Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Last Day of Classes (Ever)

It was only when I sat down at work this morning and looked at my calendar to make sure I'm on top of things that I realized not only is today the last day of classes for this semester (which means I get a little more time to focus on writing my final papers and studying for my final exams, oh, plus that little thesis thing) but it's (Gods willing) my last day of (academic) classes EVER!

I have been in school since I was 5 years old.  I am now 28 - turning 29 in 4 weeks - and only just now finishing the *class* portion of my life.  Still have to finish the thesis and do the ridiculous paperwork and Trail of Ludicrous Hurdles and Hoops(TM) before I can graduate, but knowing I'm "done" with classes forever is a wonderful and strange feeling.

Sure, this means that the pressure is on to get a "real job" where I won't have summer or winter vacations, no spring break, and I hear you start with something measly like 10 vacation/sick days combined for a full year...but to only have ONE job with ONE boss (instead of three classes with three professors and a thesis chair who all think they should be your #1 priority, plus your boss because you're not rich and can't survive without three jobs on the side) with ONE set of goals per month/year/period...sounds heavenly!

Of course it'll be difficult.  Duh.  Just not as difficult as grad school.  For the record, anyone who says they enjoyed grad school are either masochists, lying, delusional, or have forgotten what it's really like.  Or they got a crap degree at a crap university and never had to suffer for it.

My to-do list has gotten so short.  Tantalizingly short, in fact.  Of course "study for tests" takes more than one day, so it's going to stay on there until the tests are taken, but it WILL be off in a week or so.  Same with my essays.  And I have this weekend completely free from work or projects or anything!  I can curl up in my snuggly flannels inside my thermal sleeping bag (because I'm miserly as all get out and keep my thermostat at 65F) and type to my little heart's content without having to venture outside into the rain and chill predicted for the next two weeks, or really, venture any farther than the bathroom or the kitchen for a glass of water.

I can't wait for Christmas!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Done-day

I'm done.

Not with work, or the million things I have to do, or the ten million things I want to do.  Today, I'm just done.

I've been good - I got up in time, made breakfast from scratch, prepped my lunch, biked to work, got here and got everything ready in plenty of time for the noon opening.  And now I've been doing some freelance stuff because I'm broke and need the extra cash...but I'm tired.  I don't want to work anymore, and I resent that I have to work two freelance gigs on top of my day job to pay the bills.

I just want to sit here, keep one eye on the monitors, and daydream about impossible things; winning the lotto, spending a month in Naples, driving an Alfa Romeo down the Amalfi drive, seeing Carnivale in Brazil, the northern lights in Alaska, Incan pyramids and Egyptian ones, to dive for pearls in Hawaii and trek to the North Pole in their summer.

But what I should do is work, or I won't have a chance of making *any* of that become reality.  Blah.  How I hate growing up!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Saturday Blues

It's pretty pathetic how brain chemistry can ruin a perfectly good day.

I woke up late, made an omelet for breakfast, went grocery shopping, came home and did laundry, had lunch, cleaned the whole apartment, cleaned a bunch of candleholders, went to the shops again, fixed a stained costume, made dinner, and carved a pumpkin.

And I still feel like shit.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Next Peak

If you are ever so minded, you should read L. M. Montgomery's "Emily" series.  The first is "Emily of New Moon", the second "Emily Climbs" and the final book is "Emily's Quest". 

I've read them all so often I can't remember where any of them ends and begins (except perhaps for the first beginning and the final ending), but a recurring theme is that as she grows as a young woman and as a writer she reaches peak after peak on the "Alpine Path".  The Alpine Path is basically a dreamscape where with every achievement and her growing mastery of her art she has climbed a new level and gets to walk along a plateau for a bit before having to struggle upwards to the next peak.  She observes that you can never reach the top, but when you crest a plateau you get a wonderful feeling of achievement and exhilaration that helps you onward and upward during the hard times.

Today I got an email.  That's not the exciting part; I probably get well over 100 emails daily (it drives me insane!) and while probably 80 of them I get to delete, 10 I have to read and the last 10 require I do yet more work on something or other.  No, the exciting part is that today, among emails about university clubs, semester progress reports, sales at Target, and cheap Texan health insurance, I got an email saying I've been accepted as a sportswriter for Planet Benfica.

And may I say, the view from this peak is glorious.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Minor Set Back

I was doing so well with my blogs and then I got bronchitis - not that I knew that at the time! - and it all went to hell.

I finally gave in and went to the doctor on Friday after three weeks of coughing and hurting and generally suffering and she pretty much took one look at me, listened to me breathe for five seconds and said, "Bronchitis."  Gave me scripts for prednisone and antibiotics and told me to pick up some Mucinex DM, to take all my prescribed medicine or else, and if I was still shitty a week or so after finishing them I could make another appointment.

I finished the antibiotics today, finish the prednisone tomorrow, and guess I should remember to take my damn Mucinex twice a day instead of once.  I still feel like shit.  In fact, I almost feel worse than I did when I first got sick, minus the fever and headache.  I don't know if it's the drugs or what, but she warned me there would be nasty side effects and holy smoke she wasn't kidding.  Been shaky and exhausted and definitely got the paranoia one hardcore.

