Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sheer Exhaustion

What a week!  I don't know which way is up right now. 

Had an exam this morning, and was horribly frustrated that the professor accidentally put 7 more questions than he meant to, so told us to not answer the last 7 (I'd already done the whole test and was in the process of filling in my scantron), and those last 7 questions I knew all the answers to, but three or four in the middle I wasn't at all sure about, so I've probably lost some points!  So frustrating.

Then I worked for a couple hours, and by noon I was so cold and miserable and hungry I nearly cried, despite my jersey and the throw I keep at my desk, but then I remembered my old office-mate left a space heater in there, so I turned it on, put it under my desk, and in about 10 minutes I was actually warm (my office is notorious for being the coldest room in the building), felt significantly less hungry, and didn't want to cry anymore!  I must remember this for the future because I know it's just going to get colder in that damn icebox of an office.  Even my current office-mate, a northerner who is gloating over the fact it's supposed to get down to 39F this weekend as an overnight low, thinks our office is way too cold and keeps a sweater in there.

I was relieved when it was lunchtime, but a blonde girl has suddenly developed the habit of being in the grad student lounge when I come up for lunch, which drives me INSANE.  I've decided I must have both introvert and extrovert qualities, because spending 10 hours or so on campus (which I do a lot of days) is really hard on me and I need a half hour entirely to myself to recharge and get through the end of my day in one piece.  Then when she left, and I was just rising to lie down on the couch for the five minutes I had left, another girl came in and asked, "Oh, are you studying?" - despite the macaroni and cheese cup in my hand - and I politely said no, she came in and dropped her belongings on the couch and I gave up my dreams of five minutes of calm and repose, and left.

Needless to say, I was in a seriously unpleasant mood by the time I got to Conservation class.  Class was okay.  Spot-cleaning rusty nails with 10% solutions of various acids is neither soothing nor fun, and I was very relieved I only had to do 45 minutes of work after class to complete my hours for the week.

Unfortunately, I have to go in tomorrow (I purposely work 10-12 hour days so that I DON'T have to go in Fridays!) but it shouldn't take long.  I'll take my car and run errands on the way home.  Need to get laundry quarters, supplies for a photography portfolio, my tires checked, things like that.  Then I need to work on my thesis and I SHOULD go to the opera night, but I'm not sure.  I usually enjoy myself when I'm there, but I'm so horridly tired right now, and have so much work to do this weekend, I don't know if I would.

I loathe being grown-up.  I never know what's the good thing for me, or the right thing for me to do!  That and I just put a percentage of my paycheck into my savings, and paid off my credit card and have so little money left for the month I'm practically frightened about it.  I still need stuff for Thanksgiving - cutlery, food, some little bowls and things.  Hopefully I'll be able to swing it, but I'm going to pray my hardest that I don't have to dip into my retirement savings.  It's all because I bought $200+ of furniture last month, and a bunch of very necessary cooking stuff that turned out to be more expensive than I thought.  Still, once I have everything then I won't have to spend money on it again, will I?

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