Sunday, November 9, 2014

An artist's quandary

I have no idea whether it's finished or not.  I love it, and yet I look at it and wonder...oh well.  It's mine, and I can take all the time I need to finish it.

I was at Michael's weeks and weeks ago, buying some paint, canvases, and craft variety items for the Halloween costume I was making, and some girl behind me in line was talking about how she had been offered gallery space in a real museum, and people bought her art off Etsy and tried to buy it when they saw it in her apartment, and how she had dozens and dozens of finished canvases, but she 'didn't want to give them up' and 'let them go' and I just stood there in line and gripped my items and managed not to smack her silly for being so foolish and frankly, downright evil, as to brag about her success and about her inability to capitalize on her talent because she was too emotionally attached to her pieces to share them with the world.

I'm sure it's hard to part with your pieces.  But to refuse to give/loan them to a real museum that wants your artwork!!  Forget not selling on Etsy (although she claimed to be broke, and still buying loads of art supplies to create more art), a real museum!


Just oy.

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