Saturday, September 19, 2015

No More Red Wine

Well, I'm bummed out.

When I was 15 I could drink gallons of red wine, no issues. As the years have worn on, I've begun to gravitate towards whites and blush wines, but still enjoyed a glass of red. This summer I had red wine twice and puked both times, although I thought it was because I had been drinking beer all day and followed dinner/wine with liqueur. But last night I was at Opera Night, had two glasses of red during intermission, and not a drop of alcohol else since the beer with dinner the night before, and I developed a migraine, then barely managed to make it home and across the living room to the kitchen sink before hurling.  I managed to take an ibuprofen and aspirin, then went to bed, praying to either sleep or die, whichever was quicker.  Woke up feeling MUCH better, thankfully.

Apparently you can totally develop wine (and dark beer??) sensitivities at any age and my girlfriends have been warning me about either their or their husband's issues, which range from no reds, or no wines with sulfites, to any wine drinking leading to vomiting and terrible headaches, or "a few sips" leading to LOCKJAW.

This sucks.  I no longer want to grow up.  I disapprove of this situation, and am only gloomily happy that they all say they can cook with wine and feel no ill effects. My coq au vin is safe...for now.

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