Thursday, October 15, 2015

Stages of recovery

Well, I made it to class today.  That's something!!  I didn't really understand much (or anything) going on, but a few of the formulae I tried in R worked, so I suppose that's good.

I slept in til about 10 and then decided a warm shower would be good for me.  Spent the rest of the morning on the couch, doing some paperwork.  Went to class, somehow made it home in one piece, and now I've been going through my hotmail inbox, message by message.  Deleting all the junk, reading all the good ones, and wincing at all the credit card statements.

My shoulder has started hurting again and my ankle was pretty bad at a couple points today.  I desperately need exercise, but how can I with my whole body ganging up on me?  Perhaps I'll go for a walk around the building in a little bit and see if my ankle doesn't hate me afterwards.

Ugh, started sneezing again.  I'm trying to drink one cup of green tea a day to see if it helps me lose weight and stay healthy.  Why couldn't hibiscus tea be the good guy??  I love hibiscus tea!!!

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