Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Semester Two

This semester is going to be one for the record books. I'm taking four classes - Artifact Analysis, Computers in Anthropology, Proseminar, and a geography class that is basically How Academics Use Statistics.
I am also still working my job in the NAGPRA lab twenty hours a week. And on top of all that, I'm working on a project for the SAA (Society of American Archaeology) conference this March-April.

Oh, and I plan on sleeping, eating, and bathing regularly too.

Artifact Analysis is going to be tough, lots of outside time is going to be required. And it's a LOT of computers. Oh, computers. I'm also kind of mad that we won't be working in IIRMES. That's the whole reason I CAME to CSULB...I plz can haz IIRMES???

Computers in Anthropology is also going to be tough, but last night I managed to follow Dr. Lipo's instructions so well that I not only did everything right, he saw my screen and said, "Good job!"
I'm hoping that that's an omen for the rest of the semester!

Proseminar is basically a class on how to write a really good thesis/project proposal, which is why I'm taking it now - it's only offered in the spring so it wouldn't be much use next semester. Dr. Quintiliani is really nice, so I'm hoping this class will be easier than it otherwise would.

My geography class is mostly computer-based too which is driving me nuts - that's THREE classes that have a computer focus! I'd better be a genius by the end of the semester, that's all I have to say. Dr. Rodrigue is nice, funny AND she knows how to explain things, so I like her.

I guess I should I get back to work. The more I get done today, the less I have to do this weekend.

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