Went to RenFest on Sunday, and although I was very good and only had one beer, sat down and rested frequently, kept in the shade as much as possible, and drank 7 bottles of water, I was completely knackered by the time I got home (after sleeping in!) and spent all Sunday night and most of Monday on the couch, half-asleep in a bronchitis-induced stupor.  Yesterday the only things I really accomplished were cooking the week's meals, going for a walk, and having a shower!

Today I've gotten some important things done, and hope to do more this evening.  But I at least have enough wisdom now to stop and rest when I start shaking or feeling like hell.  The harder I push at those low-energy moments, the longer I'm going to feel awful.

I kind of wish I'd stayed home today too, but I need the $$, and this job is not physically taxing, and sitting quietly in class and taking notes shouldn't kill me either.  (...shouldn't...)  Thankfully, all my work can be done on the sofa with my laptop, and at the most, with a few extra books lying around me.  PLUS I have enough prepped food to last me all week, so that's one big stress-er off my back. 

I keep telling myself it's smart to do the slowly-but-surely thing now.  Let my body relax.  I have to go to Houston on Friday and that'll be tiring, and I work all Saturday, but at least work is not physically taxing like I said earlier.  And this Sunday I am going to lie on that couch like I'm a Victorian woman with smelling salts clutched in her feeble hand.

Because I bloody well can!

Thursday, September 29, 2016


There's been a faint feeling of autumn in the air, but tonight I just went out to check the mail and it was COOL outside!!  So I asked Alexa what the temperature was and when she said 71F I immediately ran around my apartment opening windows.  My thermostat is set at 79F but my apartment is filling with cool, sweet-smelling air and dispersing a summer's worth of cooking smells.

This week has busted my ass bigtime.  Take today for example:

7:00 am - Get up.
7:30 am - Make breakfast from scratch. (Omelet with bell pepper, onion and feta cheese.)
8:05 am - Walk out of house on way to bus.
8:30 am - Arrive on campus.
8:45 am - Let self into work, begin opening gallery.
1:00 pm - Leave work. 
1:05 pm - Eat lunch.
1:30 pm - Stop by library to pick up books.
2:20 pm - Class starts.
3:35 pm - Class ends.
3:50 pm - Class starts.
5:10 pm - Class ends.
5:20 pm - Meeting with semester project group that *I* am in charge of. (Seriously. How'd I get suckered into that?)
5:45 pm - Meeting over, take bus home.
6:10 pm - Cook dinner.  Eat.
6:45 pm - Develop GANTT chart for one semester project.
7:45 pm - Email group chart.  Divvy up proposal responsibilities.
8:00 pm - Download raw data for semester project.
8:10 pm - Wash dishes.  Practice vocal exercises while cleaning.
8:20 pm - Put insurance card in car. Check mail.

I am now writing this blog as a mental break.  I need to develop a second GANTT chart and mail that off to my project partner for my *other* semester project (that I am also lead on!).  I need to create a dropbox file for the database class group and upload sets of images to it (each of us gets a set to be responsible for until the end when we use our best model on the entire bunch).  I need to upload a bunch of ESRI stuff to my virtual machine.  I need to study for the two midterms I have on Thursday.  I need to write another page of my thesis (trying to do a page a day right now), and find a couple more sources.  I need to render a couple more artifacts for my thesis as well.  I need to send off my novel again, and write 100 more words of fiction.

I've started a new system where I do a small amount of big things every day.  The (at least) 100 words of fiction, sending off my novel daily, one page of thesis and a couple artifacts daily, and a couple other things are all part of it.  In one way it's awesome.  Because I'm really getting stuff done and it's in manageable chunks.  On the other hand, I have SO MUCH to do every day and I'm going a little crazy.  Right now I just want to sleep because I'm exhausted (was passing out in my later class...was literally pinching myself and pressing my nails into my arm so I would wake up), but if I sleep now that means there's a CRAP TON more I have to do tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to suck anyway because on top of my regular shift at the downstairs gallery I picked up an evening shift too so I'm only going to leave campus around 8:00 pm (going to have to bike too, because the buses go once an hour, on the hour, at that time of night).  Fortunately my meal planning excel spreadsheet worked its magic, because I have two prepped meals ready to go in my fridge; once for when I get home at 3:30 for an hour or two to get some work done, and once for 8:20 when I get home exhausted and ready to cry myself to sleep because I'm so tired and I'll have missed a whole day of potential Luke Cage watching.

Ugh.  Back to the grind.  I'll do as much as I can, but when my body starts shutting down, tonight I'll just stop.  I didn't last night, and that's why today was so goddamn difficult!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Time to breathe

Admittedly, I have a crap ton to get done tonight.  BUT none of it is due tomorrow.  Which means, for about five whole seconds, I'm ahead of the game!  Huzzah!

Today was hard.  Up at 7 am, breakfast from scratch, work from 8:45-1:00, lunch, meeting with a TA at 1:30, class from 2:20 - 3:35, class from 3:50-5:10, stay late to talk to prof, bus home, call my parents, make dinner, and eat.  It's 7:30 pm and I just finished eating.

Now I get to apply for a job, send my novel off again, write two hundred words of different novels, start my study guides for my first two exams (in a couple weeks), email my teams for our semester projects, email the client for one of the semester projects, and then I'm probably going to be exhausted and stop the actual work and get started on some sewing.  At least, I hope I get that much done.  I need to work on my thesis, but I won't be able to focus on something like that tonight, so it's slated for tomorrow and Saturday while I'm at my security guard job.

