Monday, June 9, 2014

Owie zowie

Well, my foot still hurts.  It's not bad at all when I'm on the couch, industriously typing away,  but when I'm limping around the house or garden after the cats it's definitely uncomfortable.  And when I went swimming this morning it REALLY hurt.

It doesn't look infected though, so that's good.

Today has been pretty cloudy off and on and there was a lot of thunder at 4:30 pm so I brought the cats inside, which led to a lot of meowed complaints come 8 pm when they realized they'd had even less time outside than usual, especially since I had a bout of insomnia come last night and only fell asleep at 5 am - which meant I overslept and only woke up and let them out at 9:30 am instead of 7:00 am.

I also have a bit of a headache.  Maybe I'll just make some pasta and go to bed with a book.  Here's to getting stuff done tomorrow!

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