Friday, February 4, 2011

What a week...

I'm so tired, and it's just the beginning of the semester.

For geography, I'm mostly done, I just have to type up a final version of the work I've been doing all week, print everything out nicely and "autograph" it all.
For proseminar I have to do some reading...I'm not sure what else, I think I might have to start an annotated bibliography, but that might be the week after.
For artifact analysis I have done all the measurements for the lab, so I just have to write it up and make it all pretty...I also have reading to do and an essay to write.
For computers I think I just need to do reading, I'm pretty sure I can do the lab next week.

I need to email Dr. Lipo about starting the actual work for my SAA project...and for my job, I have to find some specific forms and fill them out and make an information packet for this man named Troy (he does the liasing with the Native American tribes) to distribute around the county for any tribes that might have a claim on this first site I'm writing up. I'm not quite sure where to find them, but the internet is amazing, and if not, one of my former profs did a lot of CRM, I'm sure he can point me in the right direction.

I'm also going to do laundry this weekend...and I really ought to vacuum and scrub, but we'll see about that. Keeping Up Appearances just ended, and I can only imagine Hyacinth's look of horror if she knew the only thing I clean regularly in my house (besides myself) is my laundry and my kitchen countertop.

I decided to break open a bottle of Two Buck Chuck tonight, but I have a great excuse: last weekend's grocery shopping yielded two Cornish game hens, and I found a five-star recipe on that requires white wine. Since an open bottle has to be drunk fairly quickly, I decided to open it tonight and drink it over the weekend, finishing it with cooking with it Sunday night. Of course, it means I have to buy rosemary and butter this Sunday when I go grocery shopping...I've been trying to avoid butter but this recipe looks REALLY good. And I really want to try this recipe, it looks great. If I can find some baby red potatoes I'll cook those too, they're supposed to be lovely baked in the juices.

I think I'll get a box of beer when I go to Costco this weekend though, it's a lot easier to just have one beer than it is to open a bottle of wine and not feel guilty about drinking one glass and worrying about it going bad. Of course Two Buck Chuck is hardly an exquisite, ancient vintage, but I feel bad wasting things. Especially after seeing the slums of South Africa and the teeny villages Ethiopia...lots of people there would love a glass of wine, I'm sure.

I'm watching the first episode of As Time Goes's so funny! The adult humor never meant anything to me as a child, but I love it now. Of course, it's also depressing, because I never seem to run into anyone half so interesting as Lionel (although I have met a few who are more polite...) these days. The other day I was in a grocery store and some man was hitting on me and I asked his age and he was 35! I had to laugh...of course he had no idea I was 23 and was shocked when I told him so (people will tell me I look 26)...but it was so ludicrous.

That's enough for now. I think now is the time to curl up and really pay attention to the britcoms. Somehow, watching the shows I watched (and never quite understood) as a child brings me that little bit closer to my family, even though they're 2,500 miles away from me.

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