I LOVE chocolate oranges, it wouldn't feel like Christmas without them.
Of course I managed to get stuck in an awful traffic jam on the way back and when I finally got home I was so frustrated at my 30 minute drive turning into a 60 minute one, most of my pleasure at the day was evaporated. I settled down with a book, but it was a couple hours before I felt happy again.
I had two mangoes for dinner, since I realized they were all ripening much faster than I'd bargained for, and will probably do the same again today.
Today I was going to go sightseeing, but I remembered that Portugal plays Spain in the semifinals of the Euro Cup today, so I'm watching it now, and might go to somewhere afterwards...but I really hate the idea of being stuck in MORE traffic so I don't know.
So far, it's working out well.
Yesterday was my first attempt at sightseeing, and it was a good day, if not what I'd intended. My plan was to go to the Irvine Museum, stop at Newport Pier for lunch, and then go to San Juan Capistrano to see the mission there.
When I was on Googlemaps planning my route, I noticed it was much easier to do Newport Pier first, and then Irvine, and then SJC, so that's what I set out to do.
Newport Beach is LOVELY, all sunny and pretty and shockingly crowded considering it was a Tuesday. To be fair, this is the first week of summer vacation (if the radio dj is right), so that could be part of it. Most of the parking is metered, so I shelled out $1.50 in quarters, parked (got so lucky that I got to pull into a parking almost as soon as I started looking, in a primo area of the pier!), and wandered around.
I paddled in the sea for a little bit (it smells so good there, Long Beach is so polluted it barely smells like ocean anymore), then washed off and went to get lunch on this cute restaurant perched on the end of the pier. I got a cucumber salad (with crab meat and spicy tuna) and unagi nagiri, and they were absolutely delicious, and very calorie-conscious so I was quite proud of myself, and proceeded to reward myself with a $2 chocolate soft serve cone on the boardwalk. I walked around, looking at the shops and beachfront properties while I was eating it. I saw a bike that was bejeweled with a million rhinestones - every surface that wasn't a wire or tire was covered with them!! I wanted it so much, but how silly would it be to buy a ridiculously expensive bike when I'll be here for only a couple months?
The real estate was GORGEOUS - probably millions and millions of dollars, but lovely to look at. Maybe if I'm rich when I'm old, I can retire to one. They really are very lovely, and such enormous windows towards the beach! Their views must be fabulous!
Once my ice cream was done I got back in the car and went looking for the Irvine Museum - I couldn't find it anywhere, and used my Garmin to direct me to the Irvine Historical Museum - a tiny, two-room historical house perched on the edge of a golf course.
The docent explained that the Irvine Museum is in a business block, and for that reason most people (like me) can't find it, when they're looking for a freestanding non-business variety building. I was going to go find it, but she was very excited about my being an archaeologist and she ended up telling me about the history of Irvine and Orange County. At one point a gentleman came in, and started talking to us (he seemed to be a regular visitor) and told me a little about his life - he was born in Hamburg, Germany, and conscripted into the army during WWII, came to America with "ten dollars in [his] pocket" and made it through college without any debt. Of course, he joined the US Airforce and had his education paid for, but that's still quite an accomplishment.
I stayed talking to them until about 3:30 and then left for the African Hut, deciding it was much too late to head to either the Irvine Museum or SJC Mission since they both close at 5 pm.
The African Hut was delightful as always, and this time they had peppermint crisp bars which was VERY exciting! I managed to only spend $35 (that's really very good) and I resisted all of the clearance-priced Easter Eggs (including one filled with Godiva truffles!), AND the Terry's Chocolate Oranges. I LOVE chocolate oranges, it wouldn't feel like Christmas without them.
Of course I managed to get stuck in an awful traffic jam on the way back and when I finally got home I was so frustrated at my 30 minute drive turning into a 60 minute one, most of my pleasure at the day was evaporated. I settled down with a book, but it was a couple hours before I felt happy again.
I had two mangoes for dinner, since I realized they were all ripening much faster than I'd bargained for, and will probably do the same again today.
Today I was going to go sightseeing, but I remembered that Portugal plays Spain in the semifinals of the Euro Cup today, so I'm watching it now, and might go to somewhere afterwards...but I really hate the idea of being stuck in MORE traffic so I don't know.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
More food!
So here is the second cornish game hen I made a couple days ago:
Does that look incredible or what???
Believe me, it was because get this - I MADE MY OWN CHICKEN STOCK FROM SCRATCH!!!
There, the photographic evidence. Am I dedicated to deliciousness or what?
Today I went grocery shopping and found a $13 organic chicken for $4.30, so naturally, I just had to buy it!
I had a thigh in my fridge defrosting for two days so I just had to cook it, hence why it's in the pan. Glad it got to roast in the delicious organic juices, I bet it'll taste awesome!
Can you believe the size of that chicken heart?? (Above picture, to the left) I've never seen one that big! They also gave me ALL of the liver, which is exciting, I can't wait to make hash with it and the onion...yummm!!!
That is after I carved it up and devoured the carcass. Delicious! And now I have meals for the week, hooray!!!
Hoo...it might be naptime now. Nighty night!