Of course at work on Saturday we're having a rather important Native American artist (I don't know who, but my boss spoke of her with reverence) give a performance, and there's a mess of drama about that already.  We've had at least 100 people RSVP but the room only fits 50 and it can't be moved.  I'm gloomily anticipating fireworks, but hopefully all the people won't show and it'll be relatively simple instead of completely exhausting. 

Oh well.  Back to work!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Late night, going anywhere

I am exhausted. 

Slept reasonably well last night, got up in good time, made breakfast from scratch, went to work, got a Fiverr job, finished it, finished my shift at work, went to the geography department to get some paperwork done, came home and passed out.  I hate being sick.

Woke up in time to send an email apologizing for having to miss the meeting this evening due to being sick as hell, ate some food, and started in on my homework.  I managed to finish and turn in one by 9:30 pm, and the other one just won't work so I'm going to meet my TA tomorrow to see if he can make it work.  Made dinner, ate it, put on the tv and started sewing.

I've finished the drawstring bag for my Halloween costume, but I'm going to make a drop bag as well because I don't think I can handle the drawstring one with my costume gloves. 

I also sent off my novel again.  Now I'm going to shower and then spend half an hour writing.  I prefer going to bed by midnight, but I did have that nap this afternoon.  I'll just have to survive tomorrow somehow. 

Tomorrow is going to be even busier than today.  No naps allowed because I won't be home much before six.  I can't wait for 5 pm Friday when I can collapse on the couch and turn off my brain!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Mad Mondays

Today has definitely been weird and not cool.  I'm still sick and I'm super exhausted because of it.  I didn't eat anything til about 2 pm and then I slept for a bit and I woke up feeling kinda rough but was much better after I ate something.

I've gotten some work done, but not as much as I wanted to, and I'm not feeling very well so I'm wondering if it will get done before tomorrow night.  At least my week's lunches are prepared, a bunch of recipes got printed, and I've taken out the trash and run the dishwasher.

I sent my novel off to one agency and got an auto-reply back saying they're not accepting submissions from August 1, 2016 through January 1, 2017.  But their website didn't say a thing!!  How aggravating.  So I sent it off to another one.  I need to get published.  And some money would be nice too.

Grad school is rough.  I'm pretty sure I should've spent today in bed - I almost certainly should be in bed now - but time doesn't allow for niceties like that.  Okay, time to be good.  I'm going to unload the dishwasher and the drying rack and try to finish some homework.  Cross your fingers...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sick on a Sunday

I really want to go to the dollar store and get cheap ribbon for headdresses (RenFest is coming up y'all) but I'm feeling pretty awful today. 

The worst part is that my beloved kitty Narcissus is probably dead.  We knew he was really ill and dying, but he stopped coming home when my parents let him outside (he hates litterboxes) and we figured he was snoozing under a bush (this, plus sleeping under our cars in the driveway was about all he did for the past year) and his body finally gave out.  I can't even go look for him because they're in Florida and I'm here in Texas.  So I'm pretty down over that, even though 16 1/2 years is a pretty damn good run for a cat.

On top of that I'm definitely sick.  I'm sure my body is just trying to make me slow down, but grad school doesn't allow for such niceties.  Fortunately, I realized I was sick while I was shopping (if the coughing and headache and clogged chest shouldn't have tipped me off when I woke up...) so I managed to buy some orange juice. 

On top of *that* I'm seriously worried about money.  I've been approved for a freelancing gig doing transcription, but I know I'll be pretty slow at that, especially since I don't have a lot of time with lots of quiet which I'll need for that.  I've also started freelancing on fiverr, but of course, I have to wait for people to come to me.  Hopefully between the two of those, I'll make the extra $260/mo I need to survive.  I'm filling out surveys on a website to earn $10 prepaid Visa gift cards for spending money (I told you I'm desperate), and I've formed a new resolution to send out my novel to one agency per day.  If it were just that, that'd be ok, but I also have a lot built up on my credit card (from conferences, being underemployed for months, and sudden, unavoidable expenses) that I desperately want to pay off ASAP.  I have a tiny amount saved up but I'm thoroughly disinclined to spend that because it's my only safety net. 

In one way it's fortunate I'm no longer interested in a social life.  I go out once a month or so to my favorite bar for wings and a few beers (it's a dive bar and those wings are so worth the calories and the expense), but other than that I scurry home as soon as I can every day, knock as much work as I can out of my way, and settle down to Netflix/Amazon Prime and a vodka (diet) tonic with lime in my ugly, comfy clothes, and some soft pillows and my Kindle.  Of course, if it's a week day I usually skip the drink and have a 40 calorie frozen popsicle and don't bother with the Kindle because I already have a headache, but still. 

