Tuesday, December 1, 2015


I'm almost certainly ill right now.  I think I'm getting worse.  It doesn't help that it's cold in here - at least I have my mini heater.  I put my throws around my lap, and put the heater underneath (like a giant skirt) and turn it on for two-three minutes.  Then my legs are toasty warm for at least a quarter of an hour if I don't get up to get water.  And hopefully the short bursts of heat won't make my electrical bill hell.

I have three big projects left.  One due this Friday (I work from 11 am onward so I have to turn it in early in the morning), one due the next Friday, and one due the Thursday after that.  I need to get up early and go in to campus to get part of the first done on a campus computer. 

I really feel awful.  I need to work on my projects but my head is killing me.  I wish I could call out of work for two weeks to get all this stuff done.

I think I'll go to bed in a little bit.  I can't get much work done with a nasty headache.

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