Monday, December 7, 2015

Finals Crunch

Well, it's the first Monday of my two-week finals hell.  Technically, it's a week and a half, since my last paper is due on December 16, but it'll feel like two weeks...or worse, it'll feel like two very long days that just won't end.

I've gotten a LOT done today - did two hours of work for my nonprofit job, sent some rather urgent emails, enrolled in health insurance (huzzah! ...very expensive huzzah, but still), registered for classes, did a sinkful of dishes, took out the trash, and I just now have French onion soup simmering away and it should be ready in 20 minutes or so.  (Had to make it - I need nice warm food to comfort me through finals week, plus although turkey stock made from my Thanksgiving turkey bones will last well, it doesn't last indefinitely.)

I have work from 5-10:30 tonight, and a presentation tomorrow afternoon that is nowhere near ready so I really need to be busting ass on that but damn if I just can't settle down to focus!!  I mean, I've gotten it started but it's just not progressing.  So I'm hoping a few minutes here will herd some of the cats loose in my head and I'll be able to work after I press "publish".

I'm really upset because I was washing one of my pretty IKEA serving bowls and chipped it when it slipped out of my hand and hit the sink.  It's such a tiny chip I hate to throw it away, but I know I can't serve food in it.  Would it be acceptable to keep wrapped candies in it?  It's really a very small chip.  I hope IKEA still makes them anyway.  I'll see when I go to Houston after finals are over to get my parents their Christmas biltong.

Ugh.  Still having trouble focusing.  Perhaps a brisk walk around the building will do the trick??  I can't wait til I'm finished with classes FOREVER!!!!!

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