Oh well.  I have a loving, supportive family even if they're far away.  And I'm going to keep on writing and maybe one day I'll get some love (and money) from that.  In the meantime, it's time for me to curl up on the couch and relax.  I've spent today getting shit done despite feeling like crap and now I'm tired out.  I don't think I'll even prep the week's lunches today.  I can do that tomorrow since I don't have class or work (thanks to that I usually reserve Mondays for doing as much thesis/hw as I can to make the rest of my week easier) and can cook and eat whenever I'm hungry.  Yay for good planning!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

A memory for the ages

Had a thoroughly fabulous day today!  Ok, so all last night the kitty was moving from spot to spot on the bed and I didn't sleep too well, and Mom dragged me out of bed at 8:30ish so we could get my car to the mechanic, but after the mechanic we went to the Orlando Premium Outlets and since the Croc store had "buy one get two half off" she bought two pairs for herself and one pair for me as a present!

^^ This pair, in silver.

Next stop was the Florida Mall and as soon as we walked in we saw A REAL-LIFE BRICK AND MORTAR THINK GEEK STORE!!!!!
We had the best time, but were very good and did not buy anything, although I really really wanted the Captain America backpack/shield and Mom really really wanted the Twitchy Kitty tail.
http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/iniv/?srp=1 < she wants to wear it in class to express her angst at her students without getting in trouble.
OMG do I ever want to work there.

Then we hit up Lush (drool), Sephora (I am in LOVE with NARS lipstick "Cruella" but the shop assistant found me a Sephora-brand dupe that costs $12, whereas the NARS costs $26), a soccer shop (Portugal jerseys cost $90...no way, Jose!), Franchesca's where I found the cutest dinosaur earrings that will be in my Christmas stocking later this year, a jewelry store called Tous (their stuff is GORGEOUS - http://www.tous.com/us-en/new-arrivals/jewelry/), and finally after Chinese in the food court for lunch, we went into JC Penny on the way back to the car and their costume jewelry is 50% off basically *everything* except sterling silver as long as you buy at least two pieces.  The sterling silver jewelry is 65% off if you buy at least two pieces!!  Mom and I were going nuts and she's gotten half of her Christmas shopping done now and she's thrilled at the prices she got on everything, and I went a little crazy and bought a beautiful gold bracelet and a lovely long gold necklace with dainty little inclusions here and there.

Then on the way home we stopped at our favorite International supermarket and I got a couple Croatian beers to smuggle back to Texas, and Mom got more boerewors for our braai this weekend.  In sad news, they only get Walkers' crisps at Christmas and Easter now, so once again I am without my beloved ketchup crisps :(

While we were driving home the garage called and my car was ready, so Mom dropped me off there and went on home while I went to our local mall (10 minutes from my parents' place) to get some tank tops at H&M (no H&M within 90 miles of my apartment in Texas!) and check our Franchesca's for more dinosaur earrings so Mom could use them as additional Christmas presents.  I did find another pair, and bought them, and since THEY were having a BOGO 50% sale, I also bought myself a lovely gold ring studded with tiny zircons. 

Then I was all out of energy and definitely out of money so I marched myself home and I've had a lovely evening watching DVDs and working on a novel.  I'm so glad I worked all those extra hours on Tuesday so I fulfilled my hours of the week on Wednesday and get today and tomorrow off from work.  Of course, tomorrow I have to buckle down extra-hard at my thesis because I skived off today, but that's alright.  Maybe I'll even be inspired and write like ten whole pages!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Headache Express

I got a lot done today folks.  Finished my SSI training online, took my diving final test, made a couple cakes (took them to the test to cheer everyone up), turned in a final paper, worked, cleaned, and did two loads of dishes.

Tomorrow I have a lot to do as well, but with the following thought uppermost in my mind: THE SEMESTER IS OVER!!

I have an unpleasant headache now, which is preventing me from really enjoying the relief.  I took a hot shower, which helped.  May take some pills in a bit; I think it's been long enough since I had that beer with dinner.

The ingredients for bolos de saboia - flour, baking powder, sugar, eggs, and lemon.  That's it.  Unless you count butter or spray to grease the pans/parchment paper with.

I broke one egg yolk in the cup, and it's now in the fridge awaiting the omelet I'll make for breakfast, but other than that the only yolk that broke happened in the bowl, so I'm really very proud of myself.

The finished cakes!  Not quite like Mom's, but she has a standing mixer and it's easier for her to beat stuff up for longer.  Still pretty good and my classmates liked it a lot, but dang I have a lot of cake left!

My head is getting worse.  Time to find that ibuprofen.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Grump List

GIS prof emailed me asking to drop off a hard copy of my final paper at his office.  I guess he likes writing on things while he grades?  I can do it tomorrow before my exam, but GRR!  I thought I was completely finished with that class!

Also, dive test tomorrow.  Only written, and I do know most of this stuff...only do I know it enough to get an 80% on the test?  I NEED this certification.

My apartment has been tidied again.  It's amazing how disgustingly messy it gets during exam season.  I'm also on a very weird eating kick because I ate an entire sleeve of jaffa cakes and I'm still 500 calories under my calorie limit for the day.  I should make a stir fry so I don't eat more junk.

I've sorted out all my dive gear.  My gear is in the bag under my bike table, and the uni's gear is in a laundry hamper I bought specifically for scuba stuff so I can take it to campus tomorrow.

Really, all I have left to do - other than study - is scrub the kitchen/bathroom and do my mending.  (Besides my thesis, of course.) Soo...studying it is.

I would still prefer to do nothing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Cinco de Mayo...part one?

I guess it's technically May 5th, being 12:37 am here in the Central Time Zone.  I guess I'm feeling bloggish today!

