Monday, September 28, 2015


Not much time to blog today.  Class went well, was without my knee and ankle braces and walked just fine, although the stairs were a little iffy.  Got back home, ran out to the bank for laundry quarters, ran to the thrift store for potential Halloween costumes (didn't buy anything) went home again, passed out, then woke up and started in on work.

Got a lot done - bills paid, rent paid, trash thrown out, etc.  But not nearly enough.  Also just figured out tonight that the paper I was proposing to write for my seafaring class is completely the wrong time period (what's wrong with me that it took me a whole month to realize that?!) so I have to research a whole new paper and write a proposal by 8 am Wednesday.  Plus, I have a presentation that is nowhere near finished that's also due Wednesday, and a stats paper due Thursday that I haven't started, and a test due Tuesday 10/6 that I have barely studied for because other stuff keeps getting in the damn way!!!

I'm off to shower now.  Then early bed so I can get up tomorrow and start kicking ass and taking names.  One bit of really good news though: I passed my training as a coder and now I have a job until I graduate! Hooray!!  All I need now is a second job and an amazing 36 hour burst of mental acuity (or 48 or 60, I'm not fussy) to get me through the week, and I'll be golden!

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