It's as well to remember that you lose some too.
Today has been quite a good day. The Springboks won, the Gators won (and are undefeated), the Aggies won (and are undefeated) and Orlando City won too! Tomorrow the Minnesota Vikings and Benfica play so I'm hoping my (their? our?) luck holds.
I went to Michael's (because I had a coupon) and got a bracelet rack (black velvet), three strings of beads, two tubes of artist quality acrylic paint, a tiny canvas, and a six pack of oversized autumnal "tealights" all for $33.14 - but I had a gift card from Christmas so I only paid $8.14! How is that for a steal?! I got a coupon too, so I'll use it to buy some more paint.
I painted a little today, and cleaned (although I still need to do the bathroom and vacuum. I HATE cleaning bathrooms and vacuuming!), and ate leftover mini cupcakes and did the dishes and watched football and grilled some chicken and even got some work done. Not enough, but when does a grad student ever get enough work done?
My tummy is not happy with me today and has been aching all over the place. I wonder if it's the cupcakes? I just don't want to be getting sick again! I've had about three beers throughout the day so surely it can't be that.
Anyway I feel pretty awful so I think I'll go off to bed. At least it's gorgeously cool today and I've had the windows open most of the day and aired out my apartment properly. I hate being sick! It's Saturday! I should be watching one last movie with a nice brandy or a beer, or painting some more, or reading or writing. And instead I'm going to bed with a couple of pills and praying I wake up feeling better in the morning.
You really do lose some even when you win some.
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