Had my meeting, went to the shops on the way home (got an adult coloring book for $1 at the dollar store which I'm feeling a bit smug about), got home, grabbed an apple and went for my walk in the sunset.

It was a glorious walk, and at one point I even saw a cottontail rabbit!  I only just noticed it in the nick of time; was walking around a bend in the path and looked up just in time to see him rear up in alarm and then bounce away showing his adorable little cottontail.  It was the sweetest thing, and I find it a major pity that rabbits don't enjoy being cuddled, because if they did I would TOTALLY get a pet rabbit and snuggle it like crazy.

Got home and got straight back in the car and went to my friend's place to check on her cats.  One of them escaped as I was walking in with the empty watering jug (watering her plants too - it's too hot in Texas to let them go a week without water) so I chased her around for a bit and then trapped her in the laundry room (it's outside, like a utility closet sort of thing) where she hid behind the washer and growled when I peered over and talked to her.  I texted my friend who told me to leave food and water in the laundry room and leave the door cracked and she should run right inside in the morning.  Let's hope it's true!

Came home again and called mom for a little bit before microwaving leftovers for dinner.  Did some homework and then settled down to work on my novel for an hour or so.  Then I made my grandmother's aguardente com mel FINALLY after having the ingredients in my larder for a month.  It can cure over the summer and I'll crack it open come autumn, just in time for such a thing.
Then I put the dishwasher on, took out the trash, tidied up and polished off a couple chores.  I've really gotten a lot done today.  Not enough, of course, but when is it ever enough?  Now I have the French windows open so cool air is flowing through my apartment and dispelling the warm honey smell, and I'm going to settle down with my new coloring book while I watch my murder mystery.

There are compensations, even in Texas.

May the Fourth Be With You

My "fourth" is pretty grumpy so far, and I have no idea why.  I got up at a reasonable hour, went to my friend's place (I'm looking after her cats while she's away) and did my homework there (figured no wifi = fewer distractions, even with cats present) before coming home, going for my walk, and then settling down to doing my accounts.  (That was bleh - that conference cost me a thousand bucks and I didn't get a penny from any of the grants I applied for!  It's going to take me months to pay that off.)

Then I had some cornbread muffins for lunch and got down to working at my nonprofit job.  This new assignment is giving me a migraine because although these reports are usually half bolded (bolded stuff you don't need to code) this one has ZERO bolded font, and there are dozens and dozens of tables which take forever to code.  I wanted to ZIP right though this, and nope.  Not happening.  Oy.

Finished with that for the day, and I'm going to leave for a meeting in a bit.  Then I'll check on my friend's cats, go for another walk (because I can) and then home to work on a final project that's due Monday.  I'd hoped to finish it before now, but I've been having a hell of a time focusing lately.  Maybe it's because the weather is just so GLORIOUS that all I want is to be running around outside on the bike trail I walk (it's almost exactly 2 miles from my door, roundtrip back to my door), which passes by a lovely stream and two playgrounds (usually overflowing with kids which makes me happy - I can't imagine a whole childhood spent indoors with videogames, blerg!) and has wildflowers and birds and is really one of the best parts of living here.  I wish I'd found it sooner!!

Once the semester is properly over (i.e. everything turned in and tests taken) I'm hoping to have more time for my work/my thesis/and the gym, as well as getting to relax a bit, mentally.  I am at least taking a bit more time for myself.  Tomorrow a farmer's market is having a grand opening and I'm going, and I'm also going to see the new Captain America: Civil War tomorrow night.  Fingers crossed that it'll be a good one!  The reviews have been fab, so I'm feeling optimistic.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday, one day

Had a hell of a weekend.  Worked 15 hours over 3 days at my retail job, not nearly enough at my nonprofit job, did some essay writing and thesis work and have been trying to organize some dive class stuff only people are being a bit slow about answering their phones which is irritating as heck!!

My stomach is also hurting right now - I think it's either the leftover pizza I had for lunch, or the leftover spicy rabbit mac n cheese for dinner.  Planning on a cheese-and-onion omelet for breakfast tomorrow, because if THAT upsets my stomach then I'm in for a world of hurt.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.  Long shift at work, then it's looking like we'll have dive class, and I'll need to get a couple hours of work in somehow, and do the final draft of my poster so I can print it on Tuesday.  I also need to start packing for the conference - my neighbor has already agreed to look after my place for the few days I'm gone - and figure out what the heck I'm going to do in the way of shoes.  If only my sparkly gold Gucci sandals ($13 at Ross) were appropriate conference attire!

There was so much more I wanted to accomplish this weekend, but I got quite a lot done so I suppose it could be worse.  I still haven't vacuumed or swiffered or cleaned my bathroom though...that will have to wait until I get back, I suppose.

Wouldn't it be nice to wake up and find out that all of my work was done, my house clean, my food prepped, my novel accepted by some agency, my thesis complete, and all my paperwork in order?  Talk about pipe dreams!

Thursday, March 31, 2016


I'm pretty proud of myself.

Today started badly - I woke at 7:30, decided I was tired, set a timer for 30 minutes...and woke up at TEN A.M.  One of my friends pointed out that my body clearly needed the rest, so I shouldn't feel bad, but I still do.

