Monday, September 16, 2013

The First Semester is the Worst

(At least that's what all the third-years keep telling me.)

Dragged myself out of bed at 7:30 this morning after a highly disturbed night and managed to get to campus at 8:55 (it's a half-hour walk, and I had to shower first for anyone who thinks this constituted laziness), only to find out that the radiation certification didn't start until 10 am.  GAH.  Went into my office and tried to go through some of the Jamaica scans, even though I wanted to curl up under my desk and sleep right there on the unswept floor.

The training was fun and interesting, thank goodness, and the new Bruker we have is seriously awesome.  We can even order custom filters!!  My mind about exploded with the fascinating possibilities there...I do love science.  Training was done at about 12:30 and Dr. Hamilton took us out to lunch and I had a delicious chicken gyro...the hummus was a mistake, I should've gone with fries lol.  Got back around 2 and I did more Jamaica stuff until three when I went to the drafting lab and worked on Project 1 until SIX THIRTY which was when I finally finished.  I'm going to try and go in early tomorrow and get some input on it from Felipe and then start Project 2, since Projects 1-3 are due next Wednesday.  GAH!!  But Sam - one of Felipe's grad assistants - assures me the first semester is the worst and says I should really take Rigging 101 when I get a chance because you learn so much.  I'll consider it, but GAH for sure!

Tonight I've been trying to get some stuff for my Wednesday presentation done but I'm so sleepy I can barely sit upright.  Wondering if I should have a cup of noodles and then curl up in bed and see if I actually wake up at 7 and can get some work done, I should really do the dishes and plod away at this presentation.  I would say I can't wait til Saturday, but I'm quite sure I'll have to spend a good chunk of it in the ship lab drafting, so...hooray whatever night I get a decent night's sleep!

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