Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Done-day

I'm done.

Not with work, or the million things I have to do, or the ten million things I want to do.  Today, I'm just done.

I've been good - I got up in time, made breakfast from scratch, prepped my lunch, biked to work, got here and got everything ready in plenty of time for the noon opening.  And now I've been doing some freelance stuff because I'm broke and need the extra cash...but I'm tired.  I don't want to work anymore, and I resent that I have to work two freelance gigs on top of my day job to pay the bills.

I just want to sit here, keep one eye on the monitors, and daydream about impossible things; winning the lotto, spending a month in Naples, driving an Alfa Romeo down the Amalfi drive, seeing Carnivale in Brazil, the northern lights in Alaska, Incan pyramids and Egyptian ones, to dive for pearls in Hawaii and trek to the North Pole in their summer.

But what I should do is work, or I won't have a chance of making *any* of that become reality.  Blah.  How I hate growing up!

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