Then, I checked my email and I'd forgotten to turn in my timesheet yesterday.  ACK.  Sent some frantic emails and got the whole thing sorted out in half an hour or so, many blessings upon the payroll woman who was so patient with me!!!

Finally managed to settle down and get some work done, then headed off to class.  After class I buttonholed the professor and told him about my woes in regards to graduating on time/GIS certificate/classes offered next semester, and he gave me the name of a professor to email, and assured me (as did another student waiting in line) that they "make substitutions" all the time.  I have all my fingers and toes crossed; I haven't heard back yet, but I'm sure he's a very busy man, and this isn't the easiest time of the semester for anyone!

Was full of hope on my way home and got a lot more work done before heading off to scuba.  We had such a fun lecture, all about nautical archaeology, and then went to dive lab and learned how to dive with full-face masks.  It is extremely weird - EXTREMELY! - but I'm glad to know how to do it.  We're going to do one more dive lab (at least) with them, but I'll be very glad to go back to the regular setup. 

Then I came home, thinking I could finish my conference poster in half an hour or so and get to bed.  HA!

First, I realized this computer doesn't have Picasa on it, so I tried to download it...and Google is no longer supporting Picasa!!  It was so damn simple and useful and I just LOVED it.  Now I have to save up and buy Lightroom, and I'm simply FURIOUS about it.  I'll just edit all my photos on my old laptop until I have the money for Lightroom, sucks to Google.  I downloaded GIMP to get what I needed done, done, and THEN Rhino started screwing up so that it took me well over an hour to do what should have taken two minutes.  It was my fault for leaving it open for hours and letting my computer sleep with the program running, but still.  GRR!

Then I had to finish the actual poster and as you can see by this timestamp, it took me until 1:30 am, so THREE hours to do what I thought would take 30 minutes.  But I've emailed it off to a couple people to proofread it for me, and I've sent the three amphorae I've done to the people on the project for their comments, so I have really done very well today.

But now it's time to go to bed and collapse.  I was going to get up early tomorrow and Get Things Done before work so I could have a lovely, relaxed Friday evening after work, but now...not looking like it.  Sigh.  Grad school is not for the faint of heart!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Oh, Wednesday

I've actually managed to get a lot done today.  It didn't start well - I slept better last night than I did the night before, but still not well, and woke up with mucous all up in my head and chest and feeling like crud.

Nevertheless, I made it to class, and although I may have zoned out once or twice (seriously, did not get enough sleep), I managed to pay attention and asked a few questions and I think I learned something, so yay for that.

Then I went to a meeting and waited for 40 minutes but the guy never showed.  I'm pretty mad about that, but one of my profs looked at my work and gave me a few pointers, so that was nice.

Went home and conked out immediately for around an hour before getting up and doing some work.  Managed to get a lot done before my meeting at 5, and got home around 7.  Did the dishes, fed the birds, had dinner, did my laundry (just finished folding and hanging the last of it), sent a bunch of emails, took out the trash, worked on thesis stuff, and I've just settled down to work on a novel.

I'm really relieved that tomorrow all I have to do is work and show up to class.  Once I get home tomorrow night, and wash all my scuba gear, I'm going to kick back on the couch with a beer and watch some Netflix.

Could still do with a hug, though.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

More Bad News

Every time I "rise above" something crappy, and get my life on an even keel, BOOM.  Something else gets me right in the gut.

People keep telling me that once this is over, I'll be able to handle anything.  But will I?  And do I even want to?  How often do people in real life actually get kicked in the ovaries, over and over and over again?

Bills, Bills, Bills

This morning I've paid my rent, my utilities, my cable, and my health insurance.  Sling and Netflix and the gym all auto-deduct from my account.  That's everything, right?  I won't pay my credit card for a day or two...it won't be due til the 12th, and I want a nice free couple of hours where I can sit down and do my accounts and figure out how much I can afford to put on my card (conference expenses...forcing me to pay off in installments instead of all at once like I usually do) this month.

I need to publish a book and have it be wildly successful - or winning the lotto works, too.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Weekend

Had a busy, crazy weekend.  Got some work done, not enough, but when is "enough" ever enough?

Made a special Easter dinner tonight: Greek-style rabbit, Harvard beets, broccoli, and rosemary potatoes.

Made the rabbit with oregano, allspice, white wine, salt, pepper and olive oil.  It was pretty good, although I don't think I did it well enough.

Here are the recipes I used:


I need to get back to work.  Sigh.  I could sure use a hug.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spring Break: Tuesday

My list:
DO one thing: mended my grill
Read/Watch something new: The Royal Diaries Cleopatra VII and Dear America Voyage on the Great Titanic
Earn money: one shift at nonprofit job
Make one thing: bacon-wrapped jalapenos for dinner

Had a quiet sort of day.  I slept late, went straight to my friend's house to care for her kitties, came home and went back to sleep.  My body must have REALLY needed it because I didn't wake up til 1 pm!  I pottered around the house getting some work done and finally made a list and went shopping.  Got new screws for my grill, some shorts since the weather is just getting hotter and hotter, a new water bottle (aluminum, so hopefully it won't break when some idiot knocks it over), some new books at Half Price Books (that store is dangerous even though it only has a very little of the stuff I want), and two ENORMOUS canvases at Michael's because all canvases are 70% off.  I might even go back and get one or two more.  I've always wanted to work with a large piece and now I finally have the opportunity.

