Last night Mom called to make sure I was okay since they hadn't heard from me in such a long time. It was good to talk to her, and she gave me some $$ so I could buy a bike this weekend. Today I got home from campus and there was a $90 cable/internet bill. So much for the bike!
Today has been a long day. Went in early, stayed late. I managed to get one of my French articles translated, but I simply can't find the second one anywhere which is freaking me out bigtime...I did find an extra article (in English!!) so that's something.
Have to go in early again tomorrow. Will probably stay late too. Freaking out pretty badly about Projects 2-3. Project 1 I think I've gotten squared away correctly. This Wednesday after all my Projects are turned in and my presentation presented I'm going to go home, and lie on the couch and do NOTHING harder than watching a movie or taking a nap. I'm going to need it!
Work is going well. Scanning went very smoothly today, although I was distracted by two noisy boys at the next computer (have I ever mentioned how much I HATE people using the computers with microfilm scanners when they're not scanning microfilm?!?!) who were talking all sorts of nonsense (loudly). When I went up to the computers they were all full, so I asked politely if I could use one of them (each of them is marked to ask people to "give priority" to those who are using microfilm) and they just looked at me and said, "I don't know what you're talking about" and the girl at the third computer said, "I'll get up, I just started so it'll be easy for me to move" (heaven bless her!) so I sat down and started working. I was almost done when another girl came up and asked if she could use a microfilm scanner and I said she could use mine if she didn't mind waiting for my scans to finish downloading (the computers are so slow it takes half an hour to load a gig of scans onto a flash drive) and the guy spoke up and asked what microfilm was. Apparently he had no idea it existed and once she explained to him he thought "losers" did it in their basements! I had such a hard time keeping my mouth shut.
Two especially funny things from today: I found Henry Huggins and Hugh Murray both emigrated to Jamaica in 1888! Henry Huggins, of course, is from Beverly Cleary's Henry and Ribsy books, and Hugh Murray is a character from L. M. Montgomery's Emily of New Moon trilogy. I took a picture of Hugh Murray's name for Mom, I think it'll give her a laugh. I suppose when finding things like that cheers me up that's a good thing. Life has been pretty stressful lately. Going to be on campus all day tomorrow and probably a chunk of Saturday. I'm just praying I get to stay home Sunday.
Time to get back to my shipwreck. I need to go to bed...after I do the dishes, brush my teeth, apply moisturizer to my cracking does anyone "do it all"??!!
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