Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thunderstorms again!

Thunderstorms every day for over a week?!  This is driving me nuts!  I can't go to the beach, I can't swim (it literally thunders most of the day and I don't dare get in the water when it's thundering), and I barely get to go outside.  I leave the back door cracked (with the screen door closed to keep out the bugs of course) to get some air circulating so that's something I guess.

I couldn't sleep until 7 am this morning.  I suppose I should've gotten up for the day then and I'd be passed out by now, but I couldn't do it, I was so tired and miserable I had to stay in bed and try to sleep.

Cats have been driving me nuts - they won't go outside in the afternoon because I'm inside eating or writing and then they get all naggy once I close the back door.  Narcissus was missing for FIVE HOURS tonight and it turned out he'd been inside the whole time!  I've closed my parents' door, my sister's door and the guest room door now.  He can only get into my room, my bathroom, and the main part of the house.  I'm so sick of these heart attacks!

My parents will be back in a week, which is great, but I leave the country in ten days and I'm flipping out about it.  I need to make a packing list - and pack - and I've been carrying around a notebook and pen all day today to write it up but I somehow haven't managed it.

Between my thesis and the ghastly nightmares I've been having I've been stress-eating too, and all the thunderstorms have quite effectively prevented me from exercising.  Maybe doing a rush clean of the house - my parents will be FURIOUS if they come back and it's still an ungodly mess because of my sister's move - will balance my equilibrium and I'll get my head on straight.  I wish she would get this stuff out of here!  I had the house looking so nice!  The mess is depressing me.

I really want chocolate.  But the stores here all stink and close at 9 pm (how I miss College Station - never thought I'd say that!) so maybe I'll just have a cookie and curl up with a book.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Watching the Guy's Choice Awards

No idea why.  It's pretty bad.  Best moment so far is when they brought a soldier on stage and he said, "If I could do it all over again, I'd join the Air Force."

Been a rainy, miserable day.  Cats are cross the rain chased them inside.  I'm cross the rain chased me inside.  I'm cross that it's predicted to thunderstorm every day until June 20th.  No beach for me then :(  Not that I really want to go to the beach at the weight I'm at right now, but you can ignore people if you try hard enough.

I'm depressed.  Thesis isn't going well.  I've been getting headaches.  None of my friends are returning my calls.  I don't really know what to do about it.  At least I have books.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The good, the bad and the painful

The good is that I went to Beall's today because they had a coupon in the paper for 30% off all clearance items. I scoured the racks and got two shirts I can wear to class and an adorable pair of earrings for $14.15 - for a total savings of $56.70! Not bad, hey?

The bad is that, upon my arrival back home,  I thought it might be good to look at the fence my neighbor said he would take down.

 To be fair it is now DOWN.  I just thought it would also be REMOVED.  Dad is going to kill me, but my foot still really hurts and I don't feel able to tackle that fence - also I have no idea where I would put it.  I'm pretty sure it costs money to haul stuff like that to the city dump, and I don't have a truck.

As referenced above, the painful is still my foot.  I've been looking at it and it sure seems to be healing, but walking around trying not to rest it on the ground has resulted in a muscle in my calf being pulled or something and walking is NOT comfortable.  So, once again, I've spent a lot of today on the couch.  This HAS to get better before I go to Croatia!

Anyway, it's late.  Planning on pjs, gingersnaps, and a storybook.  Hopefully that'll nix my headache!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Owie zowie

Well, my foot still hurts.  It's not bad at all when I'm on the couch, industriously typing away,  but when I'm limping around the house or garden after the cats it's definitely uncomfortable.  And when I went swimming this morning it REALLY hurt.

It doesn't look infected though, so that's good.

Today has been pretty cloudy off and on and there was a lot of thunder at 4:30 pm so I brought the cats inside, which led to a lot of meowed complaints come 8 pm when they realized they'd had even less time outside than usual, especially since I had a bout of insomnia come last night and only fell asleep at 5 am - which meant I overslept and only woke up and let them out at 9:30 am instead of 7:00 am.

I also have a bit of a headache.  Maybe I'll just make some pasta and go to bed with a book.  Here's to getting stuff done tomorrow!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Olá a todos!

Wow, I've neglected this blog shamefully!  In my defense, not only did I move from one apartment to another mostly by myself (had one friend help on the day I moved my bed and table and couch), but I got sick right before finals and spent a week on the couch dozing fitfully and sneezing frequently.  Then came finals, which we won't talk about, and then I came back to my parents' place and slept for a couple days straight.  Once I was recovered somewhat, a cousin from out of the country came to visit, and then my parents went on vacation and I've been house/pet setting.  I did get two A's and a B this semester so I'm pretty darn happy about that!

Being a "homeowner" is a lot harder than I thought it would be!  One of the more irritating parts is that I get up at 7 every morning, but instead of just taking my medicine and going back to sleep, I actually have to drag myself out of bed, go give the cat HIS medicine, let both of them outside, go out front and get the newspaper and bring it inside (don't want any burglars to think the house is empty), and only THEN can I go back to bed. 

Today when I was walking back to my bedroom I stubbed my foot, right under my pinky toe on a glass scale that is sitting between my room and my sister's room for some odd reason. I swore, and got back in to bed, but I soon realized it was stinging, and went to the bathroom to look at it and sure enough, I had separated a chunk of flesh! Washed it under the tap but it hurt so much I had to stop and covered it as well as I could with a couple band aids but it still hurts and I don't know if I can mow the lawn today.  It's really sore, and really upsetting because today is a perfect day to mow the lawn, and the grass is getting really really long. Hopefully I can do it tomorrow.  Also, it hasn't rained much this week so I'll HAVE to do the watering today because we only get to water on Sundays after 4 pm.  Foot, please stop hurting!

I also did a major clean of the house after my parents left (I did one the day after I got home too, and also completely emptied my mom's classroom for that matter) and it looked so lovely for about three days until my sister decided she needed to sort her possessions for her upcoming move and now the entire house is blanketed in a layer of her stuff, which is pissing me off.  I REALIZE you need space to sort out a move, but if her room weren't a toxic waste dump, she could do most of it in there and not force me to do a third major clean in the space of five weeks.  I've also been trying to clear out the kitchen and pantry, and although I've been doing a good job of emptying the fridge and freezer, the kitchen is a harder problem to tackle and I don't know if I'll really get it looking the way I want.

Mom left me a bunch of money for food and I confidently expected I'd have a lot to give back to her, but then I had to spend $30 on the cat's medicine, and I've realized they're almost out of tinned food, so I could easily use all of it.  Sigh.  Still, both the kitties are too thin as it is, they need to be properly fed.

I stupidly left my backpack in Texas (!!!) so I had to drop $34 on another one from Amazon for Croatia this summer, but when it came I was actually really happy with it.  It's got a padded laptop compartment (very reassuring for travel, even though I already bought a water-resistant neoprene case for it), lots of space, lots of pockets, AND an inner pocket for an iPad, if I owned such a thing.  It has places for water bottles too, but I can't find mine (MUST find it as it's BPA free and I love that thing) and don't know if it'll fit.  I chose one that had a design of roses on some panels as it was one of the cheapest designs (by several dollars) and the rest of the "cheap" designs were absolutely ghastly!

The backpack came in a large, flat box and Echo was delighted with it!  She's in it all the time now, only leaving it to eat, order me to do things, and play outside.  
This is her "You are disobeying my orders" face! 

I even tweeted a picture of her asleep in the box and tagged Amazon, and they replied!!  It was too funny.

My foot hurts so I think I'm going to lie back and watch some tv.  Midsomer Murders is back on Netflix!!  Hooray!!