I also got my tax refund, so I ordered my new laptop.  It'll take awhile to get here, so I'm hoping the visual driver on this one doesn't completely fail before I get it.  Fingers crossed...

Planning to stay up a little while tonight and get some other work done, and do as much work as possible tomorrow morning so I can snooze in the afternoon and do some FUN stuff, like paint and write and go for a walk in the sunshine and daydream about winning the lotto so I can live a life of art and beauty without having to worry about the damn bills - just like Virginia Woolf talked about.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring Break

It's been quite the hectic few days for me.  Thursday I had two midterms as well as a dive lab and had a miserable day.  Friday I had work at both my jobs and then I collapsed on the couch and watched the first half of Bosch season two, which was just released that day.  Saturday I again worked at both my jobs and then finished Bosch (don't judge me) as well as getting some other work done.

Sunday I used my free ticket to the Sherwood Forest Faire and had a pretty good time.  I tried some "Iron Age Cider" and a couple beers I don't remember - I think one was called Hopping Goat? and I liked them.  They had a fabulous falconry stage exhibition which I watched through twice, and donated a dollar to.  Would've liked to have given more, but I had limited cash on me, and NONE of the food/beverage places took plastic!!!  I wish you could pet the birds, but they are birds of prey and it's simply not tenable.  I also was very naughty and used part of my tax return to buy myself a replica of a Roman gladiolus.  I've seen them at Ren Fests before and they usually cost $150 or more.  This one was a mere $80 AND marked as "discounted" so I got it for just $50!! 

Of course, now I need the belt to wear it on, and to figure out what costume I want to go with it.  My immediate desire was to make a flowy tunic/stola combo and basically be a badass Roman warrior maiden.  But part of me wants to go even more off-authentic and make myself a barbarian outfit (don't even start with the racist/revisionist history crap...some things have to remain fun and barbarian costumes are right up there with my plague doctor getups) or something else a little crazy.  I just don't have the equipment (or skill) to feminize a Roman centurion getup (yet) so I'll have to think of something else.

I don't know if I got a mild case of sunstroke or what on Sunday (I had three alcoholic drinks and three BOTTLES of water while I was at the festival, and came home and drank gallons more from my purifier) but I started throwing up Sunday night and was thoroughly miserable until I finally managed to fall asleep around 1 am.

Today I woke up feeling much better, and stayed in bed for an extra half-hour luxuriating in the fact that I was no longer aching throughout every inch of my being.  I got some work done and went to my retail job for five hours before heading to CVS to pick up some shampoo, then home to write up a grocery list and change into comfy clothes. 

I had to stop at my friend's place on the way - her grandma is in hospital and I agreed to watch her cats while she was away - and fed the kitties but one of them sniffed me and then ran away deciding I was not cuddle material, and the other one just growled and sat looking out the window, clearly wanting his mommy to come home.

I got my groceries then came home and got down to work at my nonprofit job.  Once that was done, I started dinner, did the dishes, and made two bottles of blueberry rum.  After I ate, I put on House of Wax (the 1953 version - I'm APPALLED they ever remade it!) and did some work on my thesis.  I've finally finished for the night and I have Murdoch Mysteries on while I update this blog and think about all the cleaning I should have done today.

I've also made a Spring Break goal to do one thing per day, read or watch something new per day, earn some money per day, and make (at least) one thing per day.

DO one thing: did the dishes, worked on my thesis
Read/Watch something new: The House of Wax (1953)
Earn money: one shift at retail job, one shift at nonprofit job
Make one thing: two bottles of blueberry rum

Hoping tomorrow I can send my novel off again to a new agent.  If I do, I think that should count for my "do" task for the day.  I also must remember to get to Home Depot and buy a screw and bolt for my damn grill, since a screw fell out and now it won't open or close properly.  Sigh.  So over working and being responsible.  I really need to just win the lottery so I can spend my life writing for fun and traveling the world!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How I feel about today:

I am grumpy because yesterday I prepared for rainy weather and it was hot and sunny and I sweated like a pig. 

I am grumpy because today I prepared for sunny weather and it's been raining all damn day so I got wet and squelchy.

I am grumpy because I stayed after class to talk to the lecturer because he was very cool and very interesting, but after talking to everyone else (!!!) he zoomed off and even though I tried to catch him, NOPE.

I am grumpy because I went to work to get my schedule for next week and it wasn't up yet, so I had to talk to my boss and she says to come back at 5 pm and it'll be done, which means I have to schlep out at 5 pm, which I technically can do because I'm calling out of my meeting tonight.

I am grumpy because I'm calling out of my meeting tonight because I need to study more for the TWO midterms I have tomorrow.

I am grumpy because two months ago I bought a $10 umbrella from CVS because it looked like rain and I couldn't find my old one.  When I opened it up today, one of the spokes was sheared through and thus it barely protected me as I marched from bus stop to class and home and all those jolly journeys (while wearing sandals).

And I'm REALLY grumpy because everyone is on my case and acting like my ONLY PRIORITY should be whatever they know me for.  Sorry, guys, but you KNOW I'm working two jobs, taking classes full time, doing a thesis, and working on my scientific diver certification.  I cannot dedicate my entire self to each of you because I don't have six clones!!!

