Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday again's Sunday already???  Where do these days come from??

This past week was rough, but the next two weeks are going to be WAY rougher.  I have 9 hours of class, I usually spend 15-20 hours on homework/studying, 20 hours on my job, and Monday-Thursday next week and the week after I'm going to have scuba class 4 hours day as well.  And on Tuesday I have a midterm and Wednesday a half-hour presentation...oy.

I spent Friday in a whirlwind - went to campus early, scanned for six hours, went to the Society for Underwater Technology's inaugural meeting of the semester, then went home, changed, and went on a date.  Got home, crawled into bed and stayed there til noon the next day.

Went to campus around 2:30, stayed for several hours working on my presentation, and then since it was raining and lightening badly John gave me (and my bike) a ride home, and I spent the rest of the night watching football and writing fiction.

Today I was good and got up at 9:30, went grocery shopping, came home and roasted a chicken (it was on sale for 77 cents a pound so the whole chicken was $3.50) which will form a large portion of my meals for this upcoming week.  Realized I needed foil and batteries so I rushed out to Wal Mart and got them as well as a pack of 100 disposable forks, which should keep me going for 3 months at least.  I must remember to put the batteries in my bike lights (they've been turning off after about 60 seconds and Rachel recommended I try new batteries, and it was the only thing I could think of too) so I can bike home at 10:30 tomorrow night without getting killed or ticketed.

I'm baking bread right now.  I think beefaroni and canned peaches for lunch, yogurt and fruit packs for snack, and cheese sandwiches for "dinner" will keep me alive at school, and I have all that nice cold chicken for dinner when I get home late at night.  The bread smells incredible and I will have to exercise considerable restraint to not eat both loaves at once.

I was going to go to campus today to work on my presentation more, but the sky was so threatening and I felt so coughy I didn't, and of course it didn't rain, and I'm just praying it doesn't rain tomorrow morning when I go in early to work on my presentation or tomorrow evening when I'm biking home.  Been trying to cram facts from 611 in my brain for my Tuesday midterm.  I have all the lectures recorded on my phone and I'm going to try and put them on my MP3 player and listen to them while I'm scanning tomorrow.

Okay time to get back to work.  Man, I can't wait for Friday after next!!!

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