Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Know A Rose Tree

It's a quarter past midnight and I just finished working on my geology report - don't be too proud, it's not finished. I haven't done the discussion, conclusion or the abstract yet, and I still need to tweak what I have written, add some well-chosen photographs, and finish my stratigraphic column, which is currently the bane of my existence.

Got up at 8:30 this morning - I kept on waking up all through the night so I needed that extra half-hour - and showered and enjoyed an hour's worth of playing on the internet. Went to class and participated in the discussion, then came home, ate lunch and started working on geography.

Ate dinner at 6, then left for Theory at 6:30. Theory lasted from 7 pm - 9:40 pm and I only got home at 10 pm, and immediately started working on geology again.

Now it is the witching hour and I'm exhausted and A Celtic Soltice's "Home" just came on and it's making me cry like it always does.

Definitely bedtime.

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