I might have stopped off at Kroger on the way home from checking my schedule and I may have just demolished half the bag of chips that I bought, and I may have spicy curly fries in the oven right now with a chunk of leftover t-bone, and I might have a Twix bar waiting for after lunch...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Cooking with Carla: Pink Grapefruit Liqueur

One of my favorite summer drinks is taking a shot of fruit liqueur, putting it in a tall glass with some ice, and filling it up with seltzer.  It's fruity and sparkly and bubbly and the perfect summer drink.  Now, you can easily buy these liqueurs pre-made at most bottle stores, and lots of them are both reasonably priced and yummy.

I, however, am crazy, and like making my own.  Right now I only have blueberry and strawberry in my cupboard but I'm planning on increasing the variety and quantity in my bottle cupboard, all thanks to my grandmother's recipe.

Vovo’s Liqueur
 1 ½  litre alcohol
1 ½  litres water
1 ½ Kg sugar
120 ml Essence
1.    Pour the cold water and sugar in a pot and bring it to the boil, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. 
2.    Let it boil for 15 minutes.
3.    Take pot away from the stove, add essence and then alcohol and mix very well.

Now, I don't use essence...because I prefer fresh fruit.  So, I've adapted this recipe a) to include fresh fruit and b) to make a half quantity, which produces approximately 2.5 bottles of liqueur.  I've also converted into US measurements to make it easier for my American friends!
Carla's Half Liqueur
750 mL/25.4 fl oz alcohol
750 mL/25.4 fl oz water
750 g/26.5 oz sugar
1 lb fruit

1. Clean and chop the fruit.  You can leave raspberries, blackberries and blueberries whole, but citrus should be segmented and have the casing removed, apricots should be diced, and strawberries cut into smaller pieces.
2. Pour the cold water and sugar into a large, heavy frying pan, add the fruit, and bring it to the boil, stirring until the sugar is dissolved.
3. Once boiling, knock the heat down a notch, and let boil for 15 minutes.
4. Take off the heat and let cool.
5. Once no longer dangerously hot, line a large sieve with damp paper towels and place in a bowl or jug; strain fruit and syrup.
6. Save the strained fruit to put on yoghurt or ice cream.
7. Fill each bottle with 1.5 cups of syrup and 1.5 cups of alcohol.  (Last bottle usually has about 1 cup of syrup, so use 1 cup alcohol.)
8. Shake to mix, label, and store.  It should sit for at least 6 weeks, shaken occasionally to ensure good mixing.  Best after two years.

Now that the recipes are out of the way (I've been told some people find it VERY annoying to have to scroll though a bunch of pictures to get to the recipe) I have a bunch of pictures for anyone who wants visual aids before making this for the first time.  It's not terribly complicated, but it does get much easier with practice.

 Water and sugar into pan; do be careful of spillage.  This is a VERY sticky recipe!

If you, like me, use bowls to measure everything, and find that your favorite bowls are too small to hold 750g of sugar...then do 550 and 200! (Ish...)

Texas pink grapefruits!  I ended up only using two (approx 13 oz), we'll see in six weeks if that was a good choice or not.

Peeling and segmenting and taking the skin off the segments is definitely the cruddy part of this recipe.  Makes doing whole berries seem like a breeze in comparison!

Seriously, a pain.

It's nearly 13 oz, so just short of a pound.

And dump it on in to the pan with the rest and choose your favorite spatula for a sugary, splatter-y job.

It's VERY important to keep an eye on everything while it's cooking and stir regularly.  Boiling sugar is a very dangerous game, and both my mom and I have incurred some nasty burns while working with it.  (Although, not this recipe.  Mostly when we were making fudge or windowpane candy.)

Take it off the heat and let it cool before you try to strain it!!  One of the reasons I use this pan is because it has handles on either side which allows me a lot of control while pouring.  I highly suggest you do the same.

You don't want your paper towels so damp they're soaking, just damp so that they allow the syrup through more quickly.

It's really hard arranging the damn paper towels so that every part of the sieve is covered.  Three pieces is probably smarter than two.

Make sure you empty the pouring bowl regularly (or you can use a jug) so that more syrup/juice will leak out from the fruit in the sieve.

You can leave it to drip for hours if you really want.  (Assuming there aren't animals, children or bugs that will attack it!)  I went shopping at this point because I needed toilet paper and paper towels.

I always save the fruit for yoghurt or ice cream.  Doing the strawberry on chocolate ice cream is one of the most incredible things you'll ever taste!  Also, don't fuss if a lot is caught on the paper towels.  Rather fruit on the paper than paper in your fruit.

Here comes the fun part.  And by fun, I mean sticky.

Syrup first. 

Then add the liquor.  You can see the line where the two meet!


You can buy pre-made stick on labels (for garage sales, I think?) but I never, ever remember, so I use index cards, which I always have lying around the house, and Elmer's glue.  Just cut a single card into thirds and you're good to go!  You don't need MUCH glue, but you will have to press and hold the card to the bottle and keep an eye for when the corners curl up.  Just press them down a couple times and they should stick eventually, and dry in that position.

And there you have it!  Two and a half bottles of your very own fruity liqueur which you can drink straight, on the rocks, or mixed with something fizzy, after the short, short six-week waiting period!