I left for my walk at 11:30, and originally walked around a loop down Pacific Coast Highway and then across a through street and back up Bellflower towards my apartment - all in all, about 1 mile - before taking a longer loop up Pacific Coast Highway, across Atherton, and down Bellflower for a total of 3.5 miles. Strangely enough, my right hip hurt during the first mile, then not at all, my left hip hurt during the last mile, and continued to hurt for the next hour or so. Perhaps it means I should've worn my knee brace, although mine is so frayed and worn I really need to invest in a new one.
I have some pictures of the bananadillas and their flowers so that you guys could see the Californian kind:
I got home at 1:30 pm and had a quick lunch of eggrolls before I hopped in my car and drove to the Ross (a discount store) I had popped into during my walk. In my original scout of the place I saw three baskets stacked in each other, decorated in green and white chevron stripes, and I thought the three were on sale for $3.99. When I came back I saw that each basket was sold separately for a total of $12. They weren't that nice, so I didn't buy them and continued to snoop around the store looking for anything that might make my life easier.
I fell in LOVE with these glasses, and the set was only $4, but I firmly reminded myself of my bank balance and didn't buy them. But they're so cute, I had to take a picture.
Echo and Narcissus really love sitting on the teeny baby chairs my grandfather made for Lidia and myself years ago, and I saw this and thought they would love these just as much, perhaps even more since velvet is probably more fun to sharpen your claws on than leather.
I saw this in the accessory section and totally fell in love, but I don't NEED a giant lead crystal "diamond" and I certainly have better things to spend $20 on. So I'll keep an eye out for one when "I'm a grownup" and can (pretend to?) afford one.
After Ross I decided to quickly jaunt across the street to Marshall's (another discount store) to see their selection. Marshall's has brand name items and is much more expensive, but significantly cheaper than the department and boutique stores where their items originate. I found a bunch of things I'd like to have: hydrangea, pumpkin spice, gardenia, hibiscus and other lovely triple-milled hypoallergenic soaps; teeny little lined paper hardcover notebooks decorated with gilt butterflies and birds to keep in your purse; expensive shoes and lovely leather satchels; and some of the nicest cookingware I've ever seen in a discount store.
I've been sniffing around stores for a really decent large pot (I'm probably going to have to wait till Macy's has another sale) and saw a beautiful one, pinged my fingernail against it to make sure it was heavy enough, decided it was superlative, picked up to look for the price and realized with a shock that I had indeed spotted the best pot in the store: its discounted price was $40!!
Definitely waiting for the Macy's sale.
I went home feeling rather defeated, but consoled myself with the fact that I'd been into two of my favorite stores in the world with some truly tempting items and hadn't spent a penny.
I spent the rest of the day editing and organizing the unedited photo albums I've been putting off for far too long. I edited 11 of them and still have five left!! I've been letting them pile up in my "undedited" folder for months. I'll try and work on at least two or three more tomorrow.
I'm making a collection of self-portraits, mostly because I can, partially because I love playing with makeup. Here's my favorite one right now:
Okay it's late and I'm tired. That's all for now!