Does that look incredible or what???
Believe me, it was because get this - I MADE MY OWN CHICKEN STOCK FROM SCRATCH!!!
There, the photographic evidence. Am I dedicated to deliciousness or what?
Today I went grocery shopping and found a $13 organic chicken for $4.30, so naturally, I just had to buy it!
I had a thigh in my fridge defrosting for two days so I just had to cook it, hence why it's in the pan. Glad it got to roast in the delicious organic juices, I bet it'll taste awesome!
Can you believe the size of that chicken heart?? (Above picture, to the left) I've never seen one that big! They also gave me ALL of the liver, which is exciting, I can't wait to make hash with it and the onion...yummm!!!
That is after I carved it up and devoured the carcass. Delicious! And now I have meals for the week, hooray!!!
Hoo...it might be naptime now. Nighty night!
Monday, June 18, 2012
I love food
Because food never tells me I'm not good enough.
For dinner last night had broccoli, peas, corn, potatoes, and Cornish game hen. Left about half the bird, so I'm going to roast a potato and eat it with the leftover hen and gravy, with veggies and the Harvard beets I made last night.
Food is good.
For dinner last night had broccoli, peas, corn, potatoes, and Cornish game hen. Left about half the bird, so I'm going to roast a potato and eat it with the leftover hen and gravy, with veggies and the Harvard beets I made last night.
Food is good.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
This is my life
This and the "Classical Masterpieces" Music Choice Channel that I have playing constantly because I can't stand the silence or the sounds of happy people without.
I just want to finish my thesis and go home!!!!
I just want to finish my thesis and go home!!!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
So Tired
Yes, I'm so, so, SO tired. Work for two more days and then the job is done...still need a second job...still working on my thesis justification...seriously craving Taco Bell right now.
So I'm leaving you with my last great creation: bacon-onion toastlets with cheddar
So I'm leaving you with my last great creation: bacon-onion toastlets with cheddar
Monday, June 4, 2012
Got a care package from the best mommy ever today:
I have chicken wings in the oven, work at 1 pm, and no second job lined up. Thesis is kicking my butt. Life is mildly depressing, but I'm going to try and get it all figured out. I wish I'd get that check from CSULB refunding some of my Memphis money, that'd make life a LOT easier.
I can't wait to go home and be with my family.
I have chicken wings in the oven, work at 1 pm, and no second job lined up. Thesis is kicking my butt. Life is mildly depressing, but I'm going to try and get it all figured out. I wish I'd get that check from CSULB refunding some of my Memphis money, that'd make life a LOT easier.
I can't wait to go home and be with my family.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
My Adventures in Cooking: Mixed-Rub Ribs
So, it's been a hot minute since I updated. In my defense, I've been very busy. Working 30 hours a week, going through finals (I got A's in both Remote Sensing and GIS though, yay!), and working on my thesis is no cakewalk.
But tomorrow is Memorial Day, and since I have no soldiers to cook for, I decided I'd make myself a festal (pair of) meal(s) to cheer myself up.
First, be awed by my incredible thriftiness:
But wait - there's more -
So, when was the last time YOU saved $15.42 on your groceries?!
I got peaches for $0.88 a pound, and a "personal" watermelon for $1.88. I'm excited for them...will probably have them for dinner since I'm so full. But more of that later.
This is my secret wing sauce. I'm still perfecting the recipe. Once it's perfect I may share it, but it's not perfect yet, and I won't share it til it is!!
All that meat for $5!! I love sales!
I decided to try mixing a dry rub and a "wet" one, to see what it would taste like. So this is a little bit of my wing sauce.
My dry rub. This one is a secret that is coming with me to my grave!
Yeah...that bit was a little gross. But I covered it with foil and put it in the oven for 3 hours at 300F.
I love wings.
I LOVE wings!
Also, marinating in separate bags is awesome, because you only have to cook a little at a time. How perfect?
My new favorite Brussels sprouts recipe.
So there weren't as many sprouts left in the bag as I thought (and a couple had bugs, ew), so I had to add a little something.
Luckily, I had some asparagus I'd forgotten about, so I chopped half of it up and threw it in too.
It tastes SO good - but it's SO messy!!!
Is that awesome or what?
I mean really, how do you get better than that?
Oh yeah, once it's cooked. Mmm...so delicious!
Mashed potato time!
I love this mixer - and it cost me TEN DOLLARS! I've paid more than that for a roast!
Most invaluable tip to new cooks: clean up as you go along! It makes SUCH a difference.
Now, is that a tender cocoon of awesomeness or what?!
Getting it out of the pan and onto the plate was pretty nerve-wracking, but I managed it.
Look. At. That.
Mmm...so delicious. SO delicious!
Asparagus was great in this recipe, I gotta add it again.
...there are no words.
Except for "mmmmmmmMMMMmmmmmMMMMmmmmm"!!!
It all fell off the bones! So I removed them from the plate.
Those bones are picked clean.
This was so rich and so fatty I had to start drinking diluted lemonade just to cut the fat. Finally, I understand what they're always talking about on Chopped!
Pretty much says it all.
So...after all that, guess what I'm going to do? Goodnight!
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